21 research outputs found

    Informed Consent to Address Trust, Control, and Privacy Concerns in User Profiling

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    More and more, services and products are being personalised or\ud tailored, based on user-related data stored in so called user profiles or user\ud models. Although user profiling offers great benefits for both organisations and\ud users, there are several psychological factors hindering the potential success of user profiling. The most important factors are trust, control and privacy\ud concerns. This paper presents informed consent as a means to address the\ud hurdles trust, control, and privacy concerns pose to user profiling

    Evaluating trust in electronic commerce : a study based on the information provided on merchants' websites

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    Lack of trust has been identified as a major problem hampering the growth of Electronic Commerce (EC). It is reported by many studies that a large number of online shoppers abandon their transactions because they do not trust the website when they are asked to provide personal information. To support trust, we developed an information framework model based on research on EC trust. The model is based on the information a consumer expects to find on an EC website and that is shown from the literature to increase his/her trust towards online merchants. An information extraction system is then developed to help the user find this information. In this paper, we present the development of the information extraction system and its evaluation. This is then followed by a study looking at the use of the identified variables on a sample of EC websites

    La confiance : sa nature et son rĂ´le dans le commerce Ă©lectronique

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    "Dans la littérature des sciences sociales, les difficultés que connaît le marché du commerce électronique sont souvent attribuées à un manque de confiance; le manque de confiance serait un frein à l’échange. Qu’est au juste la confiance? La confiance permet de se dispenser de certaines précautions qu’on prendrait autrement dans le but d’éviter ou de réduire le risque de se faire avoir dans une opération. Le discours sur la confiance porte essentiellement sur la disponibilité d’informations touchant les différents aspects des opérations projetées dans le marché électronique et qui permettent aux acteurs d’évaluer à la baisse la probabilité de se faire avoir dans ces opérations, et donc la nécessité de précautions pour l’éviter. La disponibilité des informations est de nature à abaisser les coûts dits de transaction dans l’analyse économique du droit, et partant à faire augmenter le nombre d'opérations commerciales effectivement conclues. Cet article fait le point sur les sources de la confiance et sur leur rôle dans la réduction des coûts de transaction. Il recense les mécanismes de transmission d’informations dans les marchés traditionnels et s’en inspire pour ordonner et dégager les moyens correspondants pouvant favoriser les opérations dans les marchés électroniques, compte tenu des particularités propres de ces marchés.""In the social sciences literature, the difficulties that the electronic market places are experiencing are often attributed to a lack of trust ; lack of trust is thought to a strain on exchange. But just what is trust ? Trust allows one to dispense with a cet of precautions which would otherwise be apposite in order to avoid or to reduce the risk of being had in an exchange. When speaking of trust one is essentially dealing with the availability of information on the different aspects of a projected transaction in the electronic market place, information which allows the actors to lower their estimate of the chances of being had in such operations, and hence of the need for precautions to avoid such misfortune. The availability of information reduces what the economic analysis of law terms transactions costs and hence increases the number of transactions which will effectively take place. This articles examines the sources of trust and their role in reducing transactions costs. It makes an inventory of the ways in which information is conveyed in traditional markets and draws inspiration from that survey to classify and identify corresponding means that may stimulate transactions in electronic markets, taking into account the particular features of those markets.

    La confiance: sa nature et son rĂ´le dans le commerce Ă©lectronique

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    Un résumé en anglais est également disponible.[À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : CRDP - Droit et technologies d'information et de communication]Dans la littérature des sciences sociales, les difficultés que connaît le marché du commerce électronique sont souvent attribuées à un manque de confiance; le manque de confiance serait un frein à l’échange. Qu’est au juste la confiance? La confiance permet de se dispenser de certaines précautions qu’on prendrait autrement dans le but d’éviter ou de réduire le risque de se faire avoir dans une opération. Le discours sur la confiance porte essentiellement sur la disponibilité d’informations touchant les différents aspects des opérations projetées dans le marché électronique et qui permettent aux acteurs d’évaluer à la baisse la probabilité de se faire avoir dans ces opérations, et donc la nécessité de précautions pour l’éviter. La disponibilité des informations est de nature à abaisser les coûts dits de transaction dans l’analyse économique du droit, et partant à faire augmenter le nombre d'opérations commerciales effectivement conclues. Cet article fait le point sur les sources de la confiance et sur leur rôle dans la réduction des coûts de transaction. Il recense les mécanismes de transmission d’informations dans les marchés traditionnels et s’en inspire pour ordonner et dégager les moyens correspondants pouvant favoriser les opérations dans les marchés électroniques, compte tenu des particularités propres de ces marchés

    Triggering trust:to what extent does the question influence the answer when evaluating the perceived importance of trust triggers?

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    Trust is a critical component of business to consumer (B2C) e-Commerce success. In the absence of typical environmental cues that consumers use to assess vendor trustworthiness in the offline retail context, online consumers often rely on trust triggers embedded within e-Commerce websites to contribute to the establishment of sufficient trust to make an online purchase. This paper presents and discusses the results of a series of studies which took an initial look at the extent to which the context or manner in which trust triggers are evaluated may exert influence on the perceived importance attributed to individual triggers. We hope that our investigations will help inform the evaluation approaches adopted to assess consumer trust. © 2009 The Author

    Alter ego, state of the art on user profiling: an overview of the most relevant organisational and behavioural aspects regarding User Profiling.

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    This report gives an overview of the most relevant organisational and\ud behavioural aspects regarding user profiling. It discusses not only the\ud most important aims of user profiling from both an organisation’s as\ud well as a user’s perspective, it will also discuss organisational motives\ud and barriers for user profiling and the most important conditions for\ud the success of user profiling. Finally recommendations are made and\ud suggestions for further research are given

    Bridging the gap between human and machine trust : applying methods of user-centred design and usability to computer security

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    This work presents methods for improving the usability of security. The work focuses on trust as part of computer security. Methods of usability and user-centred design present an essential starting point for the research. The work uses the methods these fields provide to investigate differences between machine and human trust, as well as how the technical expressions of trust could be made more usable by applying these methods. The thesis is based on nine publications, which present various possibilities to research trust with user-centric methods. The publications proceed chronologically and logically from the first user interviews about trust, trusting attitudes and behaviours in general to the actual design and usability testing of user interfaces for security applications, finally presenting the outcomes and conclusions of the research. The work also presents a review of relevant previous work in the area, concentrating on work done in the fields of usability and user-centred design. The work is of cross-disciplinary nature, falling into the areas of human-computer interaction, computer science and telecommunications. The ultimate goal of the conducted research has been to find out 1) how trust is to be understood in this context; 2) what methods can be used to gain insight into trust thus defined; and, finally, 3) what means can be used to create trust in the end users in online situations, where trust is needed. The work aims at providing insight into how trust can be studied with the methods provided by user-centred design and usability. Further, it investigates how to take understanding of trust formation in humans into account when attempting to design trust-inducing systems and applications. The work includes an analysis and comparison of the methods used: what kinds of methods to study trust exist in the field of usability and user-centred design. Further, it is evaluated, what kind of results and when can be reached with the different methods available, by applying a variety of these methods. Recommendations for the appropriate application of these methods when studying the various parts of trust is one of the outcomes. The results received with the methods used have also been compared with results received by others by applying alternative methods to the same research questions. On a conceptual level, the work contains an analysis of the concept of trust. It also contains a brief investigation into both technical and humane ways to express trust, with a comparison between the two