9 research outputs found

    Confidence modelling in DiGMapGB-50 for customer needs

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    This report reviews and tests recent internal research on establishing an efficient, reliable method of creating an indicator layer of confidence in the DiGMapGB-50 data, using expert elicitation. This report provides an overview of work from earlier studies by the BGS with a follow up test based on recommendations (Lee, et al., 2011). The focus of this study was the development and implementation of the follow up procedure which is described in detail. Recommendations for further development of the methodology are provided alongside a proposed way forward

    Big Data Analytics for Earth Sciences: the EarthServer approach

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    Big Data Analytics is an emerging field since massive storage and computing capabilities have been made available by advanced e-infrastructures. Earth and Environmental sciences are likely to benefit from Big Data Analytics techniques supporting the processing of the large number of Earth Observation datasets currently acquired and generated through observations and simulations. However, Earth Science data and applications present specificities in terms of relevance of the geospatial information, wide heterogeneity of data models and formats, and complexity of processing. Therefore, Big Earth Data Analytics requires specifically tailored techniques and tools. The EarthServer Big Earth Data Analytics engine offers a solution for coverage-type datasets, built around a high performance array database technology, and the adoption and enhancement of standards for service interaction (OGC WCS and WCPS). The EarthServer solution, led by the collection of requirements from scientific communities and international initiatives, provides a holistic approach that ranges from query languages and scalability up to mobile access and visualization. The result is demonstrated and validated through the development of lighthouse applications in the Marine, Geology, Atmospheric, Planetary and Cryospheric science domains

    Developing a geoscience knowledge framework for a national geological survey organisation

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    Geological survey organisations (GSOs) are established by most nations to provide a geoscience knowledge base for effective decision-making on mitigating the impacts of natural hazards and global change, and on sustainable management of natural resources. The value of the knowledge base as a national asset is continually enhanced by exchange of knowledge between GSOs as data and information providers and the stakeholder community as knowledge ‘users and exploiters’. Geological maps and associated narrative texts typically form the core of national geoscience knowledge bases, but have some inherent limitations as methods of capturing and articulating knowledge. Much knowledge about the 3D spatial interpretation and its derivation and uncertainty, and the wider contextual value of the knowledge, remains intangible in the minds of the mapping geologist in implicit and tacit form. To realise the value of these knowledge assets, the British Geological Survey (BGS) has established a workflow-based cyber-infrastructure to enhance its knowledge management and exchange capability. Future geoscience surveys in the BGS will contribute to a national, 3D digital knowledge base on UK geology, with the associated implicit and tacit information captured as metadata, qualitative assessments of uncertainty, and documented workflows and best practice. Knowledge-based decision-making at all levels of society requires both the accessibility and reliability of knowledge to be enhanced in the grid-based world. Establishment of collaborative cyber-infrastructures and ontologies for geoscience knowledge management and exchange will ensure that GSOs, as knowledge-based organisations, can make their contribution to this wider goal

    Information seeking behavior of geologists when searching for physical samples

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    Information seeking is “a conscious effort to acquire information in response to a need or gap” in your knowledge (Case, 2007, p. 5). In the geosciences, physical samples such as cores, cuttings, fossils, and rocks are primary sources of information; they represent “the foundation of basic and applied geoscience research and education, and underpin industry programs to discover and develop domestic natural resources” (National Research Council, 2002, p.8). This dissertation investigates the information seeking behavior of geologists when searching for physical samples. It takes a unique approach by looking at physical objects as information sources, as opposed to past studies which focused on print literature (Bichteler & Ward, 1989; Joseph, 2001). Data collection was twofold. First I administered two questionnaires to state geological surveys. Thirty-five state geologists and 28 repository managers responded. The results capture an overview of these science data centers and their handling of collections of physical samples. State geological surveys were selected as they are a distinct type of facility which are similar to libraries. Like libraries, these institutions’ missions dictate maintaining a collection as well as providing access to their diverse data holdings. In the second stage, I interviewed 15 geologists, primarily users of state geological survey collections. Responses highlighted various search behaviors which were used to develop a model of their information seeking behavior. Some behaviors were dependent on one’s role within an organization, suggesting a division of labor in the research team. Many behaviors related to a researcher’s knowledge of the domain, e.g., knowing where to look, who to talk to, and how to determine the quality of the information found. The most frequently used search process by interview participants was relying on their social network to recommend or locate samples. The results of this study suggest a number of recommendations and research opportunities for science data centers, including: 1) developing infrastructure which supports discovery and access, 2) further exploring the nature of task and role in searching, 3) developing training for searchers and curators, 4) developing standards for metadata creation related to physical samples, and 5) developing tools to aid in the search process.Doctor of Philosoph

