32 research outputs found

    Developing the DigiQUAL protocol for digital library evaluation

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    Development of web-based digital libraries as learning resource facilities in elementary schools

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    The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has greatly influenced the world of education. One of the benefits of using ICT in education is that it makes it easier to find learning resources that itā€™s used in the learning process is the school library through digital libraries. The schools should develop digital libraries with facilities adequately. This study aimed to develop prototypes of web-based digital library products suitable as learning resources at public elementary school. The type of research used was research and development (R&D) using the PPE (Planning, Production, and Evaluation) model, carried out at SDN Sindang III, Majalengka Regency.Ā The subjects in this study were the school principal, ten teachers, and 43Ā students. The research instrument used observation, interview, and product validation sheets. Research data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of this research and development are web-based digital library products containing various textbooks adapted to the school curriculum, consist of 2013 curriculum books, Kurikulum Merdekaā€™s, numeracy literacy modules, children's story books, learning videos, and teacher-supporting books. The product validation by three experts and two practitioners using the DigiQUAL instrument, which consists of seven aspects, an average score of 4.4 is obtained, which is in the excellent category. Conclusion this study is innovation web-based digital library product can be a learning resource at SDN Sindang III, Majalengka Regency

    Evaluasi Kualitas Layanan Menggunakan DigiQUAL: Studi Kasus Pada SiBooky

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    Kini perkembangan teknologi informasi sudah sangat pesat dan berdampak pada semua bidang salah satunya yaitu perpustakaan. Perpustakaan beradaptasi dengan membuat perpustakaan digital. Perpustakaan digital merupakan perpustakaan yang menggunakan basis kerja komputer serta memiliki sumber daya berbentuk digital, salah satu bentuk perpustakaan digital yaitu perpustakaan digital SiBooky. Perpustakaan digital SiBooky dikembangkan oleh Dinas Arsip dan Perpustakaan Kota Semarang yang bertujuan agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan informasi pemustaka jika berhalangan datang langsung. Sejak perkembangannya, perpustakaan digital SiBooky belum pernah dilakukan evaluasi pada kualitas layanannya, evaluasi dilakukan hanya untuk pengembangan atau penambahan fitur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas layanan perpustakaan digital SiBooky menggunakan metode DigiQUAL. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Dalam penelitian ini pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 99 orang responden yang merupakan member perpustakaan digital SiBooky, serta kuesioner digunakan untuk pengumpulan data. Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisa menggunakan Importance-Performance analysis (IPA) dan customer satisfaction index (CSI). Penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwasanya kualitas layanan perpustakaan digital SiBooky berdasarkan Importance-Performance analysis (IPA) masih jauh dari harapan pemustaka, hal tersebut berdasarkan dari hasil nilai gap yang semuanya bernilai negatif. Nilai gap terbesar yaitu terdapat pada item nomor 21 yaitu sebesar -0,47 yang memiliki pernyataan pada perpustakaan digital SiBooky dapat mengakses perpustakaan digital lainnya. Sedangkan berdasarkan customer satisfaction index (CSI) menghasilkan 73,80% yang menunjukkan bahwa pemustaka merasa puas terhadap layanan perpustakaan digital SiBooky

    Assessment of the quality of international court libraries: a study of the African Union Court on Human and Peoplesā€™ rights Library

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    Text in EnglishThe study sought to assess the quality of library services by investigating the gaps between various service quality variables using the LibQUAL, SERVQUAL and SERVPERF models. The pragmatic paradigm formed the basis of this study while the mixed methods approach was adopted. The convergent parallel mixed methods design where both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods and data were integrated was adopted. Using the side-by-side comparison style, both sets of data were separately analysed and presented. The results were then compared to establish if they confirm or disconfirm each other. Questionnaires were administered to 94 users of the library. To calculate the level of service quality, the study measured the service adequacy gap (SAG), service superiority gap (SSG), zone of tolerance (ZoT), and D-M scores. Followup focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted to validate, supplement and further explore the issues that arose from data collected using the questionnaires. The findings revealed a gap between the usersā€™ expectations and perceptions of service quality and that library services were not meeting usersā€™ expectations. The usersā€™ expectations exceeded their perceptions since all service quality scores (SAG, SSG, ZoT and D-M scores) were either low or negative. Generally, the library performed well in the dimensions that touch on human aspects of the library but did poorly in the aspects that touch on information collections, library space and equipment. There were no significant differences between the protocols, with the overall gaps between perceptions and desires being all negative. The findings of the FGDs confirmed those of the questionnaires. The study recommended that the Court should allocate resources in a way that ensures human aspects of the library remain at high levels of service quality, while the shortcomings on aspects of information control, library space and equipment addressed. However, while addressing the physical space aspects, the library should bear in mind that users did not rate them as important for their purposes. This means that the library will need to invest in electronic content that can be accessed remotely by users. In view of the findings, the study concluded by developing a service quality framework on quality improvement and its sustenance at the library and the Court at large.Information ScienceD. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science

    The drivers of customer satisfaction for academic library services: managerial hints from an empirical study on two Italian university libraries using the Kano model

