6,780 research outputs found

    Developing An Atrial Activity-based Algorithm For Detection Of Atrial Fibrillation

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    Background - Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia. It affects an estimated 2.3 million United States citizens, and this number is only expected to increase as the general population ages. Automatic detection of AF could provide cardiologists with significant information for accurate and reliable diagnosis and monitoring of AF and is crucial for clinical therapy. However, monitoring AF remains an open area of research when the heart rate is controlled

    A Review of Atrial Fibrillation Detection Methods as a Service

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    Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is a common heart arrhythmia that often goes undetected, and even if it is detected, managing the condition may be challenging. In this paper, we review how the RR interval and Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals, incorporated into a monitoring system, can be useful to track AF events. Were such an automated system to be implemented, it could be used to help manage AF and thereby reduce patient morbidity and mortality. The main impetus behind the idea of developing a service is that a greater data volume analyzed can lead to better patient outcomes. Based on the literature review, which we present herein, we introduce the methods that can be used to detect AF efficiently and automatically via the RR interval and ECG signals. A cardiovascular disease monitoring service that incorporates one or multiple of these detection methods could extend event observation to all times, and could therefore become useful to establish any AF occurrence. The development of an automated and efficient method that monitors AF in real time would likely become a key component for meeting public health goals regarding the reduction of fatalities caused by the disease. Yet, at present, significant technological and regulatory obstacles remain, which prevent the development of any proposed system. Establishment of the scientific foundation for monitoring is important to provide effective service to patients and healthcare professionals

    Wavelet entropy as a measure of ventricular beat suppression from the electrocardiogram in atrial fibrillation

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    A novel method of quantifying the effectiveness of the suppression of ventricular activity from electrocardiograms (ECGs) in atrial fibrillation is proposed. The temporal distribution of the energy of wavelet coefficients is quantified by wavelet entropy at each ventricular beat. More effective ventricular activity suppression yields increased entropies at scales dominated by the ventricular and atrial components of the ECG. Two studies are undertaken to demonstrate the efficacy of the method: first, using synthesised ECGs with controlled levels of residual ventricular activity, and second, using patient recordings with ventricular activity suppressed by an average beat template subtraction algorithm. In both cases wavelet entropy is shown to be a good measure of the effectiveness of ventricular beat suppression

    Influence of autonomic nervous system in the inducibility of atrial fibrillation.

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    Cílem této práce je zjištění změn předcházejícím fibrilaci síní. Pozorována je rovnováha mezi sympatikem a parasympatikem. Do experimentu výzkumného ústavu Cleavlendské kliniky bylo zapojeno šest psů různých ras. Signály EKG byly získány Holterovským 24hodinovým monitorováním. Pomocí 40 vysokofrekvenčních impulsů (TI) byla každých 30 minut vyvolávána AF. Z 24hodinového signálu byly extrahovány kratší epizody. Každá z těchto epizod obsahovala 10 minut předcházejících TI a 3 minuty následující po TI. Desetiminutové epizody byly zpracovány automaticky, byly detekovány QRS komplexy a RR intervaly a vypočteny HRV parametry. Přítomnost a délka trvání AF byly zjištěny manuálně z tříminutových intervalů následujících po TI. Byla-li vyvolána AF o délce trvání kratší než 30 sekund došlo ve srovnání s epizodami bez výskytu AF k významným změnám tří HRV parametrů. HF parametr poklesl pro epizody s výskytem AF. LF parametr byl naopak vyšší v epizodách s AF. Pro AF delší než 30 sekund nebyly významné změny pozorovány. Změny v epizodách s krátkou AF mohly být způsobeny změnami vlivu sympatiku a parasympatiku. Ke vzniku dlouhých AF je pravděpodobně zapotřebí i jiného vlivu, který nemusí nutně souviset s nervovým systémem. K dalším analýzám je zapotřebí většího množství signálů.The aim of this study is to investigate changes in sympatho-vagal balance before the initiation of AF. Six mongrel dogs from the Cleveland Clinic foundation were included in this study. ECG was recorded for 24 hours using telemetric Holter monitoring. AF was periodically induced every 30 min. by applying brief bursts of 40 high-frequency atrial train impulses (TI). From the 24 hours signals' traces shorter data episodes were extracted. Each episode consisted of 10 minutes preceding the atrial burst, and 3 minutes following the (TI). The 10 minutes episodes were processed automatically to determine the QRS complexes and RR intervals, and to calculate the HRV parameters. The presence and the duration of AF were determined by manual examination in each of the 3 minutes intervals following the delivery of TI. When the AF was generated, but episodes of AF were shorter than 30 seconds, three HRV parameters were significantly different than when AF was not generated. The HF component was lower in episodes that generated AF. The LF component was higher in episodes that generated AF. No significant differences were found when episodes of AF were longer than 30 seconds. Short episodes of AF could be generated when a certain disorder between sympathetic and parasympathetic tone is present. However in order to be able to generate longer AF episodes it is necessary another component not necessary related to the nervous system. Further analysis with a higher number of dogs should be needed.