    An integrated information modelling system for assessing urban geohazard risk

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    Over the years, the continuous expansion of cities has drawn the attention of engineers and researchers to the need to support sustainable planning. As cities expand, they would be more prone to geohazard risk, which could cause severe costs. Therefore, a system to provide information of geohazard risk could support sustainable urban planning. A suggested application is proposed in this thesis to assess settlement risk caused by tunnelling. A framework methodology is proposed to aid the assessment of urban geohazard risk. The settlement risk assessment analyses and the associated building damage and cost assessment form the structure of the framework. Building Information Modelling (BIM) provided and supported the information for the data processes used in the whole analysis and the 3D geology-tunnel-building model creation. The resulting risk assessments are presented using 3D visualisations. From these visualisations, further investigations could be focused on the ‘higher-risk’ outcomes presented. This forms a preliminary assessment a tool. The final oucome of this research is an integrated information system based on advanced analysis and 3D modelling tools for urban geohazard risk. The research also provides information which contributes to knowledge and understanding for relevant associated problems and supports sustainable decision-making

    Geotechnical asset management for climate change risk

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    Geotechnical asset management is a process and tool which encourages robust data management, optimised programming and evidenced based decision-making. Although asset management has come a long way since becoming a more accepted practice in the highways sector , and has fundamentally changed the way that assets are maintained, there are aspects that are still evolving as clarity on asset and network need improves and extends into future years. However, in gaining more sight into the future of asset networks, unforeseen risks begin to appear. These risks may not have been known or well understood at the time the asset network was constructed, or may not have been an issue when the asset was originally designed, yet, over the years the changing use of the asset network by users has led to new risks becoming apparent. One of these historically unknown risks is climate change. While knowledge about how climate change is expected to impact assets is improving, the understanding of the scale and scope of assets that will be affected by climate change is less well developed. The tool presented in this research is a risk assessment, which evaluates the risk profile of the effects of climate change on a geotechnical asset as the result of the critical condition impact factors. This risk profile is completed by a scoring the impacting factors on a scorecard, for subsequent inclusion in the final risk score. The likelihood element of the risk assessment uses probability scores taken from the medium emission scenarios presented by the UKCIP 2018. The resultant risk score can then be utilised as a forward planning tool for maintenance, or increased monitoring, where appropriate. Three case studies were assessed to show the practical application of the system. The results of the case studies show that the process works and produces results which aid the planning of maintenance to mitigate for climate change

    Approche cognitive pour l'intégration des outils de la géomatique en sciences de l'environnement modélisation et évaluation

