3 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Interaktif pada Mata Kuliah Filsafat Pendidikan

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    Abstrak: Bahan ajarĀ  yang dikembangkan merupakan bahan ajar bersifat interaktif yang merupakan variasi bahan ajar berbasis multimedia yang digunakan untuk menumbuhkan motivasi dan semangat belajar mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran, baik secara tatap muka atau secara mandiri di rumah. Tujuan dari pengembangan bahan ajar interaktif mata kuliah Filsafat Pendidikan adalah mengembangkan bahan ajar untuk digunakan secara mandiri oleh mahasiswa karena unsur interaktif dan kemudahan penggunaannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model pengembangan Warsita dengan tahapan (1) perencanaan; (2) produksi; dan (3) evaluasi.Ā  Pada tahap evaluasi diketahui bahwa hasil evaluasi pramester dari expert aspek media mencapaiĀ  80,27% (baik), expert aspek desain pembelajaranĀ  diperoleh 80,09% (baik), dan ahli aspek materi diperoleh 71,7% (baik). Hasil evaluasi perorangan mencapai 86,87% (sangat baik), uji coba kelompok kecil diperoleh 85,19% (baik), dan uji coba lapangan didapat 82,36% (baik). Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar interaktif berbasis multimedia memiliki kelayakan untuk digunakan pada mata kuliah Filsafat Pendidikan.Abstract: Teaching material developed is interactive teaching material which is a variation of multimedia-based teaching materials used to foster student motivation and enthusiasm for learning in learning, either face-to-face or as independently at home. The purpose of developing interactive teaching materials in the Philosophy of Education course is to develop teaching materials to be used independently by students because of the interactive elements and their ease of use. This research uses the development research method by using the Warsita development model with stages (1) planning; (2) production; and (3) evaluation. At the evaluation stage it was found that the results of the pre-semester evaluation from the media aspect expert reached 80.27% (good), the learning design aspect expert was obtained 80.09% (good), and the material aspect expert was 71.7% (good). Individual evaluation results reached 86.87% (very good), small group trials obtained 85.19% (good), and field trials obtained 82.36% (good). From the results of the study concluded that multimedia-based interactive teaching materials have the feasibility to be used in the Philosophy of Education courses

    Development of Network Interactive Teaching Materials and Empirical in "Management" Courses

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    network interactive teaching material utilizes multimedia technology for digital processing of traditional paper content and makes the teaching material suitable for various electronic terminals. Network interactive teaching material making is closely related to the development of distance teaching. This paper mainly takes Human Resource Management as the experimental course, utilizes teaching resource cloud platform of augmented reality interactive teaching materials for empirical study on the application of network interactive teaching material in Human Resource Management course, discusses the application effect of new distance education and teaching resources, offers theoretical and data support for development of network interactive teaching material and distance education and exploits potential development direction of future course construction

    Development of Network Interactive Teaching Materials and Empirical in "Management" Courses

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    network interactive teaching material utilizes multimedia technology for digital processing of traditional paper content and makes the teaching material suitable for various electronic terminals. Network interactive teaching material making is closely related to the development of distance teaching. This paper mainly takes Human Resource Management as the experimental course, utilizes teaching resource cloud platform of augmented reality interactive teaching materials for empirical study on the application of network interactive teaching material in Human Resource Management course, discusses the application effect of new distance education and teaching resources, offers theoretical and data support for development of network interactive teaching material and distance education and exploits potential development direction of future course construction