235 research outputs found

    Personalized Students' Profile Based on Ontology and Rule-based Reasoning

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    Nowadays, most of the existing e-learning architecture provides the same content to all learners due to "one size fits for all" concept. E-learning refers to the utilization of electronic innovations to convey and encourage training anytime and anywhere. There is a need to create a personalized environment that involves collecting a range of information about each learner. Questionnaires are one way of gathering information on learning style, but there are some problems with their usage, such as reluctance to answer questions as well as guesses the answer being time consuming. Ontology-based semantic retrieval is a hotspot of current research, because ontologies play a paramount part in the development of knowledge. In this paper, a novel way to build an adaptive student pro le by analysis of learning patterns through a learning management system, according to the Felder-Silverman learning style model (FSLSM) and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) theory is proposed

    Design of an E-learning system using semantic information and cloud computing technologies

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    Humanity is currently suffering from many difficult problems that threaten the life and survival of the human race. It is very easy for all mankind to be affected, directly or indirectly, by these problems. Education is a key solution for most of them. In our thesis we tried to make use of current technologies to enhance and ease the learning process. We have designed an e-learning system based on semantic information and cloud computing, in addition to many other technologies that contribute to improving the educational process and raising the level of students. The design was built after much research on useful technology, its types, and examples of actual systems that were previously discussed by other researchers. In addition to the proposed design, an algorithm was implemented to identify topics found in large textual educational resources. It was tested and proved to be efficient against other methods. The algorithm has the ability of extracting the main topics from textual learning resources, linking related resources and generating interactive dynamic knowledge graphs. This algorithm accurately and efficiently accomplishes those tasks even for bigger books. We used Wikipedia Miner, TextRank, and Gensim within our algorithm. Our algorithm‘s accuracy was evaluated against Gensim, largely improving its accuracy. Augmenting the system design with the implemented algorithm will produce many useful services for improving the learning process such as: identifying main topics of big textual learning resources automatically and connecting them to other well defined concepts from Wikipedia, enriching current learning resources with semantic information from external sources, providing student with browsable dynamic interactive knowledge graphs, and making use of learning groups to encourage students to share their learning experiences and feedback with other learners.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Luis Sánchez Fernández.- Secretario: Luis de la Fuente Valentín.- Vocal: Norberto Fernández Garcí

    Peer-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems: A Corpus-Oriented Approach

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    In this thesis, we present an artificial intelligence approach for tutoring students in environments where there is a large repository of possible learning objects (e.g. texts, videos). In particular, we advocate that students learn on the basis of past experiences of peers. This aligns with McCalla's proposed ecological approach for intelligent tutoring, where a learning object's history-of-use is retained and leveraged to instruct future students. We offer three distinct models that serve to deliver the required intelligent tutoring: (i) a curriculum sequencing algorithm selecting which learning objects to present to students based on benefits to knowledge obtained by similar peers (ii) a framework for peers to provide commentary on the learning objects they've experienced (annotations) together with an algorithm for reasoning about which annotations to present to students that incorporates modeling trust in annotators (i.e. their reputation) and ratings provided by students (votes for and against) for the annotations they have been shown (iii) an opportunity for peers to guide the growth of the corpus by proposing divisions of current objects, together with an algorithm for reasoning about which of these new objects should be offered to students in order to enhance their learning. All three components are validated as beneficial in improving the learning of students. This is first of all achieved through a novel approach of simulated student learning, designed to enable the tracking of the experiences of a very large number of peers with an extensive repository of objects, through the effective modeling of knowledge gains. This is also coupled with a preliminary study with human participants that confirms the value of our framework. In all, we offer a rich and varied role for peers in guiding the learning of students in intelligent tutoring environments, made possible by careful modeling of the students who are being taught and of the potential benefits to learning that would be derived with the selection of appropriate tutorial content

    Holistic Approach for Authoring Immersive and Smart Environments for the Integration in Engineering Education