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    Cette thèse s'est intéressée à l'intégration des Systèmes d'Information Géographique, dans les domaines de la formation en géosciences appliquées et sciences de l'environnement. L'étude de cette intégration et des difficultés qui l'accompagnent, s'est articulée autour de trois dimensions : 1. une dimension cognitive, pour explorer les approches et les méthodes qui permettent d'étudier la façon de raisonner d'utilisateurs expérimentés ou novices, face à la résolution de problèmes spatiaux avec les SIG ; 2. une dimension didactique pour, à partir des différences entre les raisonnements des experts et des novices, identifier et intégrer les démarches expertes utilisables dans les stratégies de résolution des apprenants ; 3. une dimension pédagogique, pour concevoir, en s'appuyant sur les acquis cognitifs et didactiques, des dispositifs de formation innovateurs, en adéquation avec les demandes du monde professionnel. Afin de limiter notre champ d'étude, il a été nécessaire d'effectuer une analyse des pratiques de cartographie et SIG dans les domaines des Géosciences et de l'Ingénierie de l'Environnement et effecteur des choix pertinentes dans une perspective pédagogique, professionnelle et sociétale. Nous nous sommes intéressés à une activité de cartographie particulière : la cartographie d'aptitude réalisée avec des méthodes d'analyses spatiales multicritères pour la localisation de site(s) apte(s) à répondre à une problématique environnementale. En effet, cette méthode implique, d'un point de vue pédagogique, une approche progressive et complète à l'usage des SIG. Elle a un caractère professionnalisant, car elle est d'usage dans les projets environnementaux et, enfin, elle appuie le débat sur les choix territoriaux qui impliquent des prises de décisions. C'est lors de la réalisation de cette activité de cartographie d'aptitude que différents types d'utilisateurs ont été observés : des experts et des étudiants issus de notre entourage académique et professionnel. Nous avons élaboré un protocole expérimental exploratoire qui a permis de recueillir des données écrites et orales. Les analyses des données issues de la phase expérimentale ont été guidées par les cadres qui relèvent des sciences cognitives : sur le plan théorique, pour la définition des mécanismes visuo-cognitifs impliqués dans les raisonnements, et sur le plan méthodologique pour l'approche qualitative et quantitative d'analyse de données verbales. En termes de résultats, des composants des processus de raisonnement qui interviennent dans la réalisation et perception de la carte d'aptitude, ont été identifiés. De plus, les différences d'occurrences d'actions, d'opérations et de concepts mobilisés par les experts et les novices dans le même contexte, ont pu être mesurées. La comparaison des différentes stratégies adoptées par les expertes et par les étudiants a permis ensuite de ré-penser les dispositifs de formation, avec des aides didactiques qui ciblent les lacunes des étudiants. Le vrai défi de cette thèse a été l'apport pluridisciplinaire à la cartographie et aux SIG dans les Sciences de l'Information Géographique. En apportant des connaissances de la psychologie cognitive, de la didactique des sciences et des sciences de l'éducation, cette thèse a contribué à une meilleure compréhension de certains processus de représentations et d'appropriation des SIG, lors de la production cartographique et de son interprétation. Cette compréhension peut contribuer à améliorer les représentations ou à en proposer de nouvelles, favorisant ainsi la construction de la connaissance spatiale.This thesis concerns the integration of GIS mapping tools and analysis in training curricula of applied geosciences and environmental sciences. This study focuses on three dimensions: 1. a cognitive dimension, in order to explore the way of thinking of experienced and novice users when solving spatial problems with GIS; 2. an instructional dimension, in order to identify and integrate the expert methods in the resolution strategies of learners; 3. an educational dimension in order to design, based on cognitive achievement, innovative training tools in line with the demands of the working world. To limit the scope of our study, it was necessary to perform an analysis of the practices of mapping and GIS in the areas of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering. It was also necessary to make relevant choices in a professional, educational and societal perspective. We were interested in a particular kind of mapping: GIS-bases land-use suitability mapping, with multi criteria spatial analysis methods. Indeed, this method involves, from a pedagogical point of view, a progressive and comprehensive approach to the use of GIS. It has a professionalizing nature, as it is common practice in environmental projects. Finally, it supports the debate on territorial choices that involve decision making. Different types of users have been observed: experts and students from our academic and professional environment. We performed an exploratory experimental protocol that allowed collecting written and verbal data. Data analyses were supported by theoretical frameworks that fall within the cognitive sciences, especially on visual-cognitive processes involved in reasoning. In terms of methodology, we used the quantitative-based qualitative approach for verbal data analysis. Regarding the results, some components of reasoning involved in the production and perception of the suitability map have been identified. Moreover, differences of instances of actions, operations and concepts used by experts and novices could be measured. Comparing the different strategies adopted by the expert and the students enabled us to re-think the training tools, with instructional aids that target gaps in students' abilities. The real challenge of this thesis was the multidisciplinary contribution to mapping and GIS in Geographic Information Science. Providing knowledge of cognitive psychology and science education, this thesis has contributed to a better understanding of some processes in GIS representation and appropriation. This understanding can improve performances on representations, or propose new ones, thus fostering spatial knowledge.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF