6 research outputs found

    Разработка кинетической модели синтеза органических соединений из оксида углерода и водорода

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    Объектом исследования является процесс синтеза органических соединений из оксида углерода и водорода и кинетическая модель синтеза, протекающего на ультрадисперсном железном катализаторе. Цель работы – разработка кинетической модели синтеза органических соединений из оксида углерода и водорода.The object of the study is the process of synthesis of organic compounds from carbon monoxide and hydrogen and a kinetic model of synthesis proceeding on an ultradispersed iron catalyst. The aim of the work is to develop a kinetic model for the synthesis of organic compounds from carbon monoxide and hydrogen

    Diseño de una proceso de oxicombustión basado en membranas cerámicas

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    [ES] Trabajo inicial en el laboratorio del Instituto de Tecnología Química de la UPV. Obtención de información sobre las condiciones de funcionamiento de una planta de este tipo. Diseño en CHEMCAD (o ASPEN) de un proceso de este tipo. Valoración económica.Ródenas Olaya, Y. (2014). Diseño de una proceso de oxicombustión basado en membranas cerámicas. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/49503.TFG

    Разработка кинетической модели синтеза органических соединений из оксида углерода и водорода

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    Объектом исследования является процесс синтеза органических соединений из оксида углерода и водорода и кинетическая модель синтеза, протекающего на ультрадисперсном железном катализаторе. Цель работы – разработка кинетической модели синтеза органических соединений из оксида углерода и водорода.The object of the study is the process of synthesis of organic compounds from carbon monoxide and hydrogen and a kinetic model of synthesis proceeding on an ultradispersed iron catalyst. The aim of the work is to develop a kinetic model for the synthesis of organic compounds from carbon monoxide and hydrogen

    An experimental and thermodynamic study of iron catalyst activation and deactivation during Fischer Tropsch synthesis

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    School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa August, 2016One gram amounts of a commercial iron based catalyst were loaded into three reactors and reduced with syngas, hydrogen and carbon monoxide respectively. Fischer Tropsch experiments on the three reactors in parallel with the same operating conditions, namely 60 mL(NTP)/min, 1 bar gauge and 250 °C, were then conducted for extended periods and the gaseous products analysed. Initially (for about 150 hours) the three catalysts had quite different carbon monoxide conversions. After this until about 1000 hours the conversions were similar. However the distribution of products for the differently reduced catalyst was significantly different. This suggested that permanent changes had been done to the catalysts by the different reducing conditions. To try to understand what the differences during the reduction process might be, a thermodynamic analysis of the solid phases after reduction was done. Unfortunately because all the thermodynamic data for the possible carbides was not available this analysis was of limited value. However it did suggest that hydrogen reduced catalyst might contain more oxides and the carbon monoxide reduced catalyst might contain more carbides. Some electron microscope and XRD experiments supported these ideas and might account for the different selectivities of the differently reduced catalysts. Runs after about 5000 hours were done at different flowrates (60, 30 and 15 mL(NTP)/min) of syngas and again the big effects were on differences between the selectivities, the big effects being when going to the lowest flowrate. After about 12000 hours regeneration of the catalysts was then done by oxidation and then the same syngas reduction on all the catalysts. Runs were then done at different pressures (1, 10 and 20 bar gauge) and again selectivities were the biggest effects that remained, clearly showing the initial reduction had made permanent changes. In the final section some novel plots were used to try to make more sense of the results. It was shown that for all the catalysts the Olefin to Paraffin ratios were tied to each other under all conditions and that they were mainly a function of the conversions with much higher values at low conversions.MT201

    Energy Systems Analysis for a Solar Economy

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    The use of solar energy for human needs faces challenges owing to its relatively low energy intensity and intermittent availability, coupled with the constrained availability of renewable carbon and land resources. This study uses systems analysis tools to identify carbon and energy efficient transformations of solar energy for different purposes, including transportation fuels and grid-scale energy storage. These efforts have been complemented with a feasibility analysis of existing fossil-energy and other hybrid pathways. In an era of limited fossil resources, liquid fuels from sustainably available (SA) biomass could meet the energy needs of the transportation sector. We present a method for synthesizing augmented biofuel processes, which improve biomass carbon conversion to liquid fuel (&etacarbon) compared to standalone biofuel processes by using supplemental solar energy in the form of H2, heat, and electricity. For any target &etacarbon, our method identifies a process, which is guaranteed to consume the least amount of solar energy among all competing designs, thereby minimizing the land area requirement for biofuel production. A non-convex mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model allowing for simultaneous mass, heat, and power integration, is built over a process superstructure and solved using global optimization tools. As a case study, we consider biomass thermochemical routes of gasification/Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis and fast-hydropyrolysis/hydrodeoxygenation. For &etacarbon =70-95%, the synergistic gain of the optimal integrated process is evidenced from the 28-156% lower solar energy consumption compared to augmented gasification/FT processes. To accommodate for the intermittent supply of solar heat and H, we suggest two alternative processing options: 1) flexible operation between low and high carbon recovery modes, or 2) adapting a novel energy storage concept based on the cyclic transformation between liquid carbon dioxide and a liquid carbon molecule for round the clock augmented biofuel production. If 100% SA biomass carbon conversion via augmented processes cannot meet the demand for renewable liquid fuel, additional carbon (i.e. atmospheric CO2) and land resources must be allocated for this end use. Here, the metric of Sun-to-Fuel (STF) efficiency is shown to be useful in identifying energy and land use efficient routes for converting atmospheric CO2 to liquid fuel. The availability of H2 is essential for the supply of fuels and chemicals in a solar economy. Using thermodynamic modeling, we estimate the achievable Sun-to-H2 (STH2) efficiency for water-splitting processes harnessing solar energy predominantly as heat. The estimated STH2 efficiencies of 35-54% for direct and two-stage (using Fe3O4/FeO) thermal water-splitting are greater than the achievable values for electrolytic or single bandgap photoelectrochemical water-splitting. Reconciling today\u27s energy system with the future solar economy vision demands an energy transition roadmap. For the transportation sector, we propose an energy efficient transition using compressed natural gas that eventually can be substituted with compressed methane derived from biomass. Alternatively, if liquid fuel use remains dominant, we identify synergistic processes for integrated biomass and natural gas conversion to liquid fuel during the interim period

    Development of a synthesis tool for gas-to-liquid complexes

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    Optimal synthesis of a Gas-To-Liquid complex is complicated due to many degrees of freedom in a highly constrained design space. One can choose between alternative, competing syngas manufacturing technologies, different types of Fischer–Tropsch catalysts and reactors, with numerous connectivity options and a range of operational conditions. On the other hand, the design space is confined by equipment, operational and knowledge constraints. Furthermore, economic performance needs to be aligned with carbon and energy efficiencies. To support GTL process design a computational synthesis tool is under development. Its purpose is to find and analyse the optimum structure and operational conditions for a given market scenario. The process model covers alternative syngas generation units and Fischer–Tropsch reactors with an extensive syngas recycle structure. The process units interact with the utility system, where power can be generated from off-gas and/or excess steam. The units are modelled in a reduced, input–output way by algebraic equations, reflecting mass and energy balances and pressure effects. A superstructure arises when considering multiple stages for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis with parallel reactors. The synthesis tool, implemented in AIMMS®, is applied to a realistic sample problem, showing profit optimisation by varying the distribution of NG to syngas generation units with different efficiencies. A sensitivity analysis is carried out by means of Singular Value Decomposition of sensitivity matrices to find dominant patterns of parametric influence on the optimum