9 research outputs found

    Recovering Grammar Relationships for the Java Language Specification

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    Grammar convergence is a method that helps discovering relationships between different grammars of the same language or different language versions. The key element of the method is the operational, transformation-based representation of those relationships. Given input grammars for convergence, they are transformed until they are structurally equal. The transformations are composed from primitive operators; properties of these operators and the composed chains provide quantitative and qualitative insight into the relationships between the grammars at hand. We describe a refined method for grammar convergence, and we use it in a major study, where we recover the relationships between all the grammars that occur in the different versions of the Java Language Specification (JLS). The relationships are represented as grammar transformation chains that capture all accidental or intended differences between the JLS grammars. This method is mechanized and driven by nominal and structural differences between pairs of grammars that are subject to asymmetric, binary convergence steps. We present the underlying operator suite for grammar transformation in detail, and we illustrate the suite with many examples of transformations on the JLS grammars. We also describe the extraction effort, which was needed to make the JLS grammars amenable to automated processing. We include substantial metadata about the convergence process for the JLS so that the effort becomes reproducible and transparent

    Recovering grammar relationships for the Java language specification

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    Grammar convergence is a method that helps in discovering relationships between different grammars of the same language or different language versions. The key element of the method is the operational, transformation-based representation of those relationships. Given input grammars for convergence, they are transformed until they are structurally equal. The transformations are composed from primitive operators; properties of these operators and the composed chains provide quantitative and qualitative insight into the relationships between the grammars at hand. We describe a refined method for grammar convergence, and we use it in a major study, where we recover the relationships between all the grammars that occur in the different versions of the Java Language Specification (JLS). The relationships are represented as grammar transformation chains that capture all accidental or intended differences between the JLS grammars. This method is mechanized and driven by nominal and structural differences between pairs of grammars that are subject to asymmetric, binary convergence steps. We present the underlying operator suite for grammar transformation in detail, and we illustrate the suite with many examples of transformations on the JLS grammars. We also describe the extraction effort, which was needed to make the JLS grammars amenable to automated processing. We include substantial metadata about the convergence process for the JLS so that the effort becomes reproducible and transparent

    Design and development of protocol log analyzer for cellular modem

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    Abstract. Telecommunications protocols and cellular modems are used in devices to facilitate wireless communication. Cellular modems produce log files, which have to be analyzed by engineers when issues occur. Performing the analysis for large logs manually can be very time consuming, thus different approaches for trying to automate or simplify the process exist. This thesis presents design and development for a cellular modem log analysis tool. The tool is designed to take into account peculiarities of telecommunications protocols and cellular modems, especially of 5G New Radio Radio Resource Control protocol. A notation for defining analysis rules used by the tool is presented to be used alongside the tool. The developed tool is a proof-of-concept, with focus being on how the tool performs the analysis and how the notation can be used to define the wanted analysis rules. The features of the notation include defining expected content of protocol messages and order of log message sequences. The tool performs well with artificial modem logs, though some flaws in the notation are recognized. In the future, the tool and the notation should be updated with support for real cellular modem logs and evaluated in field use cases by cellular modem engineers.Matkapuhelinmodeemien lokitiedostojen analysointityökalun suunnittelu ja toteutus. Tiivistelmä. Tietoliikenneprotokollia ja matkapuhelinmodeemeja käytetään laitteissa langattoman tiedonsiirron mahdollistamiseksi. Matkapuhelinmodeemit tuottavat lokitiedostoja, joita insinöörien täytyy analysoida ongelmatilanteissa. Suurten lokitiedostojen analysointi manuaalisesti on työlästä, joten on olemassa keinoja prosessin automatisointiin tai yksinkertaistamiseen. Tämä työ esittelee suunnitelman ja toteutuksen matkapuhelinmodeemin lokitiedostojen analysointityökalulle. Työkalun suunnittelussa on otettu huomioon tietoliikenneprotokollien, erityisesti 5G New Radion radioresurssien hallintaprotokollan (RRC), ja matkapuhelinmodeemien erikoisuudet. Merkintäsäännöstö, jolla voidaan määritellä analyysisäännöt, esitellään työkalulle. Kehitetty työkalu on karkea prototyyppi. Kehityksessä keskitytään työkalun analyysiominaisuuksiin ja mahdollisuuksiin käyttää merkintäsäännöstöä määrittämään halutut analyysisäännöt. Merkintäsäännöstön ominaisuuksiin kuuluu odotettujen lokiviestien sisällön ja järjestyksen määrittely. Työkalu suoriutuu keinotekoisien modeemilokitiedostojen kanssa hyvin, mutta joitain vikoja merkintäsäännöstöstä havaittiin. Tulevaisuuden kehitystä ajatellen työkalu kannattaisi päivittää toimimaan aitojen matkapuhelinmodeemien lokitiedostojen kanssa, että sen kykyä suoriutua aidoista käyttötilanteista voitaisiin arvioida

    Development, Assessment, and Reengineering of Language Descriptions

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