7,102 research outputs found

    Development and Application of an Integrated Approach toward NASA Airspace Systems Research

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Airspace Systems Program is contributing air traffic management research in support of the 2025 Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). Contributions support research and development needs provided by the interagency Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO). These needs generally call for integrated technical solutions that improve system-level performance and work effectively across multiple domains and planning time horizons. In response, the Airspace Systems Program is pursuing an integrated research approach and has adapted systems engineering best practices for application in a research environment. Systems engineering methods aim to enable researchers to methodically compare different technical approaches, consider system-level performance, and develop compatible solutions. Systems engineering activities are performed iteratively as the research matures. Products of this approach include a demand and needs analysis, system-level descriptions focusing on NASA research contributions, system assessment and design studies, and common systemlevel metrics, scenarios, and assumptions. Results from the first systems engineering iteration include a preliminary demand and needs analysis; a functional modeling tool; and initial system-level metrics, scenario characteristics, and assumptions. Demand and needs analysis results suggest that several advanced concepts can mitigate demand/capacity imbalances for NextGen, but fall short of enabling three-times current-day capacity at the nation s busiest airports and airspace. Current activities are focusing on standardizing metrics, scenarios, and assumptions, conducting system-level performance assessments of integrated research solutions, and exploring key system design interfaces

    Human Performance Contributions to Safety in Commercial Aviation

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    In the commercial aviation domain, large volumes of data are collected and analyzed on the failures and errors that result in infrequent incidents and accidents, but in the absence of data on behaviors that contribute to routine successful outcomes, safety management and system design decisions are based on a small sample of non- representative safety data. Analysis of aviation accident data suggests that human error is implicated in up to 80% of accidents, which has been used to justify future visions for aviation in which the roles of human operators are greatly diminished or eliminated in the interest of creating a safer aviation system. However, failure to fully consider the human contributions to successful system performance in civil aviation represents a significant and largely unrecognized risk when making policy decisions about human roles and responsibilities. Opportunities exist to leverage the vast amount of data that has already been collected, or could be easily obtained, to increase our understanding of human contributions to things going right in commercial aviation. The principal focus of this assessment was to identify current gaps and explore methods for identifying human success data generated by the aviation system, from personnel and within the supporting infrastructure

    Engage D3.10 Research and innovation insights

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    Engage is the SESAR 2020 Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN). It is managed by a consortium of academia and industry, with the support of the SESAR Joint Undertaking. This report highlights future research opportunities for ATM. The basic framework is structured around three research pillars. Each research pillar has a dedicated section in this report. SESAR’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, Digital European Sky is a focal point of comparison. Much of the work is underpinned by the building and successful launch of the Engage wiki, which comprises an interactive research map, an ATM concepts roadmap and a research repository. Extensive lessons learned are presented. Detailed proposals for future research, plus research enablers and platforms are suggested for SESAR 3

    Virtual Block Control and Separation Bubbles in ATC Low Visibility Operations

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    Safety Sufficiency for NextGen: Assessment of Selected Existing Safety Methods, Tools, Processes, and Regulations

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    NextGen is a complex socio-technical system and, in many ways, it is expected to be more complex than the current system. It is vital to assess the safety impact of the NextGen elements (technologies, systems, and procedures) in a rigorous and systematic way and to ensure that they do not compromise safety. In this study, the NextGen elements in the form of Operational Improvements (OIs), Enablers, Research Activities, Development Activities, and Policy Issues were identified. The overall hazard situation in NextGen was outlined; a high-level hazard analysis was conducted with respect to multiple elements in a representative NextGen OI known as OI-0349 (Automation Support for Separation Management); and the hazards resulting from the highly dynamic complexity involved in an OI-0349 scenario were illustrated. A selected but representative set of the existing safety methods, tools, processes, and regulations was then reviewed and analyzed regarding whether they are sufficient to assess safety in the elements of that OI and ensure that safety will not be compromised and whether they might incur intolerably high costs

    Existing and Required Modeling Capabilities for Evaluating ATM Systems and Concepts

