15 research outputs found

    A general computational method for robustness analysis with applications to synthetic gene networks

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    Motivation: Robustness is the capacity of a system to maintain a function in the face of perturbations. It is essential for the correct functioning of natural and engineered biological systems. Robustness is generally defined in an ad hoc, problem-dependent manner, thus hampering the fruitful development of a theory of biological robustness, recently advocated by Kitano

    Searching for Order in Body Clocks

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    Physiological rhythms are central to life. Mammalian behavior and metabolism are organized around the day and night by the regulated action of cell-autonomous clocks that exist throughout our bodies. At the core of this molecular clockwork are multiple coupled feedback loops that generate sustained circadian rhythms in gene expression to ultimately orchestrate mammalian physiology. In this work we provide evidence for the role of metabolism in regulating the core clock. We present genes involved in energetic and redox pathways which we identified to be essential for the robustness of cellular timekeepers to temperature fluctuations. We developed the first computational model for circadian redox oscillations that contributes to the understanding of how cellular redox balance might adjust circadian rates in response to perturbations and convey timing information to the core molecular oscillator. Moreover, we show that our mathematical model can be coupled with prior published models of the transcriptional clockwork resulting in 1:1 entrainment. This experimental-theoretical approach exemplifies the need of a dynamic analysis at the system level to understand complex biological processes and provides insights into how basic timekeeping mechanisms are integrated into cellular physiology. Such knowledge might highlight new ways by which functional consequences of circadian timekeeping can be explored in the context of human health and disease

    Nonrenewal spiking in Neural and Calcium signaling

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    Sowohl in der neuronalen als auch in der Kalzium Signalübertragung werden Informationen durch kurze Pulse oder Spikes, übertragen. Obwohl beide Systeme grundlegende Eigenschaften der Spike-Erzeugung teilen, wurden Integrate-and-fire (IF)-Modelle bisher nur auf neuronale Systeme angewendet. Diese Modelle bleiben auch dann behandelbar, wenn sie um Prozesse erweitert werden, die in Übereinstimmung mit Experimenten Spike-Zeiten mit korrelierten Interspike-Intervallen (ISI) erzeugen. Die statistische Analyse solcher nicht erneuerbarer Modelle ist Gegenstand dieser Arbeit. Das zweite Kapitel konzentriert sich auf die Berechnung des seriellen Korrelationskoeffizienten (SCC) in neuronalen Systemen. Es wird ein adaptives Modell betrachtet, das durch einen korrelierten Eingangsstrom getrieben wird. Es zeigt sich, dass neben den langsamen Prozessen auch die Dynamik des Modells den SCC bestimmt. Obwohl die Theorie für schwach gestörte IF-Modelle entwickelt wurde, kann sie auch auf stärker gestörte leitfähigkeitsbasierte Modelle angewendet werden und ist damit in der Lage, ein breites Spektrum biophysikalischer Situationen zu beschreiben. Im dritten Kapitel wird ein IF-Modell zur Beschreibung von Kalzium-Spikes formuliert, das die stochastische Freisetzung von Kalzium aus dem endoplasmatischen Retikulum (ER) und dessen Entleerung berücksichtigt. Die beobachtete Zeitskalentrennung zwischen Kalziumfreisetzung und Spikegenerierung motiviert eine Diffusionsnäherung, die eine analytische Behandlung des Modells ermöglicht. Die experimentell beobachtete Transiente, in der sich die ISIs einem stationären Wert annähern, kann durch die Entleerung des ER beschrieben werden. Es wird untersucht, wie die Statistiken der Transienten mit den stationären Intervallkorrelationen zusammenhängen. Es zeigt sich, dass eine stärkere Anpassung der Intervalle und eine kurze Transiente mit stärkeren Korrelationen einhergehen. Der Vergleich mit experimentellen Daten bestätigt diese Trends qualitativ.In both neuronal and calcium signaling, information is transmitted by short pulses, so-called spikes. Although both systems share some basic principles of spike generation, integrate-and-fire (IF) models have so far only been applied to neuronal systems. These models remain analytically tractable even when extended to include processes that lead to the generation of spike times with correlated interspike intervals (ISIs) as observed in experiments. The statistical analysis of such non-renewal models is the subject of this thesis. In the second chapter we focus on the calculation of the serial correlation coefficient (SCC) in neural systems. We consider an adaptive model driven by a correlated input current. We show that in addition to the two slow processes, the dynamics of the model also determines the SCC. Although the theory is developed for weakly perturbed IF models, it can also be applied to more strongly perturbed conductance-based models and is thus able to account for a wide range of biophysical situations. In the third chapter, we formulate an IF model to describe the generation of calcium spikes, taking into account the stochastic release of calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and its depletion. The observed time-scale separation between calcium release and spike generation motivates a diffusion approximation that allows an analytical treatment of the model. The experimentally observed transient, during which the ISIs approach a steady state value, can be captured by the depletion of the ER. We study how the transient ISI statistics are related to the stationary interval correlations. We show that a stronger adaptation of the intervals as well as a short transient are associated with stronger interval correlations. Comparison with experimental data qualitatively confirms these trends


