56 research outputs found

    Design, implementation, control, and user evaluations of assiston-arm self-aligning upper-extremity exoskeleton

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    Physical rehabilitation therapy is indispensable for treating neurological disabilities. The use of robotic devices for rehabilitation holds high promise, since these devices can bear the physical burden of rehabilitation exercises during intense therapy sessions, while therapists are employed as decision makers. Robot-assisted rehabilitation devices are advantageous as they can be applied to patients with all levels of impairment, allow for easy tuning of the duration and intensity of therapies and enable customized, interactive treatment protocols. Moreover, since robotic devices are particularly good at repetitive tasks, rehabilitation robots can decrease the physical burden on therapists and enable a single therapist to supervise multiple patients simultaneously; hence, help to lower cost of therapies. While the intensity and quality of manually delivered therapies depend on the skill and fatigue level of therapists, high-intensity robotic therapies can always be delivered with high accuracy. Thanks to their integrated sensors, robotic devices can gather measurements throughout therapies, enable quantitative tracking of patient progress and development of evidence-based personalized rehabilitation programs. In this dissertation, we present the design, control, characterization and user evaluations of AssistOn-Arm, a powered, self-aligning exoskeleton for robotassisted upper-extremity rehabilitation. AssistOn-Arm is designed as a passive back-driveable impedance-type robot such that patients/therapists can move the device transparently, without much interference of the device dynamics on natural movements. Thanks to its novel kinematics and mechanically transparent design, AssistOn-Arm can passively self-align its joint axes to provide an ideal match between human joint axes and the exoskeleton axes, guaranteeing ergonomic movements and comfort throughout physical therapies. The self-aligning property of AssistOn-Arm not only increases the usable range of motion for robot-assisted upper-extremity exercises to cover almost the whole human arm workspace, but also enables the delivery of glenohumeral mobilization (scapular elevation/depression and protraction/retraction) and scapular stabilization exercises, extending the type of therapies that can be administered using upper-extremity exoskeletons. Furthermore, the self-alignment property of AssistOn-Arm signi cantly shortens the setup time required to attach a patient to the exoskeleton. As an impedance-type device with high passive back-driveability, AssistOn- Arm can be force controlled without the need of force sensors; hence, high delity interaction control performance can be achieved with open-loop impedance control. This control architecture not only simpli es implementation, but also enhances safety (coupled stability robustness), since open-loop force control does not su er from the fundamental bandwidth and stability limitations of force-feedback. Experimental characterizations and user studies with healthy volunteers con- rm the transparency, range of motion, and control performance of AssistOn- Ar

    Biomechatronics: Harmonizing Mechatronic Systems with Human Beings

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    This eBook provides a comprehensive treatise on modern biomechatronic systems centred around human applications. A particular emphasis is given to exoskeleton designs for assistance and training with advanced interfaces in human-machine interaction. Some of these designs are validated with experimental results which the reader will find very informative as building-blocks for designing such systems. This eBook will be ideally suited to those researching in biomechatronic area with bio-feedback applications or those who are involved in high-end research on manmachine interfaces. This may also serve as a textbook for biomechatronic design at post-graduate level

    Concept of an exoskeleton for industrial applications with modulated impedance based on Electromyographic signal recorded from the operator