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    ATM systems throughout the world are entering a period of major transition and change. The combination of important technological developments and of the globalization of the air transportation industry has necessitated a reexamination of some of the fundamental premises of existing Air Traffic Management (ATM) concepts. New ATM concepts have to be examined, concepts that may place more emphasis on: strategic traffic management; planning and control; partial decentralization of decision-making; and added reliance on the aircraft to carry out strategic ATM plans, with ground controllers confined primarily to a monitoring and supervisory role. 'Free Flight' is a case in point. In order to study, evaluate and validate such new concepts, the ATM community will have to rely heavily on models and computer-based tools/utilities, covering a wide range of issues and metrics related to safety, capacity and efficiency. The state of the art in such modeling support is adequate in some respects, but clearly deficient in others. It is the objective of this study to assist in: (1) assessing the strengths and weaknesses of existing fast-time models and tools for the study of ATM systems and concepts and (2) identifying and prioritizing the requirements for the development of additional modeling capabilities in the near future. A three-stage process has been followed to this purpose: 1. Through the analysis of two case studies involving future ATM system scenarios, as well as through expert assessment, modeling capabilities and supporting tools needed for testing and validating future ATM systems and concepts were identified and described. 2. Existing fast-time ATM models and support tools were reviewed and assessed with regard to the degree to which they offer the capabilities identified under Step 1. 3 . The findings of 1 and 2 were combined to draw conclusions about (1) the best capabilities currently existing, (2) the types of concept testing and validation that can be carried out reliably with such existing capabilities and (3) the currently unavailable modeling capabilities that should receive high priority for near-term research and development. It should be emphasized that the study is concerned only with the class of 'fast time' analytical and simulation models. 'Real time' models, that typically involve humans-in-the-loop, comprise another extensive class which is not addressed in this report. However, the relationship between some of the fast-time models reviewed and a few well-known real-time models is identified in several parts of this report and the potential benefits from the combined use of these two classes of models-a very important subject-are discussed in chapters 4 and 7

    Engage D1.2 Final Project Results Report

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    This deliverable summarises the activities and results of Engage, the SESAR 2020 Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN). The KTN initiated and supported multiple activities for SESAR and the European air traffic management (ATM) community, including PhDs, focused catalyst fund projects, thematic workshops, summer schools and the launch of a wiki as the one-stop, go-to source for ATM research and knowledge in Europe. Key throughout was the integration of exploratory and industrial research, thus expediting the innovation pipeline and bringing researchers together. These activities laid valuable foundations for the SESAR Digital Academy