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    The intent of this qualitative research is to investigate and understand the requisites of customer satisfaction for academic librariesā€™ users and to give managerial hints for the implementation of user centred academic library services. To this aim, we analyse the library services of two Italian Universities (the Faculty of Economics of University of Palermo and the Central Library of the University of Salerno) to find relations and congruencies and to evaluate the perceived relevance of the tangible and intangible aspects of these services. In the preliminary phase of the research, we conducted both focus groups and individual interviews involving students or researchers who regularly use the library services. This study supplies a significant analysis of qualitative data that can be functional for researchers and for university managers to plan strategic and operative activities in order to improve academic library services

    The Applicability of Eā€Sā€QUAL for Assessing the Serivce Quality of Social Media Services in Academic Libraries

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    Libraries of all types are using an increasing range of online applications for services to connect and communicate with their users. Their emerging use of social media for service delivery emphasizes the need for understanding user perceptions on service quality in order to meet user needs. However, studies about social media in libraries have found several limitations in identifying user perceptions, including outdated evaluation statements, fragmented quantitative information from applications, and a lack of measurement instruments. This study addresses some of these gaps by examining the applicability of the E-S-QUAL instrument, which was developed by Parasuraman et al. (2005), for measuring the service quality of library social media services. E-S-QUAL has never been applied in the library service field. Nine hypotheses address the applicability in terms of 1) the scaleā€™s reliability and validity, 2) the relationships between user-perceived service quality and three related variables to service quality (overall quality, customersā€™ perceived value of information, and loyalty intentions), and 3) the scaleā€™s potential to identify differences between user-perceived importance for a library social media service and their-perceived performance of the service. Online surveys were used to collect data in five academic university libraries in North America offering Twitter services. A questionnaire based on a modified version of E-S-QUAL was distributed through library social media accounts, and a total of 266 responses were analyzed. Multivariate statistical methods were used to analyze the data, including exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, correlation, regression analysis, and t-test in order to identify reliability, dimensionality, and convergent, discriminant, predictive, nomological, and known-group validity using SPSS and Amos. This study found that the modified E-S-QUAL has good reliability and relationships with criterion variables as an instrument to measure the service quality of library Twitter accounts in four dimensions. Although some psychometric properties of the scale were supported, dimensionality and validity tests diagnosed the possibility of within-measure and across-measure correlational systematic error. In order to reduce the possibility of such errors, rewording shared phrases in different constructs and different itemsā€™ sequence on the questionnaire is suggested for application of the E-S-QUAL instrument for assessment of service quality of Twitter used by academic libraries. The results of this study help library managers apply the instrument to measure service quality, determine directions and strategies for social media services, and improve their performance to meet and exceed user needs.Ph.D., Information Studies -- Drexel University, 201

    The Applicability of Eā€Sā€QUAL for Assessing the Serivce Quality of Social Media Services in Academic Libraries

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    Libraries of all types are using an increasing range of online applications for services to connect and communicate with their users. Their emerging use of social media for service delivery emphasizes the need for understanding user perceptions on service quality in order to meet user needs. However, studies about social media in libraries have found several limitations in identifying user perceptions, including outdated evaluation statements, fragmented quantitative information from applications, and a lack of measurement instruments. This study addresses some of these gaps by examining the applicability of the E-S-QUAL instrument, which was developed by Parasuraman et al. (2005), for measuring the service quality of library social media services. E-S-QUAL has never been applied in the library service field. Nine hypotheses address the applicability in terms of 1) the scaleā€™s reliability and validity, 2) the relationships between user-perceived service quality and three related variables to service quality (overall quality, customersā€™ perceived value of information, and loyalty intentions), and 3) the scaleā€™s potential to identify differences between user-perceived importance for a library social media service and their-perceived performance of the service. Online surveys were used to collect data in five academic university libraries in North America offering Twitter services. A questionnaire based on a modified version of E-S-QUAL was distributed through library social media accounts, and a total of 266 responses were analyzed. Multivariate statistical methods were used to analyze the data, including exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, correlation, regression analysis, and t-test in order to identify reliability, dimensionality, and convergent, discriminant, predictive, nomological, and known-group validity using SPSS and Amos. This study found that the modified E-S-QUAL has good reliability and relationships with criterion variables as an instrument to measure the service quality of library Twitter accounts in four dimensions. Although some psychometric properties of the scale were supported, dimensionality and validity tests diagnosed the possibility of within-measure and across-measure correlational systematic error. In order to reduce the possibility of such errors, rewording shared phrases in different constructs and different itemsā€™ sequence on the questionnaire is suggested for application of the E-S-QUAL instrument for assessment of service quality of Twitter used by academic libraries. The results of this study help library managers apply the instrument to measure service quality, determine directions and strategies for social media services, and improve their performance to meet and exceed user needs.Ph.D., Information Studies -- Drexel University, 201

    2016 LibQUAL+ Survey - Performing Arts Library

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    2016 LibQUAL+ Survey branch analysis for the Performing Arts Library

    UNM LibQUAL+ 2014 Survey

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