7 research outputs found

    Applications of Real-Time Simulation Technologies in Power and Energy Systems

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    Real-time (RT) simulation is a highly reliable simulation method that is mostly based on electromagnetic transient simulation of complex systems comprising many domains. It is increasingly used in power and energy systems for both academic research and industrial applications. Due to the evolution of the computing power of RT simulators in recent years, new classes of applications and expanded fields of practice could now be addressed with RT simulation. This increase in computation power implies that models can be built more accurately and the whole simulation system gets closer to reality. This Task Force paper summarizes various applications of digital RT simulation technologies in the design, analysis, and testing of power and energy systems

    Advancements in Real-Time Simulation of Power and Energy Systems

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    Modern power and energy systems are characterized by the wide integration of distributed generation, storage and electric vehicles, adoption of ICT solutions, and interconnection of different energy carriers and consumer engagement, posing new challenges and creating new opportunities. Advanced testing and validation methods are needed to efficiently validate power equipment and controls in the contemporary complex environment and support the transition to a cleaner and sustainable energy system. Real-time hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation has proven to be an effective method for validating and de-risking power system equipment in highly realistic, flexible, and repeatable conditions. Controller hardware-in-the-loop (CHIL) and power hardware-in-the-loop (PHIL) are the two main HIL simulation methods used in industry and academia that contribute to system-level testing enhancement by exploiting the flexibility of digital simulations in testing actual controllers and power equipment. This book addresses recent advances in real-time HIL simulation in several domains (also in new and promising areas), including technique improvements to promote its wider use. It is composed of 14 papers dealing with advances in HIL testing of power electronic converters, power system protection, modeling for real-time digital simulation, co-simulation, geographically distributed HIL, and multiphysics HIL, among other topics

    Improving continuous crystallisation using process analytical technologies: design of a novel periodic flow process

