25 research outputs found

    Automorphisms of hyperelliptic modular curves X0(N)X_0(N) in positive characteristic

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    We study the automorphism groups of the reduction X0(N)×FˉpX_0(N) \times \bar{\mathbb{F}}_p of a modular curve X0(N)X_0(N) over primes p∤N p\nmid N

    The orbifold cohomology of moduli of hyperelliptic curves

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    We study the inertia stack of [M_{0,n}/S_n], the quotient stack of the moduli space of smooth genus 0 curves with n marked points via the action of the symmetric group S_n. Then we see how from this analysis we can obtain a description of the inertia stack of H_g, the moduli stack of hyperelliptic curves of genus g. From this, we can compute additively the Chen-Ruan (or orbifold) cohomology of H_g.Comment: 15 pages. We correct an error in Proposition 3.3 of the published paper, and its consequence

    The 2-Ranks of Hyperelliptic Curves with Extra Automorphisms

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    This paper examines the relationship between the automorphism group of a hyperelliptic curve defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic two and the 2-rank of the curve. In particular, we exploit the wild ramification to use the Deuring-Shafarevich formula in order to analyze the ramification of hyperelliptic curves that admit extra automorphisms and use this data to impose restrictions on the genera and 2-ranks of such curves. We also show how some of the techniques and results carry over to the case where our base field is of characteristic p \u3e 2