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    Cells use signaling pathways to receive and process information about their environment. Understanding signaling pathways is of particular interest because pathway dysregulation of these pathways is implicated in many human diseases including many types of cancer. In this dissertation, I specifically address understanding interactions that govern response complex dynamics and heterogeneity within and between signaling pathways. In particular, I focus on two well-characterized MAPK pathways with homology to human signaling pathways implicated in cancer, the mating response pathway (homologous to ERK) and the high osmolarity glycerol (HOG) response pathway (homologous to p38) of S. cerevisiae (yeast). Although much is known about the molecular components of these pathways, less is known about how these components function as a dynamical system and regulate heterogeneity in the pathway responses. To address this gap in knowledge, we developed experimental techniques that allow for quantification of response dynamics and variability (Chapter 2). These methods were then applied to develop a predictive, mechanistic model of the dynamics of the mating response pathway (Chapter 3) that elucidates how various signaling motifs contribute to the overall dynamics. Additionally, these methods were used to provide insight into the mechanisms that drive heterogeneity in mating response alone (Chapter 4) and increase heterogeneity in the mating response when the HOG pathway is also active (Chapter 5). Together, the work included in this dissertation reveal how quantitative experimental methods and mathematical models can be integrated to understand aspects of signaling pathway response that could not have otherwise been studied.Doctor of Philosoph

    Biological Protein Patterning Systems across the Domains of Life: from Experiments to Modelling

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    Distinct localisation of macromolecular structures relative to cell shape is a common feature across the domains of life. One mechanism for achieving spatiotemporal intracellular organisation is the Turing reaction-diffusion system (e.g. Min system in the bacterium Escherichia coli controlling in cell division). In this thesis, I explore potential Turing systems in archaea and eukaryotes as well as the effects of subdiffusion. Recently, a MinD homologue, MinD4, in the archaeon Haloferax volcanii was found to form a dynamic spatiotemporal pattern that is distinct from E. coli in its localisation and function. I investigate all four archaeal Min paralogue systems in H. volcanii by identifying four putative MinD activator proteins based on their genomic location and show that they alter motility but do not control MinD4 patterning. Additionally, one of these proteins shows remarkably fast dynamic motion with speeds comparable to eukaryotic molecular motors, while its function appears to be to control motility via interaction with the archaellum. In metazoa, neurons are highly specialised cells whose functions rely on the proper segregation of proteins to the axonal and somatodendritic compartments. These compartments are bounded by a structure called the axon initial segment (AIS) which is precisely positioned in the proximal axonal region during early neuronal development. How neurons control these self-organised localisations is poorly understood. Using a top-down analysis of developing neurons in vitro, I show that the AIS lies at the nodal plane of the first non-homogeneous spatial harmonic of the neuron shape while a key axonal protein, Tau, is distributed with a concentration that matches the same harmonic. These results are consistent with an underlying Turing patterning system which remains to be identified. The complex intracellular environment often gives rise to the subdiffusive dynamics of molecules that may affect patterning. To simulate the subdiffusive transport of biopolymers, I develop a stochastic simulation algorithm based on the continuous time random walk framework, which is then applied to a model of a dimeric molecular motor. This provides insight into the effects of subdiffusion on motor dynamics, where subdiffusion reduces motor speed while increasing the stall force. Overall, this thesis makes progress towards understanding intracellular patterning systems in different organisms, across the domains of life

    Bayesian Inference for Diffusion Processes with Applications in Life Sciences

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    Diffusion processes are a promising instrument to realistically model the time-continuous evolution of natural phenomena in life sciences. However, approximation of a given system is often carried out heuristically, leading to diffusions that do not correctly reflect the true dynamics of the original process. Moreover, statistical inference for diffusions proves to be challenging in practice as the likelihood function is typically intractable. This thesis contributes to stochastic modelling and statistical estimation of real problems in life sciences by means of diffusion processes. In particular, it creates a framework from existing and novel techniques for the correct approximation of pure Markov jump processes by diffusions. Concerning statistical inference, the thesis reviews existing practices and analyses and further develops a well-known Bayesian approach which introduces auxiliary observations by means of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques. This procedure originally suffers from convergence problems which stem from a deterministic link between the model parameters and the quadratic variation of a continuously observed diffusion path. This thesis formulates a neat modification of the above approach for general multi-dimensional diffusions and provides the mathematical and empirical proof that the so-constructed MCMC scheme converges. The potential of the newly developed modelling and estimation methods is demonstrated in two real-data application studies: the spatial spread of human influenza in Germany and the in vivo binding behaviour of proteins in cell nuclei