109,764 research outputs found

    Rhode Island Report on the Judiciary 1974

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    The report is divided into two sections. Part I reviews the structure and organization of the state courts. To some of you this review may seem superfluous. However, it has been our experience that many people who read this report find such a review useful. Part II discusses the events of 1974. This section is not meant to cover every detail of the events of the past year. The several courts in the system have been involved in a wide variety of activities in the conduct of their business. No single report can adequately document all of those activities. However, this report does summarize the most significant events of the year and gives a flavor of the high level of activity and progress in our courts

    Rhode Island Report on the Judiciary 1978

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    Submitted herein is the seventh annual report produced by the Administrative Office of State Courts. I am proud to report that the state courts have reversed the pattern of growing backlogs and lengthening delays that had been troubling us in recent years. Despite the fact that the number of cases brought to the courts has continued to generally increase, both the number of cases awaiting final disposition and the average time taken to dispose of these cases have been reduced in 1978. Each court has developed new procedures and systems to increase its rate of dispositions, and this progress has been achieved without additional judgeships in any court. Our judges and all court employees have responded to the problem of increasing caseloads with resourcefulness and commitment that has now met this challenge. In the sections of this report on each of the courts and in the statistics on the last pages, the progress made in meeting those goals is described in more detail

    A high-performance data structure for mobile information systems

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    Mobile information systems can now be provided on small form-factor computers. Dictionary-based data compression extends the capabilities of systems with limited processing and memory to enable data intensive applications to be supported in such environments. The nature of judicial sentencing decisions requires that a support system provides accurate and up-to-date data and is compatible with the professional working experience of a judge. The difficulties caused by mobility and the data dependence of the decision-making process are addressed by an Internet-based architecture for collecting and distributing system data.We describe an approach to dictionary-based data compression and the structure of an information system that makes use of this technology

    Rhode Island Report on the Judiciary 1973

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    This is the second annual report produced by the Office of the State Court Administrator. The first report, published in 1973, reviewed the progress made in the administration of the Rhode Island Court System in the period 1969-1972. This report contains the story of continuing progress throughout 1973

    Rhode Island Report on the Judiciary 1979

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    This report describes progress and programs in all the state courts. Its articles briefly mention some of the efforts and achievements of our judges and court employees to better serve the people of Rhode Island and the interests of Justice

    Rural Alaska Corrections Plan (A Summary)

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    Efforts to improve correctional services in the rural, predominantly Native communities of Alaska have been going on since before statehood. Complete implementation of plans developed by the Alaska Criminal Justice Planning Agency during the 1970s have been hampered by a number of factors: (1) the scope of the planning has tended to be confined to correctional facilities; (2) the problems faced by corrections in Alaska are complicated by diversity of communities served; (3) financial requirements have exceeded available resources; (4) the authority and responsibility for achieving the plans' objectives were unclear. This document offers proposals for a rural corrections plan which offers a comprehensive, systemic — rather than purely correctional — approach for improving public safety and corrections in rural Alaska. It describes the existing situation, philosophy, coordination and planning, organizational proposals, financing, and implementation.Alaska Corrections Master Plan CommitteeTentative Recommendations / Introduction / Background / Philosophy / Coordination / Organization: Statewide Operations; Local Community Operations / Financing / Implementation / Ma

    Rhode Island Report on the Judiciary 1976

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    Submitted herein is the fifth annual report produced by the Administrative Office of State Courts. The last year brought many changes and improvements in the court system. Every court made significant efforts to improve their service to the people of the state with new programs and operational reforms. While this report can neither cover all new programs nor describe all accomplishments in the state courts, it does summarize the more significant events and activities of the year