1,023 research outputs found

    Deep feature meta-learners ensemble models for Covid-19 CT scan classification

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    The infectious nature of the COVID-19 virus demands rapid detection to quarantine the infected to isolate the spread or provide the necessary treatment if required. Analysis of COVID-19-infected chest Computed Tomography Scans (CT scans) have been shown to be successful in detecting the disease, making them essential in radiology assessment and screening of infected patients. Single-model Deep CNN models have been used to extract complex information pertaining to the CT scan images, allowing for in-depth analysis and thereby aiding in the diagnosis of the infection by automatically classifying the chest CT scan images as infected or non-infected. The feature maps obtained from the final convolution layer of the Deep CNN models contain complex and positional encoding of the images’ features. The ensemble modeling of these Deep CNN models has been proved to improve the classification performance, when compared to a single model, by lowering the generalization error, as the ensemble can meta-learn from a broader set of independent features. This paper presents Deep Ensemble Learning models to synergize Deep CNN models by combining these feature maps to create deep feature vectors or deep feature maps that are then trained on meta shallow and deep learners to improve the classification. This paper also proposes a novel Attentive Ensemble Model that utilizes an attention mechanism to focus on significant feature embeddings while learning the Ensemble feature vector. The proposed Attentive Ensemble model provided better generalization, outperforming Deep CNN models and conventional Ensemble learning techniques, as well as Shallow and Deep meta-learning Ensemble CNNs models. Radiologists can use the presented automatic Ensemble classification models to assist identify infected chest CT scans and save lives

    Empowering Medical Imaging with Artificial Intelligence: A Review of Machine Learning Approaches for the Detection, and Segmentation of COVID-19 Using Radiographic and Tomographic Images

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    Since 2019, the global dissemination of the Coronavirus and its novel strains has resulted in a surge of new infections. The use of X-ray and computed tomography (CT) imaging techniques is critical in diagnosing and managing COVID-19. Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into the field of medical imaging is a powerful combination that can provide valuable support to healthcare professionals.This paper focuses on the methodological approach of using machine learning (ML) to enhance medical imaging for COVID-19 diagnosis.For example, deep learning can accurately distinguish lesions from other parts of the lung without human intervention in a matter of minutes.Moreover, ML can enhance performance efficiency by assisting radiologists in making more precise clinical decisions, such as detecting and distinguishing Covid-19 from different respiratory infections and segmenting infections in CT and X-ray images, even when the lesions have varying sizes and shapes.This article critically assesses machine learning methodologies utilized for the segmentation, classification, and detection of Covid-19 within CT and X-ray images, which are commonly employed tools in clinical and hospital settings to represent the lung in various aspects and extensive detail.There is a widespread expectation that this technology will continue to hold a central position within the healthcare sector, driving further progress in the management of the pandemic

    CAE-COVIDX: automatic covid-19 disease detection based on x-ray images using enhanced deep convolutional and autoencoder

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    Since the first case in 2019, Corona Virus has been spreading all over the world. World Health Organization (WHO) announced that COVID-19 had become an international pandemic. There is an essential section to handle the spreading of the virus by immediate virus detection for patients. Traditional medical detection requires a long time, a specific laboratory, and a high cost. A method for detecting Covid-19 faster compared to common approaches, such as RT-PCR detection, is needed. The method demonstrated that it could produce an X-ray image with higher accuracy and consumed less time. We propose a novel method to extract image features and to classify COVID-19 using deep CNN combined with Autoencoder (AE) dubbed CAE-COVIDX. We evaluated and compared it with the traditional CNN and existing framework VGG16 involving 400 normal images of non-COVID19 and 400 positive COVID-19 diseases. The performance evaluation was conducted using accuracy, confusion matrix, and loss evaluation. Based on experiment results, the CAE-COVIDX framework outperforms previous methods in several testing scenarios. This framework's ability to detect Covid-19 in various nonstandard image X-rays could effectively help medical employers diagnose Covid-19 patients. It is an important factor to decrease the spreading of Covid-19 massively

