2,668 research outputs found

    Clustering and recommendation techniques for access control policy management

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    Managing access control policies can be a daunting process, given the frequent policy decisions that need to be made, and the potentially large number of policy rules involved. Policy management includes, but is not limited to: policy optimization, configuration, and analysis. Such tasks require a deep understanding of the policy and its building compo- nents, especially in scenarios where it frequently changes and needs to adapt to different environments. Assisting both administrators and users in performing these tasks is impor- tant in avoiding policy misconfigurations and ill-informed policy decisions. We investigate a number of clustering and recommendation techniques, and implement a set of tools that assist administrators and users in managing their policies. First, we propose and imple- ment an optimization technique, based on policy clustering and adaptable rule ranking, to achieve optimal request evaluation performance. Second, we implement a policy analysis framework that simplifies and visualizes analysis results, based on a hierarchical cluster- ing algorithm. The framework utilizes a similarity-based model that provides a basis of risk analysis on newly introduced policy rules. In addition to administrators, we focus on regular individuals whom nowadays manage their own access control polices on a regular basis. Users are making frequent policy decisions, especially with the increasing popular- ity of social network sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. For example, users are required to allow/deny access to their private data on social sites each time they install a 3rd party application. To make matters worse, 3rd party access requests are mostly uncustomizable by the user. We propose a framework that allows users to customize their policy decisions on social sites, and provides a set of recommendations that assist users in making well- informed decisions. Finally, as the browser has become the main medium for the users online presence, we investigate the access control models for 3rd party browser extensions. Even though, extensions enrich the browsing experience of users, they could potentially represent a threat to their privacy. We propose and implement a framework that 1) monitors 3rd party extension accesses, 2) provides fine-grained permission controls, and 3) Provides detailed permission information to users in effort to increase their privacy aware- ness. To evaluate the framework we conducted a within-subjects user study and found the framework to effectively increase user awareness of requested permissions

    Model-Based Proactive Read-Validation in Transaction Processing Systems

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    Concurrency control protocols based on read-validation schemes allow transactions which are doomed to abort to still run until a subsequent validation check reveals them as invalid. These late aborts do not favor the reduction of wasted computation and can penalize performance. To counteract this problem, we present an analytical model that predicts the abort probability of transactions handled via read-validation schemes. Our goal is to determine what are the suited points-along a transaction lifetime-to carry out a validation check. This may lead to early aborting doomed transactions, thus saving CPU time. We show how to exploit the abort probability predictions returned by the model in combination with a threshold-based scheme to trigger read-validations. We also show how this approach can definitely improve performance-leading up to 14 % better turnaround-as demonstrated by some experiments carried out with a port of the TPC-C benchmark to Software Transactional Memory

    Querying Schemas With Access Restrictions

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    We study verification of systems whose transitions consist of accesses to a Web-based data-source. An access is a lookup on a relation within a relational database, fixing values for a set of positions in the relation. For example, a transition can represent access to a Web form, where the user is restricted to filling in values for a particular set of fields. We look at verifying properties of a schema describing the possible accesses of such a system. We present a language where one can describe the properties of an access path, and also specify additional restrictions on accesses that are enforced by the schema. Our main property language, AccLTL, is based on a first-order extension of linear-time temporal logic, interpreting access paths as sequences of relational structures. We also present a lower-level automaton model, Aautomata, which AccLTL specifications can compile into. We show that AccLTL and A-automata can express static analysis problems related to "querying with limited access patterns" that have been studied in the database literature in the past, such as whether an access is relevant to answering a query, and whether two queries are equivalent in the accessible data they can return. We prove decidability and complexity results for several restrictions and variants of AccLTL, and explain which properties of paths can be expressed in each restriction.Comment: VLDB201

    A True Positives Theorem for a Static Race Detector - Extended Version

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    RacerD is a static race detector that has been proven to be effective in engineering practice: it has seen thousands of data races fixed by developers before reaching production, and has supported the migration of Facebook's Android app rendering infrastructure from a single-threaded to a multi-threaded architecture. We prove a True Positives Theorem stating that, under certain assumptions, an idealized theoretical version of the analysis never reports a false positive. We also provide an empirical evaluation of an implementation of this analysis, versus the original RacerD. The theorem was motivated in the first case by the desire to understand the observation from production that RacerD was providing remarkably accurate signal to developers, and then the theorem guided further analyzer design decisions. Technically, our result can be seen as saying that the analysis computes an under-approximation of an over-approximation, which is the reverse of the more usual (over of under) situation in static analysis. Until now, static analyzers that are effective in practice but unsound have often been regarded as ad hoc; in contrast, we suggest that, in the future, theorems of this variety might be generally useful in understanding, justifying and designing effective static analyses for bug catching

    kmos: A lattice kinetic Monte Carlo framework

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    Kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) simulations have emerged as a key tool for microkinetic modeling in heterogeneous catalysis and other materials applications. Systems, where site-specificity of all elementary reactions allows a mapping onto a lattice of discrete active sites, can be addressed within the particularly efficient lattice kMC approach. To this end we describe the versatile kmos software package, which offers a most user-friendly implementation, execution, and evaluation of lattice kMC models of arbitrary complexity in one- to three-dimensional lattice systems, involving multiple active sites in periodic or aperiodic arrangements, as well as site-resolved pairwise and higher-order lateral interactions. Conceptually, kmos achieves a maximum runtime performance which is essentially independent of lattice size by generating code for the efficiency-determining local update of available events that is optimized for a defined kMC model. For this model definition and the control of all runtime and evaluation aspects kmos offers a high-level application programming interface. Usage proceeds interactively, via scripts, or a graphical user interface, which visualizes the model geometry, the lattice occupations and rates of selected elementary reactions, while allowing on-the-fly changes of simulation parameters. We demonstrate the performance and scaling of kmos with the application to kMC models for surface catalytic processes, where for given operation conditions (temperature and partial pressures of all reactants) central simulation outcomes are catalytic activity and selectivities, surface composition, and mechanistic insight into the occurrence of individual elementary processes in the reaction network.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    Contextual Bandit Modeling for Dynamic Runtime Control in Computer Systems

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    Modern operating systems and microarchitectures provide a myriad of mechanisms for monitoring and affecting system operation and resource utilization at runtime. Dynamic runtime control of these mechanisms can tailor system operation to the characteristics and behavior of the current workload, resulting in improved performance. However, developing effective models for system control can be challenging. Existing methods often require extensive manual effort, computation time, and domain knowledge to identify relevant low-level performance metrics, relate low-level performance metrics and high-level control decisions to workload performance, and to evaluate the resulting control models. This dissertation develops a general framework, based on the contextual bandit, for describing and learning effective models for runtime system control. Random profiling is used to characterize the relationship between workload behavior, system configuration, and performance. The framework is evaluated in the context of two applications of progressive complexity; first, the selection of paging modes (Shadow Paging, Hardware-Assisted Page) in the Xen virtual machine memory manager; second, the utilization of hardware memory prefetching for multi-core, multi-tenant workloads with cross-core contention for shared memory resources, such as the last-level cache and memory bandwidth. The resulting models for both applications are competitive in comparison to existing runtime control approaches. For paging mode selection, the resulting model provides equivalent performance to the state of the art while substantially reducing the computation requirements of profiling. For hardware memory prefetcher utilization, the resulting models are the first to provide dynamic control for hardware prefetchers using workload statistics. Finally, a correlation-based feature selection method is evaluated for identifying relevant low-level performance metrics related to hardware memory prefetching
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