3 research outputs found

    Development and testing of a thai website accessibility evaluation tool

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    This paper deals with the important problem that there is no help with the accessibility evaluations of Thailand鈥檚 web by developing and evaluating a new method and tool online, WebThai2Access, with experts, developers, and users with disabilities. This tool was evaluated by 30 developers, 30 hearing impaired people, 30 visually impaired people, and 30 elderly people. The developers evaluated the websites whereas experimental tasks were given to each disabled group based on the problems they had accessing web information. The developers found WebThai2Access very usable and the 15 test criteria were reliable for evaluating websites. The lower and upper 95% limits for confidence ratings of developers were minus or plus 10% for YouTube and Pantip websites and minus or plus 3% with the blind association website. The 95% lower and upper limits of confidence were minus or plus 5% for hearing impaired users, minus or plus 2% for elderly users and minus or plus 0% for visually impaired users. The results therefore showed WebThai2Access was reliable and accessible for developers whose evaluations reasonably well predicted website accessibility for users with disabilities

    Mobile Application for Thai & Foreign Tourists Visiting Thai Temple

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    This research gathered requirements from Thai and foreign tourists to successfully design Thai and English Android and IOS versions of a mobile application to provide an enhanced experience for tourists visiting the Phra Mahathat Woramahawihan (PMW) Temple in Thailand. The content and user interface were designed based on theories and related research and three experts evaluated the prototype to improve the final application versions which were evaluated at the temple by Thai and foreign tourists. Analysis of the results showed that both the Thai and foreign tourists found similar high satisfaction with the performance of the Android and IOS mobile applications. The mobile app text, pictures and voice allowed tourists to know how important each point of visit was, where to go, where the starting point was, and what were the rituals, the history and other information of each point. One main benefit for all foreign tourists was the app provided the history and other information of each point in English as only the names of each point were provided in English at the temple

    Implementaci贸n de una aplicaci贸n m贸vil para permitir la accesibilidad de contenido sobre noticias para las personas invidentes del Centro de Rehabilitaci贸n de Ciegos de Lima (CERCIL)

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    Esta investigaci贸n tiene como objetivo determinar la influencia de la implementaci贸n de una aplicaci贸n m贸vil para permitir la accesibilidad de contenido sobre noticias para las personas invidentes de CERCIL, 2022. La investigaci贸n fue de tipo explicativa, cuantitativa y aplicada. En los resultados se realiz贸 un pre test y post test de los indicadores: CRCNA: Criterios de conformidad Nivel A, GP: Grado de perceptibilidad, GO: Grado de operatividad, GC: Grado de comprensibilidad y GR: Grado de robustez. Se realiz贸 la prueba de normalidad y la prueba no param茅trica de Wilcoxon donde se acept贸 la hip贸tesis alterna y se rechaz贸 la nula. Los resultados mostraron que el CRCNA mejoro un 57% de accesibilidad, en cuanto a GP, GO, GC y GR, estos mejoraron la accesibilidad con la implementaci贸n de la aplicaci贸n m贸vil. Se concluy贸 que la aplicaci贸n m贸vil mejoro la accesibilidad en el post test y por lo tanto se contara con una herramienta que permitir谩 el consumo de contenido de noticias para los pacientes del Centro de rehabilitaci贸n de ciegos de lima (CERCIL) en el 2022.Las recomendaciones fueron que puedan evaluar otros indicadores u otros instrumentos de investigaci贸n para futuras investigaciones