    Deep Learning Approach for Advanced COVID-19 Analysis

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    Since the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of patients has increased dramatically, making it difficult for medical staff, including doctors, to cover hospitals and monitor patients. Therefore, this work depends on Computerized Tomography (CT) scan images to diagnose COVID-19. CT scan images are used to diagnose and determine the severity of the disease. On the other hand, Deep Learning (DL) is widely used in medical research, making great progress in medical technologies. For the diagnosis process, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) algorithm is used as a type of DL algorithm. Hence, this work focuses on detecting COVID-19 from CT scan images and determining the severity of the illness. The proposed model is as follows: first, classifying CT scan images into infected or not infected using one of the CNN structures, Residual Neural Networks (ResNet50); second, applying a segmentation process for the infected images to identify lungs and pneumonia using the SegNet algorithm (a CNN architecture for semantic pixel-wise segmentation) so that the disease's severity can be determined; finally, applying linear regression to predict the disease's severity for any new image. The proposed approach reached an accuracy of 95.7% in the classification process and lung and pneumonia segmentation of 98.6% and 96.2%, respectively. Furthermore, a regression process reached an accuracy of 98.29%.Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) © Copyright: All rights reserved

    The Prominence of Artificial Intelligence in COVID-19

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    In December 2019, a novel virus called COVID-19 had caused an enormous number of causalities to date. The battle with the novel Coronavirus is baffling and horrifying after the Spanish Flu 2019. While the front-line doctors and medical researchers have made significant progress in controlling the spread of the highly contiguous virus, technology has also proved its significance in the battle. Moreover, Artificial Intelligence has been adopted in many medical applications to diagnose many diseases, even baffling experienced doctors. Therefore, this survey paper explores the methodologies proposed that can aid doctors and researchers in early and inexpensive methods of diagnosis of the disease. Most developing countries have difficulties carrying out tests using the conventional manner, but a significant way can be adopted with Machine and Deep Learning. On the other hand, the access to different types of medical images has motivated the researchers. As a result, a mammoth number of techniques are proposed. This paper first details the background knowledge of the conventional methods in the Artificial Intelligence domain. Following that, we gather the commonly used datasets and their use cases to date. In addition, we also show the percentage of researchers adopting Machine Learning over Deep Learning. Thus we provide a thorough analysis of this scenario. Lastly, in the research challenges, we elaborate on the problems faced in COVID-19 research, and we address the issues with our understanding to build a bright and healthy environment.Comment: 63 pages, 3 tables, 17 figure

    Evaluating Generalizability of Deep Learning Models Using Indian-COVID-19 CT Dataset

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    Computer tomography (CT) have been routinely used for the diagnosis of lung diseases and recently, during the pandemic, for detecting the infectivity and severity of COVID-19 disease. One of the major concerns in using ma-chine learning (ML) approaches for automatic processing of CT scan images in clinical setting is that these methods are trained on limited and biased sub-sets of publicly available COVID-19 data. This has raised concerns regarding the generalizability of these models on external datasets, not seen by the model during training. To address some of these issues, in this work CT scan images from confirmed COVID-19 data obtained from one of the largest public repositories, COVIDx CT 2A were used for training and internal vali-dation of machine learning models. For the external validation we generated Indian-COVID-19 CT dataset, an open-source repository containing 3D CT volumes and 12096 chest CT images from 288 COVID-19 patients from In-dia. Comparative performance evaluation of four state-of-the-art machine learning models, viz., a lightweight convolutional neural network (CNN), and three other CNN based deep learning (DL) models such as VGG-16, ResNet-50 and Inception-v3 in classifying CT images into three classes, viz., normal, non-covid pneumonia, and COVID-19 is carried out on these two datasets. Our analysis showed that the performance of all the models is comparable on the hold-out COVIDx CT 2A test set with 90% - 99% accuracies (96% for CNN), while on the external Indian-COVID-19 CT dataset a drop in the performance is observed for all the models (8% - 19%). The traditional ma-chine learning model, CNN performed the best on the external dataset (accu-racy 88%) in comparison to the deep learning models, indicating that a light-weight CNN is better generalizable on unseen data. The data and code are made available at https://github.com/aleesuss/c19
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