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    In this thesis novel configurations and operating strategies in the mixed suspension mixed product removal (MSMPR) crystalliser are investigated, aided by integrated process analytical technologies (PAT) and crystallisation informatics system (CryPRINS) tools. The MSMPR is an idealised crystalliser model that assumes: steady-state operation; well mixed suspension with no product classification, such that all volume elements contain a mixture of particles (small and large) and crystal size distribution (CSD) that is independent of location in the crystalliser and is identical of the product withdrawn; and uniform supersaturation thought, leading to constant nucleation and growth rates. Single-stage MSMPR designs with continuous recycle/recirculation and modified heat exchanger were investigated and found to minimise fouling, encrustation and transfer line blockages. In particular, a modified MSMPR with baffled heat exchanger was found to significantly reduce the temperature between incoming feed hot feed solution and the cooled crystalliser, leading to a significant reduction in fouling, encrustation and blockages. In addition, the concept of the periodic mixed suspension mixed product removal (PMSMPR) crystallisation process is demonstrated for the first time viz single- and multi-stage cascaded operations. This method of operation involves the periodic transfer of slurry (addition and withdrawal) at high flow rates from either a single stirred vessel or between a number of stirred vessels arranged in series. The PMSMPR is therefore characterised by periodic withdrawals of product slurry. Similar to the MSMPR, the product withdrawn from a PMSMPR has exactly the same composition as the vessel at the time of removal. The rapid withdrawal of slurry at high flow rates in PMSMPR operation leads to the prevention of particle sedimentation and blockage of transfer lines. The transfer of slurry (to/from) the PMSMPR is followed by a holding (or pause) period when no addition or withdrawal of slurry takes place. The holding period extends the mean residence time of the PMSMPR relative to a typical MSMPR, thereby increasing the yield and productivity of crystallisation as more time is allowed for consumption of available supersaturation viz crystal growth and nucleation. A state of controlled operation (SCO) in the periodic flow process, defined as a state of the system that maintains itself despite regular, but controlled disruptions was characterised using the PAT tools and CryPRINS within an intelligent decision support (IDS) framework. The crystallisation of paracetamol (PCM) from isopropyl alcohol (IPA) using different configurations of a single-stage continuous MSMPR crystalliser that incorporated continuous recycle and recirculation loop, and a novel design with baffled heat exchanger was investigated. Crystallisations of PCM-IPA carried out in the MSMPR without heat exchanger suffered from severe fouling, encrustation and blockage problems due to the high level of supersaturation (S = 1.39) in the crystalliser, which was required for the initial burst of nucleation to generate enough particles for later growth, as well as the large temperature difference between the incoming feed (45 oC) and the crystalliser (10 oC). Using the modified MSMPR design with baffled heat exchanger, the challenges of fouling, encrustation and blockage were significantly reduced due to the rapid lowering of the feed stream temperature prior to entering the crystalliser. In addition, the closed loop system led to conservation of material, which is a great benefit since large amounts of materials would otherwise be required if the MSMPR was operated with continuous product removal. This design is great for research purposes, in particular, to investigate process design and optimisation. Continuous crystallisation of PCM in the presence of hydroxyl propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) additive was investigated in the modified MSMPR design with heat exchanger. HPMC was found to improve the crystallisation performance, leading to complete avoidance of fouling, encrustation and blockages at a concentration of 0.05 wt%. However, the yield of crystallisation was significantly reduced (28.0 %) compared to a control experiment (98.8 %, biased due to fouling/encrustation) performed without additive addition. Regardless, the productivity of crystallisation was more than four times that achieved in batch linear cooling (LC) (0.62 0.86 g/L-min) and batch automated dynamic nucleation control (ADNC) (0.24 0.25 g/L-min) runs. Aspects of the periodic flow crystallisation of single- and multi-component (co-crystals) molecular systems have also been examined to demonstrate the concept of state of controlled operation . The single component systems studied were PCM and glycine (GLY), each representative of compounds with slow and fast growth kinetics, respectively. The co-crystal systems investigated were urea-barbituric acid (UBA) and p Toluenesulfonamide-Triphenylphosphine oxide (p-TSA-TPPO). UBA is a polymorphic co-crystal system with three known forms (I, II and III). Form I UBA was successfully isolated in a three-stage periodic flow PMSMPR crystalliser. This study demonstrates the capability of periodic flow crystallisation for isolation of a desired polymorph from a mixture. p-TSA-TPPO exists in two known stoichiometric co-crystal forms, 1:1 and 3:2 mole ratio p-TSA-TPPO, respectively. The two crystalline forms exhibit solution mediated transformation, which proves to be a difficulty for separation. For this study, the implementation of temperature cycles in batch and flow control in semi-batch and periodic PMSMPR crystallisers were investigated to isolate pure 1:1 and 3:2 p-TSA-TPPO, respectively. Different regions of the ternary diagram of p-TSA, TPPO and acetonitrile (MeCN) were investigated. The desired co-crystal form was isolated all crystallisation platforms investigated. However, greater consistency was observed in the semi-batch and PMSMPR operations respectively. Periodic flow crystallisation in PMSMPR is a promising alternative to conventional continuous MSMPR operation, affording greater degrees of freedom operation, slightly narrower RTD profiles, consistent product crystal quality (size, shape and distribution), longer mean residence times, higher yield and productivity and significant reduction in fouling, encrustation and transfer line blockages over prolonged operating periods. Furthermore, the PMSMPR is a versatile platform that can be used to investigate a range of different molecular systems. Relative to batch operation, the PMSMPR can operate close to equilibrium, however, this is dependent on the system kinetics. In addition, retrofitting of batch crystallisers to operate as PMSMPRS fairly simple and require only subtle changes to the existing design space. The integrated array of PAT sensors consisted of attenuated total reflectance ultra violet/visible spectroscopy (ATR-UV/vis), attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM), particle vision microscopy (PVM) and Raman spectroscopy. The results from the studies reported here illustrate very well the use of PAT and information system tools together to determine when the continuous and periodic MSMPR operations reaches a steady-state or state of controlled operation (i.e. periodic steady-state). These tools provided a better understanding of the variables and operating procedures that influence the two types of operations