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    The introduction of an active exoskeleton that enhances the operator power in the manufacturing field was demonstrated in literature to lead to beneficial effects in terms of reducing fatiguing and the occurrence of musculo-skeletal diseases. However, a large number of manufacturing operations would not benefit from power increases because it rather requires the modulation of the operator stiffness. However, in literature, considerably less attention was given to those robotic devices that regulate their stiffness based on the operator stiffness, even if their introduction in the line would aid the operator during different manipulations respect with the exoskeletons with variable power. In this thesis the description of the command logic of an exoskeleton for manufacturing applications, whose stiffness is modulated based on the operator stiffness, is described. Since the operator stiffness cannot be mechanically measured without deflecting the limb, an estimation based on the superficial Electromyographic signal is required. A model composed of 1 joint and 2 antagonist muscles was developed to approximate the elbow and the wrist joints. Each muscle was approximated as the Hill model and the analysis of the joint stiffness, at different joint angle and muscle activations, was performed. The same Hill muscle model was then implemented in a 2 joint and 6 muscles (2J6M) model which approximated the elbow-shoulder system. Since the estimation of the exerted stiffness with a 2J6M model would be quite onerous in terms of processing time, the estimation of the operator end-point stiffness in realtime would therefore be questionable. Then, a linear relation between the end-point stiffness and the component of muscle activation that does not generate any end-point force, is proposed. Once the stiffness the operator exerts was estimated, three command logics that identifies the stiffness the exoskeleton is required to exert are proposed. These proposed command logics are: Proportional, Integral 1 s, and Integral 2 s. The stiffening exerted by a device in which a Proportional logic is implemented is proportional, sample by sample, to the estimated stiffness exerted by the operator. The stiffening exerted by the exoskeleton in which an Integral logic is implemented is proportional to the stiffness exerted by the operator, averaged along the previous 1 second (Integral 1 s) or 2 seconds (Integral 2 s). The most effective command logic, among the proposed ones, was identified with empirical tests conducted on subjects using a wrist haptic device (the Hi5, developed by the Bioengineering group of the Imperial College of London). The experimental protocol consisted in a wrist flexion/extension tracking task with an external perturbation, alternated with isometric force exertion for the estimation of the occurrence of the fatigue. The fatigue perceived by the subject, the tracking error, defined as the RMS of the difference between wrist and target angles, and the energy consumption, defined as the sum of the squared signals recorded from two antagonist muscles, indicated the Integral 1 s logic to be the most effective for controlling the exoskeleton. A logistic relation between the stiffness exerted by the subject and the stiffness exerted by the robotic devices was selected, because it assured a smooth transition between the maximum and the minimum stiffness the device is required to exert. However, the logistic relation parameters are subject-specific, therefore an experimental estimation is required. An example was provided. Finally, the literature about variable stiffness actuators was analyzed to identify the most suitable device for exoskeleton stiffness modulation. This actuator is intended to be integrated on an existing exoskeleton that already enhances the operator power based on the operator Electromyographic signal. The identified variable stiffness actuator is the DLR FSJ, which controls its stiffness modulating the preload of a single spring

    Physiological and kinematic effects of a soft exosuit on arm movements

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    Background: Soft wearable robots (exosuits), being lightweight, ergonomic and low power-demanding, are attractive for a variety of applications, ranging from strength augmentation in industrial scenarios, to medical assistance for people with motor impairments. Understanding how these devices affect the physiology and mechanics of human movements is fundamental for quantifying their benefits and drawbacks, assessing their suitability for different applications and guiding a continuous design refinement. Methods: We present a novel wearable exosuit for assistance/augmentation of the elbow and introduce a controller that compensates for gravitational forces acting on the limb while allowing the suit to cooperatively move with its wearer. Eight healthy subjects wore the exosuit and performed elbow movements in two conditions: with assistance from the device (powered) and without assistance (unpowered). The test included a dynamic task, to evaluate the impact of the assistance on the kinematics and dynamics of human movement, and an isometric task, to assess its influence on the onset of muscular fatigue. Results: Powered movements showed a low but significant degradation in accuracy and smoothness when compared to the unpowered ones. The degradation in kinematics was accompanied by an average reduction of 59.20±5.58% (mean ± standard error) of the biological torque and 64.8±7.66% drop in muscular effort when the exosuit assisted its wearer. Furthermore, an analysis of the electromyographic signals of the biceps brachii during the isometric task revealed that the exosuit delays the onset of muscular fatigue. Conclusions: The study examined the effects of an exosuit on the characteristics of human movements. The suit supports most of the power needed to move and reduces the effort that the subject needs to exert to counteract gravity in a static posture, delaying the onset of muscular fatigue. We interpret the decline in kinematic performance as a technical limitation of the current device. This work suggests that a powered exosuit can be a good candidate for industrial and clinical applications, where task efficiency and hardware transparency are paramount