21,767 research outputs found

    Product Focused Freeform Fabrication Education

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    Presented in this paper is our experience of teaching freeform fabrication to students at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, and to high school students and teachers. The emphasis of the curriculum is exposing students to rapid product development technologies with the goal of creating awareness to emerging career opportunities in CAD/CAM. Starting from solid modeling, principles of freeform fabrication, to applications of rapid prototyping and manufacturing in industry sponsored product development projects, students can learn in-depth freeform fabrication technologies. Interactive course content with hands-on experience for product development is the key towards the success of the program.Mechanical Engineerin

    Rapid prototyping and AI programming environments applied to payload modeling

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    This effort focused on using artificial intelligence (AI) programming environments and rapid prototyping to aid in both space flight manned and unmanned payload simulation and training. Significant problems addressed are the large amount of development time required to design and implement just one of these payload simulations and the relative inflexibility of the resulting model to accepting future modification. Results of this effort have suggested that both rapid prototyping and AI programming environments can significantly reduce development time and cost when applied to the domain of payload modeling for crew training. The techniques employed are applicable to a variety of domains where models or simulations are required

    Study on an integrated system of rapid prototyping and manufacturing for 3D Digitizer to CNC Mill : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Technology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    The main purpose of this project is to develop a low cost, effective, user friendly interface software for staff and students to integrate the designing and manufacturing facilities in the Institute of Technology and Engineering (ITE) at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. The project involves establishment of an integrated CAD/CAM/CAE system, the identification of software requirements, selection of software development tool kit, definition of hardware configuration, software development and final experiments and tests. ITE has a laboratory, where are equipped with one CNC milling machine, one CNC lathe, one Injection Moulding machine, one desktop 3D scanner and one 3D plotter. In addition, all the CAD/CAM/CAE software have been installed on the PCs. Based on the analysis and utilisation of these existing facilities, it is found that they are not smoothly integrated; no linkage between the CAD/CAM/CAE system and desktop Rapid Prototyping facilities; file formats used by each of the system are not compatible. Through this project, the investigation of the possibility to integrate the system and the feasibility to develop a software to bridge the 3D scanner and the CNC mill, was carried out. A first try was successfully made using Borland C++5.0 to convert the 3D scanned data into NC program. Then, using Borland C++ Builder 5.0 created a user-friendly interface for conversion of 3D Digitizer to CNC Mill. Next, the different scales of wax models were satisfactorily processed on the CNC milling machine by inputting the converted NC program

    CLEAR: Automating control centers with expert system technology

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    The Communications Link Expert Assistance Resource (CLEAR) is a fault-isolation expert system to be utilized in the operational environment of the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) Mission Operations Room (MOR). CLEAR will assist the COBE Flight Operations Team (FOT) during periods of real-time data acquisition by isolating faults in the spacecraft communication link with the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS), providing advice on how to correct them, and logging the events for post-pass evaluation. After a brief introduction to the problem domain, the system requirements, tool selection, development approach, system operation and lessons learned during the transformation of the system from the prototype to the delivered, operation system are described

    Ecological IVIS design : using EID to develop a novel in-vehicle information system

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    New in-vehicle information systems (IVIS) are emerging which purport to encourage more environment friendly or ‘green’ driving. Meanwhile, wider concerns about road safety and in-car distractions remain. The ‘Foot-LITE’ project is an effort to balance these issues, aimed at achieving safer and greener driving through real-time driving information, presented via an in-vehicle interface which facilitates the desired behaviours while avoiding negative consequences. One way of achieving this is to use ecological interface design (EID) techniques. This article presents part of the formative human-centred design process for developing the in-car display through a series of rapid prototyping studies comparing EID against conventional interface design principles. We focus primarily on the visual display, although some development of an ecological auditory display is also presented. The results of feedback from potential users as well as subject matter experts are discussed with respect to implications for future interface design in this field

    A process for prototyping onboard payload displays for Space Station Freedom

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    Significant advances have been made in the area of Human-Computer Interface design. However, there is no well-defined process for going from user interface requirements to user interface design. Developing and designing a clear and consistent user interface for medium to large scale systems is a very challenging and complex task. The task becomes increasingly difficult when there is very little guidance and procedures on how the development process should flow from one stage to the next. Without a specific sequence of development steps each design becomes difficult to repeat, to evaluate, to improve, and to articulate to others. This research contributes a process which identifies the phases of development and products produced as a result of each phase for a rapid prototyping process to be used to develop requirements for the onboard payload displays for Space Station Freedom. The functional components of a dynamic prototyping environment in which this process can be carried out is also discussed. Some of the central questions which are answered here include: How does one go from specifications to an actual prototype? How is a prototype evaluated? How is usability defined and thus measured? How do we use the information from evaluation in redesign of an interface? and Are there techniques which allow for convergence on a design

    Technology networks for socially useful production

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    Innovation, design and CAE in new product development

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    There seems to be a need for clarification on a number of issues that are seminal for the design community: for example, the constructs of invention, of creativity and of innovation (or innovative) appear to be used interchangeably. They are all a vital interest for design but they are different things. Furthermore there is a failure to distinguish between what design has a legitimate interest in or should contribute to and that which is its direct responsibility. The authors of this paper will seek to clarify these and other issues. One of these interests is the increasing demand for sustainable practice: design has a crucial role here and this paper will explore how computer aids can be a powerful tool in this area and also more generally in both design and manufacture