5 research outputs found

    Development system for FPGA-based digital circuits

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    “Copyright © [1999] IEEE. Reprinted from 7th Annual IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines ISBN:0-7695-0375-6. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.”The paper discusses some new hardware and software tools that can be used for the design of virtual circuits based on dynamically reconfigurable FPGAs. With the aid of these tools we can implement a system that requires some hardware resources Rc, on available hardware that has resources Rh, where Rc>Rh. The main idea of the approach supported by these tools is the rational combination of FPGA capabilities with some proposed methods for producing a modifiable specification, together with a novel technique for architectural and logic synthesis, which has been incorporated into the new design environment

    PSCoP: planning scheduler coprocessor

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    The use of a centralised planning scheduler in fieldbus- based systems requiring real-time operation has proved to be a good compromise between operational flexibility and timeliness guarantees. In this paper a preliminary implementation of a hardware scheduling coprocessor based in the planning paradigm is presented. The coprocessor is installed in a special node of the fieldbus, the bus arbiter, and generates scheduling tables to be dispatched by the node CPU. With this solution it is possible to decrease the response time to changes in the system configuration or message parameters of the software-based planning scheduler. This opens the possibility of allowing automatic on-line changes requested by system nodes in addition to the ones requested by human operators, thus improving system reactivity. In this paper the focus is on the coprocessor’s interface with the node CPU and its overall functionality. Initial calculations showing the feasibility of the unit and its expected performance are also derived

    Using a hardware coprocessor for message scheduling in fieldbus-based distributed systems

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    “Copyright © [2001] IEEE. Reprinted from 8th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems. ISBN:0-7803-7057-0. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.”Fieldbus based distributed embedded systems used in real-time applications tend to be inflexible in what concerns changing operational parameters on-line. Recent techniques such as the planning scheduler can avoid this problem but do not show adequate responsiveness f o r automatic negotiation of parameter values. In this paper the use of ASIC based coprocessors f o r message scheduling is proposed to solve the problem. Such coprocessors can be used in the arbiter nodes of systems based on widely used producer-consumer fieldbuses like WorldFIP and CAN. A prototype built with a Xilinx FPGA is presented. First performance results are shown and analyzed. They demonstrate that the device is able to achieve the expected performance and also point to the possibility of evolution to an almost dynamic scheduling approach

    Das FPGA-Entwicklungssystem CHDL

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    In dieser Arbeit wurde das Konzept der C++-basierten Hardwarebeschreibung für Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) weiterentwickelt und optimiert. Ergebnis ist ein homogenes System, das eine deutlich verbesserte Unterstützung für FPGA-Koprozessoren bietet als bisher verfügbare Werkzeuge: Das FPGA-Entwicklungssystem CHDL. CHDL integriert mehrere parallel einsetzbare Beschreibungsebenen von der detaillierten strukturellen Spezifikation über Zustandsmaschinen bis hin zur Hochsprachenbeschreibung. Die Simulation kann durch Nachbilden der Hardwareumgebung mittels C++-Funktionen das gesamte zu untersuchende System umfassen. Auch die Softwarekomponente des FPGA-Koprozessors ist in die Simulation einbezogen. Zusätzlich wird die Anwendung moderner Debugging-Verfahren wie Readback und partielle Rekonfiguration unterstützt. Die Ausgabe der Netzlisten erfolgt direkt im XNF- oder EDIF-Format. Beim Einsatz von CHDL muß der Entwickler nur eine einzige Sprache beherrschen, um Anwendungen für FPGA-Koprozessoren zu implementieren: C++. Ein handelsüblicher C++-Kompiler sowie die Place&Route-Software des FPGA-Herstellers reichen aus, um mit CHDL FPGA-Anwendungen zu entwickeln. Es werden keine weiteren Werkzeuge benötigt, insbesondere keine VHDL-Kompiler

    Development system for FPGA-based digital circuits

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