17 research outputs found

    A Novel Propeller Design for Micro-Swimming robot

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    The applications of a micro-swimming robot such as minimally invasive surgery, liquid pipeline robot etc. are widespread in recent years. The potential application fields are so inspiring, and it is becoming more and more achievable with the development of microbiology and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). The aim of this study is to improve the performance of micro-swimming robot through redesign the structure. To achieve the aim, this study reviewed all of the modelling methods of low Reynolds number flow including Resistive-force Theory (RFT), Slender Body Theory (SBT), and Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) etc. The swimming model with these methods has been analysed. Various aspects e.g. hydrodynamic interaction, design, development, optimisation and numerical methods from the previous researches have been studied. Based on the previous design of helix propeller for micro-swimmer, this study has proposed a novel propeller design for a micro-swimming robot which can improve the velocity with simplified propulsion structure. This design has adapted the coaxial symmetric double helix to improve the performance of propulsion and to increase stability. The central lines of two helical tails overlap completely to form a double helix structure, and its tail radial force is balanced with the same direction and can produce a stable axial motion. The verification of this design is conducted using two case studies. The first one is a pipe inspection robot which is in mm scale and swims in high viscosity flow that satisfies the low Reynolds number flow condition. Both simulation and experiment analysis are conducted for this case study. A cross-development method is adopted for the simulation analysis and prototype development. The experiment conditions are set up based on the simulation conditions. The conclusion from the analysis of simulation results gives suggestions to improve design and fabrication for the prototype. Some five revisions of simulation and four revisions of the prototype have been completed. The second case study is the human blood vessel robot. For the limitations of fabrication technology, only simulation is conducted, and the result is compared with previous researches. The results show that the proposed propeller design can improve velocity performance significantly. The main outcomes of this study are the design of a micro-swimming robot with higher velocity performance and the validation from both simulation and experiment

    A novel voice-coil actuated mini crawler for in-pipe application employing active force control with iterative learning algorithm

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    This study proposes the design and development of an in-pipe mini crawler (or robot) capable of performing its various tasks with the ability to reject undesired disturbances resulting from friction and viscosity, as it was modeled, simulated, and experimented using an iterative learning algorithm (ILA)-based active force control (AFC) strategy. The crawler motion was executed based on a rapid and successive push-pull action plus friction that causes the crawler to move in an earthworm-like manner using a linear voice-coil actuator (VCA). A novel self-adjusted mechanism was designed to ensure that the crawler remained concentric in the pipe as it slides along the inner surface of the pipe. A novel control strategy was also proposed consisting of the AFC-based controller cascaded with a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller to control the crawler movement and expel off the applied perturbations. An intelligent PD-type ILA was employed to automatically tune the AFC while online. For the validation part, a prototype was designed, developed, and later experimented with using the proposed technique for a given set of conditions. The system integration employed a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) test configuration utilizing LabVIEW. Experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation counterpart, thereby indicating the practicality and feasibility of the control system in performing accurate and robust trajectory tracking. This shall serve as a good basis for designing more challenging tasks related to miniature crawling mechanism in-pipe applications

    Design and Implementation of Electromagnetic Actuation System to Actuate Micro/NanoRobots in Viscous Environment

