29 research outputs found

    Development and validation of a disaster management metamodel (DMM)

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    Disaster Management (DM) is a diffused area of knowledge. It has many complex features interconnecting the physical and the social views of the world. Many international and national bodies create knowledge models to allow knowledge sharing and effective DM activities. But these are often narrow in focus and deal with specified disaster types. We analyze thirty such models to uncover that many DM activities are actually common even when the events vary. We then create a unified view of DM in the form of a metamodel. We apply a metamodelling process to ensure that this metamodel is complete and consistent. We validate it and present a representational layer to unify and share knowledge as well as combine and match different DM activities according to different disaster situations

    Metamodelling Approach To Support Disaster Management Knowledge Sharing

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    Handling uncertain events that could happen anytime and anywhere and dealing with many complex systems interconnected physically and socially makes Disaster Management (DM) a multidisciplinary endeavor and a very difficult domain to model. In this paper we present a development and validation of a Disaster Management Metamodel (DMM), a language that we develop specific for describing DM domain. The metamodel, a precise definition of the constructs and rules needed for creating the semantic models of DM domain consists of four views based on four DM phases including Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery-phase classes of concept. A Model Importance Factor (MIF) criterion is used to identify 10 existing disaster management models to evaluate the expressiveness and the completeness of DMM. The paper presents the synthesis process and the resulting metamodel, as a foundational component to create a Disaster Management Decision Support System (DMDSS) to unify, facilitate and expedite access to DM expertise

    Towards adapting metamodeling approach for the mobile forensics investigation domain

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    Mobile phones have become quite important tools in the modern world. The forensics field heavily relies on knowledge as an important resource. Due to the ongoing changes in digital technology, the power of knowledge enables innovation and assists in establishing proper standards and procedures. As such, it is necessary to establish a relationship between the information derived from knowledge to form new concepts and ideas. Knowledge in mobile forensics is scattered and huge. Hence, this leads to lack of knowledge management in mobile forensics. In addition, lead to complexity of investigation for new investigators, ambiguity in concepts and terminologies of mobile forensics domain and waste time to understand mobile forensics domain. Therefore, mobile forensics investigators are quite suffering with forensics investigation processes in their domain. This paper will develop a new approach for mobile forensics domain which is based on metamodeling. This approach contributes to unify common concepts of mobile forensics. It also provides many benefits which include simplifying the investigation process and guide investigations team, capture and reuse specialized forensic knowledge and support training and knowledge management activities. Furthermore, it reduces complexity and ambiguity in mobile forensic domai Towards Adapting Metamodeling approach for the Mobile Forensics Investigation Domain

    The effective use of technology and digitalization in Disaster Management in Malaysia.

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    The study will review the literature about disaster management in the Scopus database in 10 years from 2009 to 2018. A review will be done systematically to find out the direction of published and highly cited literature in the policymaking and problem solving after and post-natural disaster in Malaysia. After the complete assessment and filtration of the sheet, only 52 studies are left for the further process. irrelevant literature is screen out and relevant research is analyzed for further process. flood management and landslides are widely discussed challenges and problems in Malaysia. But the flood hazard management in Malaysia is developing rapidly, although the country is a new industrial developed country. The growth and development of social pace, fast-growth political and economic changes and that also charging up the pace of physical and environmental changes. Landslides are also growing with the period in Malaysia and some parts of the country are victims near the residential areas during the monsoon period. It's alarming that the residential areas are in the potential risk of landslides and the highways in some parts of the mountain area of the country

    Security-Based BYOD Risk Assessment Metamodelling Approach

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    Rapid changes in mobile computing and modern devices, for example, smartphones, tablets and iPads encouraged the employees to use their personal devices at the workplace. Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) phenomenon has become pervasive and on-demand for business purposes. Nowadays, employees are allowed to bring personal devices to their workplace. Nevertheless, organizations are practicing BYOD to increase efficiency, work productivity, and cost-saving which lead to employee’s satisfaction. However, BYOD may cause harm in an organization if there are no security policies, regulations and management of the employee’s devices. The common security threats engaged to BYOD implementation are data leakage, exposed to malicious malware and sensitive corporates information. Hence, this study proposed a strategic solution, which is Security-Based BYOD Risk Assessment Metamodel (Security-Based BYODRAM) in reducing BYOD-related issues. The existing BYOD models were reviewed to identify the important concepts in the metamodel development. The Meta Object Facility (MOF) language was used to develop the proposed metamodel

    The Effect of Technology Readiness on Individual Absorptive Capacity for Knowledge Transfer

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    Recipient’s Absorptive Capacity (ACAP) remains an under-researched barrier to knowledge transfer in organisations. The Technology Readiness (TR) dimensions appear to align with individual ACAP as it measures an individual\u27s propensity to use technology. Hence, this research-in-progress discusses that the TR dimensions correlate to individual ACAP. As universities are centres of knowledge generation and its transfer, they are an ideal context for this research. Accordingly, a conceptual framework is developed that serves as a basis for deriving knowledge transfer, aimed at achieving individuals technology absorptive capacity

    Application of design science research to design a modelling approach for procurement of infrastructure systems

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    © 2019 IEEE. Model-driven approaches are widely used in managing the complex domains such as infrastructure systems or disaster management. The foundation of conducting a systematic research is designing a methodology that pertinently covers the steps of research from problem definition to solution proposal and then identifying or tailoring a method for developing and validating the solution. This paper explains the application of Design Science for conducting a research which aims at providing a model-driven approach for addressing the complexities of infrastructure procurement projects. So firstly the design science artefacts are adopted for designing the method for this research. Then the steps of this method are explained briefly along with description of how each step is applied in this research. The core of this method is proposing a process for developing and validating the metamodels which is designed based on combination of other metamodeling processes

    Challenges of communication system during emergency disaster response in Malaysia: A review

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    The purpose of this review is to provide the overview of available systems and potentialfuture systems for communication during disaster in Malaysia. Electronic searches in majorsubject loci databases such as MEDLINE (via PUBMED), Ovid, Science Direct, Scopus,IEEE Xplore digital library and Springer are used in conducting the reviews. The majorchallenge is to integrate between readily available communications systems at pre-disaster,during disaster and post-disaster. Therefore, this review will further provide information forthe policy makers, responsible personnel as well as researchers on the vulnerability of thecommunication systems during disaster and the future direction of effective communicationsystem in Malaysia.Keywords: disaster; communication system;GIRN; effective communication system;emergency medicine