3,742 research outputs found

    Cyclic di-GMP mediates a histidine kinase/phosphatase switch by noncovalent domain cross-linking

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    Histidine kinases are key components of regulatory networks in bacteria. Although many of these enzymes are bifunctional, mediating both phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of downstream targets, the molecular details of this central regulatory switch are unclear. We showed recently that the universal second messenger cyclic di-guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) drives Caulobacter crescentus cell cycle progression by forcing the cell cycle kinase CckA from its default kinase into phosphatase mode. We use a combination of structure determination, modeling, and functional analysis to demonstrate that c-di-GMP reciprocally regulates the two antagonistic CckA activities through noncovalent cross-linking of the catalytic domain with the dimerization histidine phosphotransfer (DHp) domain. We demonstrate that both c-di-GMP and ADP (adenosine diphosphate) promote phosphatase activity and propose that c-di-GMP stabilizes the ADP-bound quaternary structure, which allows the receiver domain to access the dimeric DHp stem for dephosphorylation. In silico analyses predict that c-di-GMP control is widespread among bacterial histidine kinases, arguing that it can replace or modulate canonical transmembrane signaling

    EXACT2: the semantics of biomedical protocols

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    © 2014 Soldatova et al.; licensee BioMed Central. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background: The reliability and reproducibility of experimental procedures is a cornerstone of scientific practice. There is a pressing technological need for the better representation of biomedical protocols to enable other agents (human or machine) to better reproduce results. A framework that ensures that all information required for the replication of experimental protocols is essential to achieve reproducibility. Methods: We have developed the ontology EXACT2 (EXperimental ACTions) that is designed to capture the full semantics of biomedical protocols required for their reproducibility. To construct EXACT2 we manually inspected hundreds of published and commercial biomedical protocols from several areas of biomedicine. After establishing a clear pattern for extracting the required information we utilized text-mining tools to translate the protocols into a machine amenable format. We have verified the utility of EXACT2 through the successful processing of previously ‘unseen’ (not used for the construction of EXACT2) protocols. Results: The paper reports on a fundamentally new version EXACT2 that supports the semantically-defined representation of biomedical protocols. The ability of EXACT2 to capture the semantics of biomedical procedures was verified through a text mining use case. In this EXACT2 is used as a reference model for text mining tools to identify terms pertinent to experimental actions, and their properties, in biomedical protocols expressed in natural language. An EXACT2-based framework for the translation of biomedical protocols to a machine amenable format is proposed. Conclusions: The EXACT2 ontology is sufficient to record, in a machine processable form, the essential information about biomedical protocols. EXACT2 defines explicit semantics of experimental actions, and can be used by various computer applications. It can serve as a reference model for for the translation of biomedical protocols in natural language into a semantically-defined format.This work has been partially funded by the Brunel University BRIEF award and a grant from Occams Resources

    The chemotherapeutic agent DMXAA as a unique IRF3-dependent type-2 vaccine adjuvant

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    5,6-Dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid (DMXAA), a potent type I interferon (IFN) inducer, was evaluated as a chemotherapeutic agent in mouse cancer models and proved to be well tolerated in human cancer clinical trials. Despite its multiple biological functions, DMXAA has not been fully characterized for the potential application as a vaccine adjuvant. In this report, we show that DMXAA does act as an adjuvant due to its unique property as a soluble innate immune activator. Using OVA as a model antigen, DMXAA was demonstrated to improve on the antigen specific immune responses and induce a preferential Th2 (Type-2) response. The adjuvant effect was directly dependent on the IRF3-mediated production of type-I-interferon, but not IL-33. DMXAA could also enhance the immunogenicity of influenza split vaccine which led to significant increase in protective responses against live influenza virus challenge in mice compared to split vaccine alone. We propose that DMXAA can be used as an adjuvant that targets a specific innate immune signaling pathway via IRF3 for potential applications including vaccines against influenza which requires a high safety profile

    Examining c-di-GMP and possible quorum sensing regulation in Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25:links between intra and inter-cellular regulation benefits community cooperative activities such as biofilm formation

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    Bacterial success in colonizing complex environments requires individual response to micro-scale conditions as well as community-level cooperation to produce large-scale structures such as biofilms. Connecting individual and community responses could be achieved by linking the intracellular sensory and regulatory systems mediated by bis-(3′-5′)-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) and other compounds of individuals with intercellular quorum sensing (QS) regulation controlling populations. There is growing evidence to suggest that biofilm formation by many pseudomonads is regulated by both intra and intercellular systems, though in the case of the model Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 Wrinkly Spreader in which mutations increasing c-di-GMP levels result in the production of a robust cellulose-based air-liquid interface biofilm, no evidence for the involvement of QS regulation has been reported. However, our recent review of the P. fluorescens SBW25 genome has identified a potential QS regulatory pathway and other QS–associated genes linked to c-di-GMP homeostasis, and QS signal molecules have also been identified in culture supernatants. These findings suggest a possible link between c-di-GMP and QS regulation in P. fluorescens SBW25 which might allow a more sophisticated and responsive control of cellulose production and biofilm formation when colonising the soil and plant-associated environments P. fluorescens SBW25 normally inhabits.Анализ ц-ди-ГМФ и возможного чувства кворума у Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW 25: связь между внутри и межклеточной регуляцией способствует кооперативному поведению в сообществе и формированию биоплёнкиУспешность бактериальной колонизации сложных экониш требует индивидуального ответа на изменения условий на микроуровне равно как и кооперации на уровне сообщества для продукции таких крупно масштабных структур как биоплёнки. Координация индивидуальных ответ ов и ответов сообщества может быть достигнута путем связывания внутриклеточных сенсорных и регуляторных систем, опосредуемых бис-(3',5')-циклическим димерным гуанозинмонофосфатом (ц-ди-ГМФ) и другими соединениями индивидуумов с межклеточной регуляцией - чувством кворума (ЧК), контролирующем популяци ю. Накапливается всё больше доказательств того, что формирование биопленки многими псевдомонадами регулируется как внутри клеточными, так и меж клеточными регуляторными системами, хотя в случае модельной Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 Wrinkly Spreader, у которой мутации, повышающ ие уровни ц-ди-ГМФ, приводят к созданию прочной целлюлозной биоплёнки на границе раздела фаз воздух-жидкость, не было обнаружено ни ка кого свидетельства вовлечения кворум-зависимой регуляции. Однако наш недавний обзор генома P. fluorescens SBW25 выявил потенциальный ЧК-зависимый регуляторный пу ть и другие ЧК-зависимые гены, связанные с гомеостазом ц-ди-ГМФ, а молекулы ЧК-сигналинга были идентифицированы в культуре. Эти данные свидетельствуют о возможной связи между ц-ди-ГМФ-регуляцией и ЧК у P. fluorescens SBW25, что позволяет более сложный и гибкий контроль над продукцией целлюлозы и образовани ем биопленки при колонизации почв и экониш, aссоциированных с растениям и, - естественными средами обитания P. fluorescens SBW25