    Accelerated Simulation of Large Scale Power System Transients

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    RÉSUMÉ Le temps de simulation est un paramètre crucial de l’analyse des transitoires dans les réseaux électriques et il est en train de devenir l’un des facteurs les plus importants pour mesurer les performances et la fiabilité des logiciels. Actuellement, la vitesse et les performances des processeurs ont atteint un point où l’accélération de gain en vitesse et d’opérations en virgule flottante peut être réduite en se concentrant uniquement sur l’aspect vitesse des processeurs individuels. Au contraire, la recherche en informatique et le développement de matériel informatique tendent de plus en plus à rendre les processeurs parallèles plutôt que plus rapides. D'autre part, la simulation des systèmes électriques devient de plus en plus complexe avec l'introduction de modèles complexes tels que les énergies renouvelables, les composantes de réseaux intelligents et l'électronique de puissance. En outre, la demande de puissance sans cesse croissante et l’augmentation de la zone de couverture des réseaux de distribution d’énergie contribuent à l’augmentation de la taille des réseaux de distribution d’énergie et ralentissent encore plus la simulation électromagnétique transitoire de ces réseaux. De nombreux -logiciels de simulation de type EMT effectuent actuellement leurs opérations de manière séquentielle en utilisant un seul - processeur, plutôt que tous les processeurs de la machine. Ce comportement entraîne un temps de simulation long et introduit des difficultés pour simuler des réseaux de systèmes d'alimentation plus avancés et complexes. Ce type de délai devient un obstacle lorsque de grands réseaux, réels ou existants, sont utilisés. Par exemple, simuler le réseau d'Hydro-Québec doté d'une matrice de taille 41555 × 41555 et contenant un grand nombre de dispositifs de commutation et des éléments non linéaires nécessite 1765 secondes pour simuler une seconde avec un pas de temps de 50us. La programmation parallèle multithread est maintenant disponible dans les compilateurs modernes. Elle peut être utilisée pour améliorer de manière significative les performances des calculs EMT. La recherche actuelles dans ce domaine est principalement appliqué à des systèmes moins complexes qui nécessitent l'intervention de l'utilisateur pour le découpage parallèle et manque de généralisation pour toute topologie rencontrée dans les études réels. Cette thèse développe une méthode de parallélisation entièrement automatique applicable aux systèmes à grande échelle avec des topologies arbitraires sans aucune intervention de l'utilisateur.----------ABSTRACT Simulation time is a crucial parameter in power system transient analysis. The simulation needs for electromagnetic transients are continuously increasing. The electromagnetic transient (EMT) type tools are now also used for the simulation of slower electromechanical transients in large scale power systems. The EMT approach for power system analysis is the most accurate approach, but it suffers from computation performance issues. Research on this aspect is currently of crucial importance. Research is timely and should increase the application range of EMT-type tools. In fact very fast EMT-type tools can have a major impact on the simulation and analysis of modern power grids with increased penetration of renewables. Currently, computer processor speed and performance reached a point where not much speed gain and floating-point operation acceleration can be achieved by only focusing on the speed aspect of individual processors. Rather, the trend in computer research and hardware development is becoming more and more focused on making processors parallel rather than faster. Many EMT-Type simulation packages currently perform their operations sequentially by using only one CPU core rather than all machine processors. This behaviour results in long simulation time and introduces major difficulties when simulating large and complex power grids. This type of delay becomes a show stopper when large, real and existing networks are used. Multithreaded parallel programming is now available in modern compilers. It can be used to significantly improve the performance of EMT computations. Current research in this field has been mostly applied to less complicated systems and requires user intervention. This thesis develops a fully automatic parallelization method that is applicable to large scale systems with arbitrary topologies. This PhD thesis presents existing progress in the field of electromagnetic transient simulation acceleration and highlights the different approaches that are adopted to achieve faster EMT simulation. The focus is mainly on threading through CPU exclusively on modern desktop computers used by engineers on daily basis

    Ultrasensitive detection of toxocara canis excretory-secretory antigens by a nanobody electrochemical magnetosensor assay.

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    peer reviewedHuman Toxocariasis (HT) is a zoonotic disease caused by the migration of the larval stage of the roundworm Toxocara canis in the human host. Despite of being the most cosmopolitan helminthiasis worldwide, its diagnosis is elusive. Currently, the detection of specific immunoglobulins IgG against the Toxocara Excretory-Secretory Antigens (TES), combined with clinical and epidemiological criteria is the only strategy to diagnose HT. Cross-reactivity with other parasites and the inability to distinguish between past and active infections are the main limitations of this approach. Here, we present a sensitive and specific novel strategy to detect and quantify TES, aiming to identify active cases of HT. High specificity is achieved by making use of nanobodies (Nbs), recombinant single variable domain antibodies obtained from camelids, that due to their small molecular size (15kDa) can recognize hidden epitopes not accessible to conventional antibodies. High sensitivity is attained by the design of an electrochemical magnetosensor with an amperometric readout with all components of the assay mixed in one single step. Through this strategy, 10-fold higher sensitivity than a conventional sandwich ELISA was achieved. The assay reached a limit of detection of 2 and15 pg/ml in PBST20 0.05% or serum, spiked with TES, respectively. These limits of detection are sufficient to detect clinically relevant toxocaral infections. Furthermore, our nanobodies showed no cross-reactivity with antigens from Ascaris lumbricoides or Ascaris suum. This is to our knowledge, the most sensitive method to detect and quantify TES so far, and has great potential to significantly improve diagnosis of HT. Moreover, the characteristics of our electrochemical assay are promising for the development of point of care diagnostic systems using nanobodies as a versatile and innovative alternative to antibodies. The next step will be the validation of the assay in clinical and epidemiological contexts

    Global Food Value Chains and Competition Law BRICS Draft Report

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