    Technology Assessment of eVTOL Personal Air Transportation System

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    This thesis intended to provide a holistic vision on the potential consequences of the introduction of emerging electrical Vertical Takeoff and Landing (e VTOL) Personal Air Transportation System (PATS) to contribute to the forming of public and policy opinion, and to assess the impacts and the feasibility of that. Instead of looking from a detailed vehicle design viewpoint, we tried to understand the need, the impacts, and the perceptions and the concerns of stakeholders. Thus, it was set a framework and methodology starting with a technology assessment point of view in the light of transportation system analysis. Limitations of the current ground and airline transportation systems, increasing congestion, poor block speed, combined with expanding population and demand for affordable on- demand mobility are driving the development of future transportation technology and policy. The third wave of aeronautics might be the answer and could bring about great new capabilities for society that would bring aviation into a new age of being relevant in daily lives since eVTOL PATS is envisioned as the next logical step in the natural progression in the history of disruptive transportation system innovations. However, there are a lot of questions. Although there was difficulty since the system was an emerging air transportation mode, an interdisciplinary study has been conducted to assess the impacts of developing such a capability. The research questions were determined to address the research objectives. What is the current state of mobility and eVTOL air transportation mode? What are the potential benefits of eVTOL air transportation mode for user and society? What are the perceptions of service providers, regulator, and user? What are the main challenges including technology, regulation, operation, social and environment aspects to enable the system? What are the enabling technologies? Nevertheless, with the results obtained lately from the research activities, revolutionary technologies and regulations are bringing us closer to eVTOL PATS reality every day. It can be argued that a new socio-technical transition will come about like the transition from horse drawn carriers to cars. Even if it is still a long way to go, it seems rather likely that the time has been arriving in the next decade. Their existence and operation would therefore need to be taken into consideration for today’s planning considerations and construction projects to be able to have this emerging air transportation mode available in the future. As the technology underlying eVTOL PATS evolves, wider eVTOL adoption across various markets is likely to be supported further if a set of key challenges such as safety and security, ease of use and autonomy, noise, infrastructure, and air traffic management are overcome. Achieving drastic improvements in ease of use, safety and community acceptable noise are the most critical steps towards the future feasibility of this market. Multi-use demos and demonstrating successful operation with early vehicles, namely eVTOL PATS prototype field operations, will create public acceptance and understanding of potentials in emerging air transportation mode for public good, use and learn in multiple applications. The overall perception of the user, service provider and regulator are positive, and the support is high. Shortly, a successful implementation and sustainable transition will depend on overcoming technological hurdles, regulatory frameworks, operational safety, cost competitiveness, and sensibilities of the affected communities. There is a need to enable people and goods to have the convenience of on-demand, point-to-point safe travel, further, anywhere in less travel time, through a network of pocket airports/vertiports, and there is a significant potential benefit so that policy makers, regulators and metropoles’ transportation planning departments should consider an inclusion of eVTOL air transportation mode into the scenarios and policies of the future.Esta tese pretende fornecer uma visão holística sobre as potenciais consequências da introdução do Sistema de Transporte Aéreo Pessoal (PATS) de Decolagem e Pouso Vertical elétrico emergente (e VTOL) para contribuir para a formação de opinião pública e política, e para avaliar os impactos e a viabilidade disso. Em vez de olhar de um ponto de vista detalhado o projeto do veículo, tentamos entender a necessidade, os impactos, as percepções e as preocupações das partes interessadas. Assim, foi definido um quadro e uma metodologia partindo de um ponto de vista de avaliação de tecnologia à luz da análise do sistema de transporte. As limitações dos atuais sistemas de transporte terrestre e aéreo, o aumento do congestionamento, a baixa velocidade do tráfego, combinados com a expansão da população e a mobilidade com procura acessível estão impulsionando o desenvolvimento de futuras tecnologias e políticas de transporte. A terceira onda da aeronáutica pode ser a resposta e pode trazer grandes novas capacidades para a sociedade que trariam a aviação para uma nova era de ser relevante na vida cotidiana, uma vez que o VTOL PATS é visto como o próximo passo lógico na progressão natural na história das inovações disruptivas do sistema de transporte. No entanto, há muitas perguntas. Embora tenha havido dificuldade por se tratar de um modo de transporte aéreo emergente, um estudo interdisciplinar foi realizado para avaliar os impactos do desenvolvimento de tal capacidade. As questões de investigação foram determinadas para atender aos objetivos do projeto. Qual é o estado atual da mobilidade e do modo de transporte aéreo eVTOL? Quais são os benefícios potenciais do modo de transporte aéreo eVTOL para o utilizador e a sociedade? Quais são as percepções dos provedores de serviços, regulador e utilizador? Quais são os principais desafios, incluindo tecnologia, regulamentação, operação, aspectos sociais e ambientais para habilitar o sistema? Quais são as tecnologias facilitadoras? No entanto, com os resultados obtidos ultimamente nas atividades de pesquisa, tecnologias e regulamentações revolucionárias estão nos aproximando cada dia mais da realidade do VTOL PATS. Pode-se argumentar que uma nova transição sócio-técnica ocorrerá como a transição de carruagens puxadas por cavalos para automóveis. Mesmo que ainda seja um longo caminho a percorrer, parece bastante provável que a hora esteja chegando na próxima década. A sua existência e operação, portanto, precisam ser levadas em consideração para as questões de planeamento e projetos de construção de hoje para poder ter esse modo de transporte aéreo emergente disponível no futuro. À medida que a tecnologia subjacente ao eVTOL PATS evolui, é provável que a adoção mais ampla do eVTOL em vários mercados seja ainda mais apoiada se um conjunto de desafios importantes, como segurança e proteção, facilidade de uso e autonomia, ruído, infraestrutura e gestão de tráfego aéreo forem superados. Alcançar melhorias drásticas na facilidade de uso, segurança e ruído aceitável pela comunidade são os passos mais críticos para a viabilidade futura deste mercado. Demonstrações multi-uso e demonstração de operação bem- sucedida com veículos iniciais, ou seja, operações de campo do protótipo eVTOL PATS, criarão aceitação pública e compreensão dos potenciais no modo de transporte aéreo emergente para o bem público, uso e aprendizado em várias aplicações. A percepção geral do utilizador, prestador de serviço e regulador é positiva, e o suporte é alto. Uma implementação bem-sucedida e uma transição sustentável dependerá da superação de obstáculos tecnológicos, estruturas regulatórias, segurança operacional, competitividade de custos e sensibilidade das comunidades afetadas. Há uma necessidade de permitir que pessoas e mercadorias tenham a conveniência de viagens seguras de que necessitam, ponto a ponto, e além disso, em qualquer lugar em menos tempo de viagem. Isso pode ser feito por meio de uma rede de aeroportos/vertiports, e há um benefício potencial significativo para que os formuladores de políticas, reguladores e departamentos de planeamento de transporte das grandes metrópoles considerem a inclusão do modo de transporte aéreo eVTOL nos cenários e políticas do futuro

    12th EASN International Conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons"

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    Epoxy resins show a combination of thermal stability, good mechanical performance, and durability, which make these materials suitable for many applications in the Aerospace industry. Different types of curing agents can be utilized for curing epoxy systems. The use of aliphatic amines as curing agent is preferable over the toxic aromatic ones, though their incorporation increases the flammability of the resin. Recently, we have developed different hybrid strategies, where the sol-gel technique has been exploited in combination with two DOPO-based flame retardants and other synergists or the use of humic acid and ammonium polyphosphate to achieve non-dripping V-0 classification in UL 94 vertical flame spread tests, with low phosphorous loadings (e.g., 1-2 wt%). These strategies improved the flame retardancy of the epoxy matrix, without any detrimental impact on the mechanical and thermal properties of the composites. Finally, the formation of a hybrid silica-epoxy network accounted for the establishment of tailored interphases, due to a better dispersion of more polar additives in the hydrophobic resin

    Graphical User Interface Development and Design to Support Airport Runway Configuration Management

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    The objective of this effort was to develop a graphical user interface (GUI) for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) System Oriented Runway Management (SORM) decision support tool to support runway management. This tool is expected to be used by traffic flow managers and supervisors in the Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) and Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) facilities