4 research outputs found

    Exploring the use of Technology for Assessment and Intensive Treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech

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    Given the rapid advances in technology over the past decade, this thesis examines the potential for automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology to expedite the process of objective analysis of speech, particularly for lexical stress patterns in childhood apraxia of speech. This dissertation also investigates the potential for mobile technology to bridge the gap between current service delivery models in Australia and best practice treatment intensity for CAS. To address these two broad aims, this thesis describes three main projects. The first is a systematic literature review summarising the development, implementation and accuracy of automatic speech analysis tools when applied to evaluation and modification of children’s speech production skills. Guided by the results of the systematic review, the second project presents data on the accuracy and clinical utility of a custom-designed lexical stress classification tool, designed as part of a multi-component speech analysis system for a mobile therapy application, Tabby Talks, for use with children with CAS. The third project is a randomised control trial exploring the effect of different types of feedback on response to intervention for children with CAS. The intervention was designed to specifically explore the feasibility and effectiveness of using an app equipped with ASR technology to provide feedback on speech production accuracy during home practice sessions, simulating the common service delivery model in Australia. The thesis concludes with a discussion of future directions for technology-based speech assessment and intensive speech production practice, guidelines for future development of therapy tools that include more game-based practice activities and the contexts in which children can be transferred from predominantly clinician-delivered augmented feedback to ASR-delivered right/wrong feedback and continue to make optimal gains in acquisition and retention of speech production targets

    Rapid Syllable Transition treatment for Childhood Apraxia of Speech: exploring treatment efficacy in three service-delivery contexts

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    Many children are unable to access speech pathology treatment at the recommended intensity. To address this problem, clinicians use a range of strategies: modifying treatment intensity, mode or delivery agent. Accessing sufficient speech pathology treatment for children with childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is particularly difficult because treatment should be delivered face-to-face, by a clinician, 3–5 times per week. One relatively new treatment for CAS, rapid syllable transition (ReST) treatment has demonstrated significant acquisition and generalisation effects when delivered intensively, face-to-face, by a clinician. This thesis uses three separate single-case experimental studies to investigate the efficacy of ReST treatment when provided via alternative service-delivery approaches. Lower dose-frequency, telehealth delivery, and a combined clinician–parent delivery model were explored. The studies showed that both lower dose-frequency and telehealth delivery were efficacious. Combined clinician–parent delivery was efficacious for fewer than half the children. Parental experiences of telehealth and of the combined clinician–parent delivery models were investigated qualitatively. The parents reported positive experiences of telehealth, finding it convenient and time-efficient. They had concerns about the combined clinician-parent delivery model, reporting discomfort in the role of therapist, and low levels of confidence and competence in delivering treatment. This thesis supports implementation of both lower dose-frequency and telehealth delivery of ReST treatment. Despite the intuitive appeal of parent-delivered treatment for overcoming access barriers, this thesis does not support clinical application of parent-delivered ReST treatment. This thesis argues for further investigation of intensity variables in CAS treatment and methods for improving parent-delivered treatment efficacy, and the need to ensure clients receive sufficient service provisio

    Apraxia World: Deploying a Mobile Game and Automatic Speech Recognition for Independent Child Speech Therapy

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    Children with speech sound disorders typically improve pronunciation quality by undergoing speech therapy, which must be delivered frequently and with high intensity to be effective. As such, clinic sessions are supplemented with home practice, often under caregiver supervision. However, traditional home practice can grow boring for children due to monotony. Furthermore, practice frequency is limited by caregiver availability, making it difficult for some children to reach therapy dosage. To address these issues, this dissertation presents a novel speech therapy game to increase engagement, and explores automatic pronunciation evaluation techniques to afford children independent practice. Children with speech sound disorders typically improve pronunciation quality by undergoing speech therapy, which must be delivered frequently and with high intensity to be effective. As such, clinic sessions are supplemented with home practice, often under caregiver supervision. However, traditional home practice can grow boring for children due to monotony. Furthermore, practice frequency is limited by caregiver availability, making it difficult for some children to reach therapy dosage. To address these issues, this dissertation presents a novel speech therapy game to increase engagement, and explores automatic pronunciation evaluation techniques to afford children independent practice. The therapy game, called Apraxia World, delivers customizable, repetition-based speech therapy while children play through platformer-style levels using typical on-screen tablet controls; children complete in-game speech exercises to collect assets required to progress through the levels. Additionally, Apraxia World provides pronunciation feedback according to an automated pronunciation evaluation system running locally on the tablet. Apraxia World offers two advantages over current commercial and research speech therapy games; first, the game provides extended gameplay to support long therapy treatments; second, it affords some therapy practice independence via automatic pronunciation evaluation, allowing caregivers to lightly supervise instead of directly administer the practice. Pilot testing indicated that children enjoyed the game-based therapy much more than traditional practice and that the exercises did not interfere with gameplay. During a longitudinal study, children made clinically-significant pronunciation improvements while playing Apraxia World at home. Furthermore, children remained engaged in the game-based therapy over the two-month testing period and some even wanted to continue playing post-study. The second part of the dissertation explores word- and phoneme-level pronunciation verification for child speech therapy applications. Word-level pronunciation verification is accomplished using a child-specific template-matching framework, where an utterance is compared against correctly and incorrectly pronounced examples of the word. This framework identified mispronounced words better than both a standard automated baseline and co-located caregivers. Phoneme-level mispronunciation detection is investigated using a technique from the second-language learning literature: training phoneme-specific classifiers with phonetic posterior features. This method also outperformed the standard baseline, but more significantly, identified mispronunciations better than student clinicians