    Devices for Prevention of Atrial Tachyarrhythmias

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most frequent sustained cardiac arrhythmia in clinical practice and, although its importance has been underestimated even in recent years, we are now becoming aware of its clinical transcendence1,2,3. The classical treatment is pharmacological, but its efficacy is limited and it does have side effects4,5. Therefore, in recent years, there has been an increasing interest in other types of non-pharmacological treatments6,7. Physiologic cardiac pacing has proven to be more effective than VVI mode pacing to prevent the occurrence of AF during the follow-up of patients who have had a permanent pacemaker implanted 8,9,10. There are currently different lines of research that use different atrial pacing techniques to prevent and treat episodes of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation11,12. Techniques of multi-site pacing in the right atrium or both atria, new atrial pacing sites, prevention algorithms for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation episodes, and even high-frequency atrial tachyarrhythmia termination algorithms have all been proposed. In this article, we will try to synthesize the grounds for and findings of the different lines of research currently being developed

    Recurring patterns of atrial fibrillation in surface ECG predict restoration of sinus rhythm by catheter ablation

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    Background Non-invasive tools to help identify patients likely to benefit from catheter ablation (CA) of atrial fibrillation (AF) would facilitate personalised treatment planning. Aim To investigate atrial waveform organisation through recurrence plot indices (RPI) and their ability to predict CA outcome. Methods One minute 12-lead ECG was recorded before CA from 62 patients with AF (32 paroxysmal AF; 45 men; age 57±10 years). Organisation of atrial waveforms from i) TQ intervals in V1 and ii) QRST suppressed continuous AF waveforms (CAFW), were quantified using RPI: percentage recurrence (PR), percentage determinism (PD), entropy of recurrence (ER). Ability to predict acute (terminating vs. non-terminating AF), 3-month and 6-month postoperative outcome (AF vs. AF free) were assessed. Results RPI either by TQ or CAFW analysis did not change significantly with acute outcome. Patients arrhythmia-free at 6-month follow-up had higher organisation in TQ intervals by PD (

    The European Network for Translational Research in Atrial Fibrillation (EUTRAF): objectives and initial results.

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained arrhythmia in the general population. As an age-related arrhythmia AF is becoming a huge socio-economic burden for European healthcare systems. Despite significant progress in our understanding of the pathophysiology of AF, therapeutic strategies for AF have not changed substantially and the major challenges in the management of AF are still unmet. This lack of progress may be related to the multifactorial pathogenesis of atrial remodelling and AF that hampers the identification of causative pathophysiological alterations in individual patients. Also, again new mechanisms have been identified and the relative contribution of these mechanisms still has to be established. In November 2010, the European Union launched the large collaborative project EUTRAF (European Network of Translational Research in Atrial Fibrillation) to address these challenges. The main aims of EUTRAF are to study the main mechanisms of initiation and perpetuation of AF, to identify the molecular alterations underlying atrial remodelling, to develop markers allowing to monitor this processes, and suggest strategies to treat AF based on insights in newly defined disease mechanisms. This article reports on the objectives, the structure, and initial results of this network

    Computer-Aided Clinical Decision Support Systems for Atrial Fibrillation

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    Clinical decision support systems (clinical DSSs) are widely used today for various clinical applications such as diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. Clinical DSS aims to enhance the end‐to‐end therapy management for the doctors, and also helps to provide improved experience for patients during each phase of the therapy. The goal of this chapter is to provide an insight into the clinical DSS associated with the highly prevalent heart rhythm disorder, atrial fibrillation (AF). The use of clinical DSS in AF management is ubiquitous, starting from detection of AF through sophisticated electrophysiology treatment procedures, all the way to monitoring the patient\u27s health during follow‐ups. Most of the software associated with AF DSS are developed based on signal processing, image processing, and artificial intelligence techniques. The chapter begins with a brief description of DSS in general and then introduces DSS that are used for various clinical applications. The chapter continues with a background on AF and some relevant mechanisms. Finally, a couple of clinical DSS used today in regard with AF are discussed, along with some proposed methods for potential implementation of clinical DSS for detection of AF, prediction of an AF treatment outcome, and localization of AF targets during a treatment procedure