10,185 research outputs found

    Developing a Common Metadata Model for Competencies Description

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    Competence-based approaches are frequently adopted as the key paradigm in both formal or non-formal education and training. To support the provision of competence-based learning services, it is necessary to be able to maintain a record of an individual’s competences in a persistent and standard way. In this paper, we investigate potential issues related with the definition of a common metadata model for competencies description. This is done by applying the current state-of-the-art specification, IMS Reusable Definition of Competency or Educational Objective(IMSRDCEO), in a real case study, that is,the EuroPass Language Passport. We, then, identify four open issues with the description capabilities of the IMSRDCEO specification, and propose possible extensions to its information model, demonstrating their application in practice.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    Pedagogically informed metadata content and structure for learning and teaching

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    In order to be able to search, compare, gap analyse, recommend, and visualise learning objects, learning resources, or teaching assets, the metadata structure and content must be able to support pedagogically informed reasoning, inference, and machine processing over the knowledge representations. In this paper, we present the difficulties with current metadata standards in education: Dublin Core educational version and IEEELOM, using examples drawn from the areas of e-learning, institutional admissions, and learners seeking courses. The paper suggests expanded metadata components based on an e-learning system engineering model to support pedagogically informed interoperability. We illustrate some examples of the metadata relevant to competency in the nurse training domain

    Student-Centered Learning: Functional Requirements for Integrated Systems to Optimize Learning

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    The realities of the 21st-century learner require that schools and educators fundamentally change their practice. "Educators must produce college- and career-ready graduates that reflect the future these students will face. And, they must facilitate learning through means that align with the defining attributes of this generation of learners."Today, we know more than ever about how students learn, acknowledging that the process isn't the same for every student and doesn't remain the same for each individual, depending upon maturation and the content being learned. We know that students want to progress at a pace that allows them to master new concepts and skills, to access a variety of resources, to receive timely feedback on their progress, to demonstrate their knowledge in multiple ways and to get direction, support and feedback from—as well as collaborate with—experts, teachers, tutors and other students.The result is a growing demand for student-centered, transformative digital learning using competency education as an underpinning.iNACOL released this paper to illustrate the technical requirements and functionalities that learning management systems need to shift toward student-centered instructional models. This comprehensive framework will help districts and schools determine what systems to use and integrate as they being their journey toward student-centered learning, as well as how systems integration aligns with their organizational vision, educational goals and strategic plans.Educators can use this report to optimize student learning and promote innovation in their own student-centered learning environments. The report will help school leaders understand the complex technologies needed to optimize personalized learning and how to use data and analytics to improve practices, and can assist technology leaders in re-engineering systems to support the key nuances of student-centered learning

    The Metadata Education and Research Information Commons (MERIC): A Collaborative Teaching and Research Initiative

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    The networked environment forced a sea change in Library and Information Science (LIS) education. Most LIS programs offer a mixed-mode of instruction that integrates online learning materials with more traditional classroom pedagogical methods and faculty are now responsible for developing content and digital learning objects. The teaching commons in a networked environment is one way to share, modify and repurpose learning objects while reducing the costs to educational institutions of developing course materials totally inhouse. It also provides a venue for sharing ideas, practices, and expertise in order to provide the best learning experience for students. Because metadata education has been impacted by rapid changes and metadata research is interdisciplinary and diffuse, the Metadata Education and Research Information Commons (MERIC) initiative aims to provide a virtual environment for sharing and collaboration within the extensive metadata community. This paper describes the development of MERIC from its origin as a simple clearinghouse proof-of-concept project to a service-oriented teaching and research commons prototype. The problems of enablers and barriers to participation and collaboration are discussed and the need for specific community building research is cited as critical for the success of MERIC within a broad metadata community