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    The navigation of Micro/Nanorobots (MNRs) with the ability to track a selected trajectory accurately holds significant promise for different applications in biomedicine, providing methods for diagnoses and treatments inside the human body. The critical challenge is ensuring that the required power can be generated within the MNR. Furthermore, ensuring that it is feasible for the robot to travel inside the human body with the necessary power availability. Currently, MNRs are widely driven either by exogenous power sources (light energy, magnetic fields, electric fields, acoustics fields, etc.) or by endogenous energy sources, such as chemical interaction energy. Various driving techniques have been established, including piezoelectric as a driving source, thermal driving, electro-osmotic force driven by biological bacteria, and micro-motors powered by chemical fuel. These driving techniques have some restrictions, mainly when used in biomedicine. External magnetic fields are another potential power source of MNRs. Magnetic fields can permeate deep tissues and be safe for human organisms. As a result, magnetic fields’ magnetic forces and moments can be applied to MNRs without affecting biological fluids and tissues. Due to their features and characteristics of magnetic fields in generating high power, they are naturally suited to control the electromagnetically actuated MNRs in inaccessible locations due to their ability to go through tiny spaces. From the literature, it can be inferred from the available range of actuation technologies that magnetic actuation performs better than other technologies in terms of controllability, speed, flexibility of the working environment, and far less harm may cause to people. Also, electromagnetic actuation systems may come in various configurations that offer many degrees of freedom, different working mediums, and controllability schemes. Although this is a promising field of research, further simulation studies, and analysis, new smart materials, and the development and building of new real systems physically, and testing the concepts under development from different aspects and application requirements are required to determine whether these systems could be implemented in natural clinical settings on the human body. Also, to understand the latest development in MNRs and the actuation techniques with the associated technologies. Also, there is a need to conduct studies and comparisons to conclude the main research achievements in the field, highlight the critical challenges waiting for answers, and develop new research directions to solve and improve the performance. Therefore, this thesis aims to model and analyze, simulate, design, develop, and implement (with complete hardware and software integration) an electromagnetic actuation (EMA) system to actuate MNRs in the sixdimensional (6D) motion space inside a relatively large region of interest (ROI). The second stage is a simulation; simulation and finite element analysis were conducted. COMSOL multi-physics software is used to analyze the performance of different coils and coil pairs for Helmholtz and Maxwell coil configurations and electromagnetic actuation systems. This leads to the following.: • Finite element analysis (FEA) demonstrates that the Helmholtz coils generate a uniform and consistent magnetic field within a targeted ROI, and the Maxwell coils generate a uniform magnetic gradient. • The possibility to combine Helmholtz and Maxwell coils in different space dimensions. With the ability to actuate an MNR in a 6D space: 3D as a position and 3D as orientation. • Different electromagnetic system configurations are proposed, and their effectiveness in guiding an MNR inside a mimicked blood vessel environment was assessed. • Three pairs of Helmholtz coils and three pairs of coils of Maxwell coils are combined to actuate different size MNRs inside a mimicked blood vessel environment and in 6D. Based on the modeling results, a magnetic actuation system prototype that can control different sizes MNRs was conceived. A closed-loop control algorithm was proposed, and motion analysis of the MNR was conducted and discussed for both position and orientation. Improved EMA location tracking along a chosen trajectory was achieved using a PID-based closed-loop control approach with the best possible parameters. Through the model and analysis stage, the developed system was simulated and tested using open- and closed-loop circumstances. Finally, the closedloop controlled system was concluded and simulated to verify the ability of the proposed EMA to actuate an MN under different trajectory tracking examples with different dimensionality and for different sizes of MNRs. The last stage is developing the experimental setup by manufacturing the coils and their base in-house. Drivers and power supplies are selected according to the specifications that actuate the coils to generate the required magnetic field. Three digital microscopes were integrated with the electromagnetic actuation system to deliver visual feedback aiming to track in real-time the location of the MNR in the 6D high viscous fluidic environment, which leads to enabling closed-loop control. The closed-loop control algorithm is developed to facilitate MNR trajectory tracking and minimize the error accordingly. Accordingly, different tests were carried out to check the uniformity of the magnetic field generated from the coils. Also, a test was done for the digital microscope to check that it was calibrated and it works correctly. Experimental tests were conducted in 1D, 2D plane, and 3D trajectories with two different MNR sizes. The results show the ability of the proposed EMA system to actuate the two different sizes with a tracking error of 20-45 µm depending on the axis and the size of the MNR. The experiments show the ability of the developed EMA system to hold the MNR at any point within the 3D fluidic environment while overcoming the gravity effects. A comparison was made between the results achieved (in simulation and physical experiments) and the results deduced from the literature. The comparison shows that the thesis’s outcomes regarding the error and MNR size used are significant, with better performance relative to the MNR size and value of the error

    Concept, modeling and experimental characterization of the modulated friction inertial drive (MFID) locomotion principle:application to mobile microrobots

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    A mobile microrobot is defined as a robot with a size ranging from 1 in3 down to 100 µm3 and a motion range of at least several times the robot's length. Mobile microrobots have a great potential for a wide range of mid-term and long-term applications such as minimally invasive surgery, inspection, surveillance, monitoring and interaction with the microscale world. A systematic study of the state of the art of locomotion for mobile microrobots shows that there is a need for efficient locomotion solutions for mobile microrobots featuring several degrees of freedom (DOF). This thesis proposes and studies a new locomotion concept based on stepping motion considering a decoupling of the two essential functions of a locomotion principle: slip generation and slip variation. The proposed "Modulated Friction Inertial Drive" (MFID) principle is defined as a stepping locomotion principle in which slip is generated by the inertial effect of a symmetric, axial vibration, while the slip variation is obtained from an active modulation of the friction force. The decoupling of slip generation and slip variation also has lead to the introduction of the concept of a combination of on-board and off-board actuation. This concept allows for an optimal trade-off between robot simplicity and power consumption on the one hand and on-board motion control on the other hand. The stepping motion of a MFID actuator is studied in detail by means of simulation of a numeric model and experimental characterization of a linear MFID actuator. The experimental setup is driven by piezoelectric actuators that vibrate in axial direction in order to generate slip and in perpendicular direction in order to vary the contact force. After identification of the friction parameters a good match between simulation and experimental results is achieved. MFID motion velocity has shown to depend sinusoidally on the phase shift between axial and perpendicular vibration. Motion velocity also increases linearly with increasing vibration amplitudes and driving frequency. Two parameters characterizing the MFID stepping behavior have been introduced. The step efficiency ηstep expresses the efficiency with which the actuator is capable of transforming the axial vibration in net motion. The force ratio qF evaluates the ease with which slip is generated by comparing the maximum inertial force in axial direction to the minimum friction force. The suitability of the MFID principle for mobile microrobot locomotion has been demonstrated by the development and characterization of three locomotion modules with between 2 and 3 DOF. The microrobot prototypes are driven by piezoelectric and electrostatic comb drive actuators and feature a characteristic body length between 20 mm and 10 mm. Characterization results include fast locomotion velocities up to 3 mm/s for typical driving voltages of some tens of volts and driving frequencies ranging from some tens of Hz up to some kHz. Moreover, motion resolutions in the nanometer range and very low power consumption of some tens of µW have been demonstrated. The advantage of the concept of a combination of on-board and off-board actuation has been demonstrated by the on-board simplicity of two of the three prototypes. The prototypes have also demonstrated the major advantage of the MFID principle: resonance operation has shown to reduce the power consumption, reduce the driving voltage and allow for simple driving electronics. Finally, with the fabrication of 2 × 2 mm2 locomotion modules with 2 DOF, a first step towards the development of mm-sized mobile microrobots with on-board motion control is made

    Design and implementation of DSP-based magnetic control system for capsule endoscope

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    PhD ThesisEarly detection methods are key to reducing morbidity rates from digestive tract cancer which is currently one of the fastest growing cancers in the World. Capsule endoscopes (CEs) are a new technology that can be used to improve early detection of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract disorder. The device integrates the technologies such as image processing, optoelectronic engineering, information communication, and biomedical engineering. The capsule is the size and shape of a pill and contains an optoelectronic camera, antenna, transmitter, battery and optoelectronic illuminating light emitting diodes (LEDs). The small size of these devices enables them to offer many advantages over conventional endoscopes such as accessibility to the entire intestine and minimising the risk of perforation, particularly for patients with difficult anatomy (e.g. post-operative scar tissue). Currently used devices are passive and can only follow the natural transit of the intestines, and hence there is considerable interest in methods of controlled actuation for these devices. In this thesis, a novel actuation system based on magnetic levitation is designed, developed and implemented, utilizing a small permanent magnet embedded within the capsule and an arrangement of digitally controlled electromagnets outside the body. The proposed approach is that the magnet can be moved and oriented by DC magnetic force and torque produced by coils placed outside of the human body, with a suitable position feedback sensor enabling closed-loop control. Theoretical analyses of the proposed actuation system are presented which model the magnetic field, force and torque exerted by electromagnetic coil on the embedded magnet. Based on the distribution of the magnetic field, an optimal geometry for the coils is proposed in order to achieve a levitation distance which is realistic for the inspection of the GI tract. Two types of systems are investigated in the thesis, namely single-input single-output (SISO) and multi-input multi-output (MIMO), and the dynamics of these systems are modelled in state space form and hence linear controllers are designed for capsule actuation. The controllers are simulated using Matlab/ Simulink tools to realize the mathematical analysis of the system, and then implemented digitally in real-time using Texas Instruments (TI) TMS320F2812 Digital Signal Processor (DSP) to validate the proposed actuation system. In the SISO system, a linear one degree of freedom (1DOF) proportionalintegral- derivative (PID) controller is designed to move the inserted magnet in the vertical dimension within an area around the operating point and to maintain it at a desired position. A realistic simulation model is designed and implemented to evaluate the proposed controller. Simulation results have shown that the controller is able to successfully hold the embedded magnet in the desired position. For practical validation, the PID controller is implemented in real-time on the DSP system, where pulse width modulation (PWM) is generated to control the coil current, and Hall effect sensors are used for position feedback. Experimental results are obtained under step and square wave input demand. In the proposed system, high frequency noise on the position sensor is initially rejected by hardware implementation of resistor capacitor-low pass filter (RC-LPF) circuit. The accuracy of the position feedback is increased by calibrating the DSP’s on-chip analogue-digital converter (ADC) in order to reduce conversion error due to inherent gain and offset errors. To further reduce the influence of the position feedback noise, an average of ten repeated samples based on mean filter is implemented by the DSP in order to reduce the influctuation of the sensor reading. The tracking performance of the actuation system based on two Hall effect sensors on the opposite coil’s poles is investigated under step trajectory input. In an improved actuation system, position feedback is provided by using an AC magnetic field to obtain the capsule position information, decoupling this from the DC actuation field. The noise of the position feedback in the improved system is reduced by replacing the PWM current drive with a linear power amplifier driven from a digital to analogue converter (DAC), hence reducing AC interference. Positioning sensor noise was found to be further reduced by implementing digital filtering based on a coherent detector using the DSP, without increasing response time. The performance of the actuation system using these position sensors is compared based on settling time, overshoot, steady-state error, and control input parameters in order to validate the proposed improvement in the position feedback. The experimental results have shown that the controller based on both sensing strategies satisfactory control of the magnet’s position. However, the response of the system based on AC position sensing has the shortest settling time, smallest overshoot value and steady-state error. In the MIMO system, several linear controllers such as pole placement (PP), Entire Eigenstructure Assignment (EEA), and linear Quadratic regulator (LQR) techniques are designed and their tracking performances are compared. Simulation results have shown that, based on acceptable control inputs, the LQR controller has the fastest response with minimal overshoot value and steady state error. However, the LQR controller based on 2DOF is unable to maintain stable control of the magnet due to the insufficient position feedback from the two coil sensors. Specifically, it is not possible to achieve a stable 2D system since the orientation angle of the magnet is not resolvable. Therefore, the position feedback is improved by obtaining the device position and orientation information from a pair of 3-axis orthogonal coils. A realistic simulation model for the 3DOF LQR controller is designed and implemented to evaluate the developed system. Simulation results have shown that this controller is can achieve the necessary stability. In conclusion, based on the results from the 1D control system, the thesis shows that the DC magnetic field, which is used for capsule movement, can be also used to provide the controller acceptable position feedback. However, the use of AC magnetic field for positioning purpose provides more accurate position information. In order to implement 2DOF control system successfully, two 3-axis orthogonal coil sensors are considered which are used to provide the actuation algorithm with more accurate feedback of position and orientation information.Ministry of Higher Education, Iraq

    EUSPEN : proceedings of the 3rd international conference, May 26-30, 2002, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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    Design, characterization, visualization and navigation of swimming micro robots in channels

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    Recent advances in micro- and nano-technology and manufacturing systems enabled the development of small (1μm – 1 mm in length) robots that can travel inside channels of the body such as veins, arteries, similar channels of the central nervous system and other conduits in the body, by means of external magnetic fields. Bioinspired micro robots are promising tools for minimally invasive surgery, diagnosis, targeted drug delivery and material removal inside the human body. The motion of micro swimmers interacting with flow inside channels needs to be well understood in order to design and navigate micro robots for medical applications. This thesis emphasizes the in-channel swimming characteristics of robots with helical tails at low Reynolds number environment. Effects of swimming parameters, such as helical pitch, helical radius and the frequency of rotations as well as the effect of the radial position of the swimmer on swimming of the helical structures inside channels are analyzed by means of experiments and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models using swimmers at different sizes. Micro particle image velocimetry (micro-PIV) experiments are performed to visualize the flow field in the cylindrical channel while micro robot has different angular velocities. The effects of solid plane boundaries on the motion of the micro swimmers are studied by experiments and modeling studies using micro robots placed inside rectangular channels. Controlled navigation of micro robots inside fluid-filled channel networks is performed using two different motion mechanism that are used for forward and lateral motion, and using the strength, direction and frequency of the externally applied magnetic field as control inputs. Lastly, position of the magnetic swimmers is detected using Hall-effect sensors by measuring the magnetic field strength

    Proceedings of the 2018 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress

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    Published proceedings of the 2018 Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress, hosted by York University, 27-30 May 2018

    Micro Propulsion in Liquid by Oscillating Bubbles

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    A number of attempts have been made to fabricate microswimmers that possibly navigate in vivo including the artificial magnetic bacteria flagella, chemical microswimmers and natural organism based microswimmers. This paper presents another propelling mechanism in micron scale that works by oscillating microbubbles in acoustic field. First of all, the propulsion mechanism is proven by two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Then, the microswimmer device is made on a parylene structure by photolithography. The underwater propulsion in one-dimensional is demonstrated and the propulsion mechanism is also confirmed by experiments. The relation of the propulsion speed/bubble oscillation amplitude and the input acoustic signal is measured. It is shown that the propulsion will happen when the bubble oscillation amplitude (or Reynolds number) gets large enough which is close to the system acoustic resonance. Around this resonance frequency (about 11 kHz), the measured propulsion speed is up to 45 mm/s and payload-carrying ability is realized. The one-directional rotation acoustic turbo is also made with a speed of about 75 rpm. This acoustic frequency dependence also becomes the foundation for two-dimensional propulsion. Then, the bi-directional motion and two-dimensional steering motion are realized by microbubbles with different lengths based on their different acoustic resonances. First of all, the frequency behavior for long (about 760 μm average length) and short (about 300 μm average length) bubbles at about 6 kHz and 11 kHz are measured, including oscillation amplitude and generated microstreaming. By adjusting input acoustic frequency, specific bubbles could be activated selectively. Then, when the different microbubbles are arranged into opposite directions, the bi-directional propulsion can be realized, including back/forth motion and clockwise/counter-clockwise rotation. The bi-directional motion mechanism is also confirmed by three-dimensional CFD simulations and the net force is calculated. The concept is further developed into two-dimensional propulsion by arranging long and short bubbles into orthogonal directions on the same device. By switching the input acoustic frequency, the controlled steering propulsion is illustrated on a two-dimensional plane. Carrying of objects in a T-junction microchannel is shown as well. The last part of this thesis is focused on developing the microswimmer into a biodegradable device, including long- and short-tem. The long-term biodegradable device is fabricated by polycaprolactone (PCL) by a simple dipping method, and propulsion in a minitube is shown. The short-term biodegradable device is fabricated by rolling up magnesium film based on building stress mismatch mechanically with help of a stretcher. The method could also be applied to aluminium and parylene film rollups. At last, the propulsion and biodegradable abilities of magnesium microtube are demonstrated

    Challenges in the Locomotion of Self-Reconfigurable Modular Robots

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    Self-Reconfigurable Modular Robots (SRMRs) are assemblies of autonomous robotic units, referred to as modules, joined together using active connection mechanisms. By changing the connectivity of these modules, SRMRs are able to deliberately change their own shape in order to adapt to new environmental circumstances. One of the main motivations for the development of SRMRs is that conventional robots are limited in their capabilities by their morphology. The promise of the field of self-reconfigurable modular robotics is to design robots that are robust, self-healing, versatile, multi-purpose, and inexpensive. Despite significant efforts by numerous research groups worldwide, the potential advantages of SRMRs have yet to be realized. A high number of degrees of freedom and connectors make SRMRs more versatile, but also more complex both in terms of mechanical design and control algorithms. Scalability issues affect these robots in terms of hardware, low-level control, and high-level planning. In this thesis we identify and target three major challenges: (i) Hardware design; (ii) Planning and control; and, (iii) Application challenges. To tackle the hardware challenges we redesigned and manufactured the Self-Reconfigurable Modular Robot Roombots to meet desired requirements and characteristics. We explored in detail and improved two major mechanical components of an SRMR: the actuation and the connection mechanisms. We also analyzed the use of compliant extensions to increase locomotion performance in terms of locomotion speed and power consumption. We contributed to the control challenge by developing new methods that allow an arbitrary SRMR structure to learn to locomote in an efficient way. We defined a novel bio-inspired locomotion-learning framework that allows the quick and reliable optimization of new gaits after a morphological change due to self-reconfiguration or human construction. In order to find new suitable application scenarios for SRMRs we envision the use of Roombots modules to create Self-Reconfigurable Robotic Furniture. As a first step towards this vision, we explored the use and control of Plug-n-Play Robotic Elements that can augment existing pieces of furniture and create new functionalities in a household to improve quality of life