    Structure-Function Investigation of Proteins Involved in Cellulose Biosynthesis by Escherichia coli

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    Bacteria thrive within multicellular communities called biofilms consisting of a self-produced matrix. Biofilm matrices improve bacterial adherence to surfaces while creating a barrier from host immune responses, disinfectants, antibiotics and other environmental factors. Persistent colonization by the widely distributed pathogens, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp., has been linked to production of biofilms composed of the exopolysaccharide cellulose. Cellulose-containing biofilms are also important to Acetobacter, Sarcina, Rhizobium and Agrobacterium species to form symbiotic and pathogenic interactions. In Enterobacteriaceae, two operons (bcsABZC and bcsEFG) are proposed to encode for proteins that form a cellulose biosynthetic complex that spans the bacterial cell wall. Using established recombinant DNA techniques, crystallography and functional assays, the overarching objectives of this research included the investigation of the structures and functions of the BcsE and BcsG proteins to gain insight into how they contribute to the Bcs system. The cytoplasmic protein BcsE has been shown via knockout studies to be required for optimal cellulose biosynthesis and recently the C-terminus was proven to be the second protein domain, after PilZ, dedicated to c-di-GMP binding in Enterobacteriaceae. The N-terminal structure and function of BcsE are still uncharacterized. One hypothesis for the function of BcsG is that it is involved in the labelling of cellulose with phosphoethanolamine (PEA) during export due to its homology to other characterized proteins. For example, the external modification with PEA is a strategy that allows organisms like Neisseria gonorrheae to evade components of the host immune response. However, the structure, cellular localization and specific mechanism of action of BcsG are yet unknown. To gain insight into the hypothetical properties of BcsE and BcsG, bioinformatics analyses were first conducted. The following research focused on the structure-function characterization of these proteins using recombinant truncated constructs for hypothetical N- and C-terminal domains. While practical quantities of BcsE constructs could be expressed and purified, these constructs proved challenging to isolate in sufficient purity and concentration for structural analyses. High yields of the C-terminal, soluble BcsG construct (amino acids 164 – 559) were ideal for structural and functional analyses. Malachite green-based colorimetric phosphate detection assays supported the bioinformatics analyses that the soluble C-terminus of BcsG has phosphatase activity in the presence of ATP, GTP, CTP and PEA. Metal dependency and pH tests showed that optimal BcsG activity occurs at pH 7.5 with a magnesium cofactor (2.03 x 10-1 +/- 0.008 nmol/mg/min) which supports bioinformatics predictions. Using a BcsG1-559-GFP hybrid, the localization of the soluble C-terminus of BcsG was shown to reside in the periplasm of E. coli. This localization aligns with bioinformatics analysess and would give BcsG a logical vantage point for cellulose modification during export from the cell. Numerous crystallization screens were attempted for BcsE and BcsG constructs. High quality BcsG164-559 native protein crystals were achieved with resolutions as sharp as 2.1Å as measured by X-ray analysis at the Canadian Light Source. Experimental phasing with heavy metal soaking and selenomethionine labeling techniques were attempted in search of missing phase information for BcsG164-559. These techniques have shown promise; however, experiments are ongoing. Future studies with BcsG should continue phasing experiments, test more substrates from the PEA metabolism pathway and attempt active site characterization. Future BcsE research should focus on N-terminal functional investigations and structural experiments for the N- and C-termini

    miR-196b target screen reveals mechanisms maintaining leukemia stemness with therapeutic potential.

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    We have shown that antagomiR inhibition of miRNA miR-21 and miR-196b activity is sufficient to ablate MLL-AF9 leukemia stem cells (LSC) in vivo. Here, we used an shRNA screening approach to mimic miRNA activity on experimentally verified miR-196b targets to identify functionally important and therapeutically relevant pathways downstream of oncogenic miRNA in MLL-r AML. We found Cdkn1b (p27Kip1) is a direct miR-196b target whose repression enhanced an embryonic stem cell–like signature associated with decreased leukemia latency and increased numbers of leukemia stem cells in vivo. Conversely, elevation of p27Kip1 significantly reduced MLL-r leukemia self-renewal, promoted monocytic differentiation of leukemic blasts, and induced cell death. Antagonism of miR-196b activity or pharmacologic inhibition of the Cks1-Skp2–containing SCF E3-ubiquitin ligase complex increased p27Kip1 and inhibited human AML growth. This work illustrates that understanding oncogenic miRNA target pathways can identify actionable targets in leukemia