15 research outputs found

    Optimized parameter search for large datasets of the regularization parameter and feature selection for ridge regression

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    In this paper we propose mathematical optimizations to select the optimal regularization parameter for ridge regression using cross-validation. The resulting algorithm is suited for large datasets and the computational cost does not depend on the size of the training set. We extend this algorithm to forward or backward feature selection in which the optimal regularization parameter is selected for each possible feature set. These feature selection algorithms yield solutions with a sparse weight matrix using a quadratic cost on the norm of the weights. A naive approach to optimizing the ridge regression parameter has a computational complexity of the order with the number of applied regularization parameters, the number of folds in the validation set, the number of input features and the number of data samples in the training set. Our implementation has a computational complexity of the order . This computational cost is smaller than that of regression without regularization for large datasets and is independent of the number of applied regularization parameters and the size of the training set. Combined with a feature selection algorithm the algorithm is of complexity and for forward and backward feature selection respectively, with the number of selected features and the number of removed features. This is an order faster than and for the naive implementation, with for large datasets. To show the performance and reduction in computational cost, we apply this technique to train recurrent neural networks using the reservoir computing approach, windowed ridge regression, least-squares support vector machines (LS-SVMs) in primal space using the fixed-size LS-SVM approximation and extreme learning machines

    A Bayesian Model for Exploiting Application Constraints to Enable Unsupervised Training of a P300-based BCI

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    This work introduces a novel classifier for a P300-based speller, which, contrary to common methods, can be trained entirely unsupervisedly using an Expectation Maximization approach, eliminating the need for costly dataset collection or tedious calibration sessions. We use publicly available datasets for validation of our method and show that our unsupervised classifier performs competitively with supervised state-of-the-art spellers. Finally, we demonstrate the added value of our method in different experimental settings which reflect realistic usage situations of increasing difficulty and which would be difficult or impossible to tackle with existing supervised or adaptive methods

    Deterministic Online Classification: Non-iteratively Reweighted Recursive Least-Squares for Binary Class Rebalancing

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    Deterministic solutions are becoming more critical for interpretability. Weighted Least-Squares (WLS) has been widely used as a deterministic batch solution with a specific weight design. In the online settings of WLS, exact reweighting is necessary to converge to its batch settings. In order to comply with its necessity, the iteratively reweighted least-squares algorithm is mainly utilized with a linearly growing time complexity which is not attractive for online learning. Due to the high and growing computational costs, an efficient online formulation of reweighted least-squares is desired. We introduce a new deterministic online classification algorithm of WLS with a constant time complexity for binary class rebalancing. We demonstrate that our proposed online formulation exactly converges to its batch formulation and outperforms existing state-of-the-art stochastic online binary classification algorithms in real-world data sets empirically

    Detection of epileptic seizures: the reservoir computing approach

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