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    Die vierte industrielle Revolution und der rasante technologische Fortschritt stellen die etablierten Bildungsstrukturen und traditionellen Bildungspraktiken in Frage. Besonders in der Ingenieurausbildung erfordert das lebenslange Lernen, dass man sein Wissen und seine Fähigkeiten ständig verbessern muss, um auf dem Arbeitsmarkt wettbewerbsfähig zu sein. Es besteht die Notwendigkeit eines Paradigmenwechsels in der Bildung und Ausbildung hin zu neuen Technologien wie virtueller Realität und künstlicher Intelligenz. Die Einbeziehung dieser Technologien in ein Bildungsprogramm ist jedoch nicht so einfach wie die Investition in neue Geräte oder Software. Es müssen neue Bildungsprogramme geschaffen oder alte von Grund auf umgestaltet werden. Dabei handelt es sich um komplexe und umfangreiche Prozesse, die Entscheidungsfindung, Design und Entwicklung umfassen. Diese sind mit erheblichen Herausforderungen verbunden, die die Überwindung vieler Hindernisse erfordert. Diese Arbeit stellt eine Methodologie vor, die sich mit den Herausforderungen der Nutzung von Virtueller Realität und Künstlicher Intelligenz als Schlüsseltechnologien in der Ingenieurausbildung befasst. Die Methodologie hat zum Ziel, die Hauptakteure anzuleiten, um den Lernprozess zu verbessern, sowie neuartige und effiziente Lernerfahrungen zu ermöglichen. Da jedes Bildungsprogramm einzigartig ist, folgt die Methodik einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz, um die Erstellung maßgeschneiderter Kurse oder Ausbildungen zu unterstützen. Zu diesem Zweck werden die Wechselwirkung zwischen verschiedenen Aspekten berücksichtigt. Diese werden in den drei Ebenen - Bildung, Technologie und Management zusammengefasst. Die Methodik betont den Einfluss der Technologien auf die Unterrichtsgestaltung und die Managementprozesse. Sie liefert Methoden zur Entscheidungsfindung auf der Grundlage einer umfassenden pädagogischen, technologischen und wirtschaftlichen Analyse. Darüber hinaus unterstützt sie den Prozess der didaktischen Gestaltung durch eine umfassende Kategorisierung der Vor- und Nachteile immersiver Lernumgebungen und zeigt auf, welche ihrer Eigenschaften den Lernprozess verbessern können. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der systematischen Gestaltung immersiver Systeme und der effizienten Erstellung immersiver Anwendungen unter Verwendung von Methoden aus dem Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz. Es werden vier Anwendungsfälle mit verschiedenen Ausbildungsprogrammen vorgestellt, um die Methodik zu validieren. Jedes Bildungsprogramm hat seine eigenen Ziele und in Kombination decken sie die Validierung aller Ebenen der Methodik ab. Die Methodik wurde iterativ mit jedem Validierungsprojekt weiterentwickelt und verbessert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Methodik zuverlässig und auf viele Szenarien sowie auf die meisten Bildungsstufen und Bereiche übertragbar ist. Durch die Anwendung der in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Methoden können Interessengruppen immersiven Technologien effektiv und effizient in ihre Unterrichtspraxis integrieren. Darüber hinaus können sie auf der Grundlage der vorgeschlagenen Ansätze Aufwand, Zeit und Kosten für die Planung, Entwicklung und Wartung der immersiven Systeme sparen. Die Technologie verlagert die Rolle des Lehrenden in eine Moderatorrolle. Außerdem bekommen die Lehrkräfte die Möglichkeit die Lernenden individuell zu unterstützen und sich auf deren kognitive Fähigkeiten höherer Ordnung zu konzentrieren. Als Hauptergebnis erhalten die Lernenden eine angemessene, qualitativ hochwertige und zeitgemäße Ausbildung, die sie qualifizierter, erfolgreicher und zufriedener macht

    31th International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases

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    Information modelling is becoming more and more important topic for researchers, designers, and users of information systems.The amount and complexity of information itself, the number of abstractionlevels of information, and the size of databases and knowledge bases arecontinuously growing. Conceptual modelling is one of the sub-areas ofinformation modelling. The aim of this conference is to bring together experts from different areas of computer science and other disciplines, who have a common interest in understanding and solving problems on information modelling and knowledge bases, as well as applying the results of research to practice. We also aim to recognize and study new areas on modelling and knowledge bases to which more attention should be paid. Therefore philosophy and logic, cognitive science, knowledge management, linguistics and management science are relevant areas, too. In the conference, there will be three categories of presentations, i.e. full papers, short papers and position papers

    Automated tutoring for a database skills training environment

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    The emergence of educational technology and the growth of the Internet, coupled with the rise in the number of students entering third level education, has led to a surge of online courses offered by universities. These online courses may be part of a traditional classroom based course, or they may act as an entire course by themselves. Student engagement, assessment, feedback and guidance are important parts of any course, but have an added importance for one that is presented online. Together, in the absence of a human tutor, they can greatly aid the student in the learning process. We present an automated skills training system for a database programming environment that will promote procedural knowledge acquisition and skills training. An SQL (Structured Query Language) select statement tutoring tool is an integral part of this. Targeted at students with a prior knowledge of database theory, and as part of a blended learning strategy, the system allows the student to practice SQL querying at his own time and pace. This is achieved by providing pedagogical actions that would be offered by a human tutor. Specifically, we refer to synchronous feedback and guidance based on a personalised assessment. Each of these features is automated and includes a level of personalisation and adaptation. A high-level of interaction and engagement exists between the student and the system. Students assume control of their learning experience