19,662 research outputs found

    Digital Color Imaging

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    This paper surveys current technology and research in the area of digital color imaging. In order to establish the background and lay down terminology, fundamental concepts of color perception and measurement are first presented us-ing vector-space notation and terminology. Present-day color recording and reproduction systems are reviewed along with the common mathematical models used for representing these devices. Algorithms for processing color images for display and communication are surveyed, and a forecast of research trends is attempted. An extensive bibliography is provided

    Expanding Dimensionality in Cinema Color: Impacting Observer Metamerism through Multiprimary Display

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    Television and cinema display are both trending towards greater ranges and saturation of reproduced colors made possible by near-monochromatic RGB illumination technologies. Through current broadcast and digital cinema standards work, system designs employing laser light sources, narrow-band LED, quantum dots and others are being actively endorsed in promotion of Wide Color Gamut (WCG). Despite artistic benefits brought to creative content producers, spectrally selective excitations of naturally different human color response functions exacerbate variability of observer experience. An exaggerated variation in color-sensing is explicitly counter to the exhaustive controls and calibrations employed in modern motion picture pipelines. Further, singular standard observer summaries of human color vision such as found in the CIE’s 1931 and 1964 color matching functions and used extensively in motion picture color management are deficient in recognizing expected human vision variability. Many researchers have confirmed the magnitude of observer metamerism in color matching in both uniform colors and imagery but few have shown explicit color management with an aim of minimized difference in observer perception variability. This research shows that not only can observer metamerism influences be quantitatively predicted and confirmed psychophysically but that intentionally engineered multiprimary displays employing more than three primaries can offer increased color gamut with drastically improved consistency of experience. To this end, a seven-channel prototype display has been constructed based on observer metamerism models and color difference indices derived from the latest color vision demographic research. This display has been further proven in forced-choice paired comparison tests to deliver superior color matching to reference stimuli versus both contemporary standard RGB cinema projection and recently ratified standard laser projection across a large population of color-normal observers

    Evaluation of changes in image appearance with changes in displayed image size

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    This research focused on the quantification of changes in image appearance when images are displayed at different image sizes on LCD devices. The final results provided in calibrated Just Noticeable Differences (JNDs) on relevant perceptual scales, allowing the prediction of sharpness and contrast appearance with changes in the displayed image size. A series of psychophysical experiments were conducted to enable appearance predictions. Firstly, a rank order experiment was carried out to identify the image attributes that were most affected by changes in displayed image size. Two digital cameras, exhibiting very different reproduction qualities, were employed to capture the same scenes, for the investigation of the effect of the original image quality on image appearance changes. A wide range of scenes with different scene properties was used as a test-set for the investigation of image appearance changes with scene type. The outcomes indicated that sharpness and contrast were the most important attributes for the majority of scene types and original image qualities. Appearance matching experiments were further conducted to quantify changes in perceived sharpness and contrast with respect to changes in the displayed image size. For the creation of sharpness matching stimuli, a set of frequency domain filters were designed to provide equal intervals in image quality, by taking into account the system’s Spatial Frequency Response (SFR) and the observation distance. For the creation of contrast matching stimuli, a series of spatial domain S-shaped filters were designed to provide equal intervals in image contrast, by gamma adjustments. Five displayed image sizes were investigated. Observers were always asked to match the appearance of the smaller version of each stimulus to its larger reference. Lastly, rating experiments were conducted to validate the derived JNDs in perceptual quality for both sharpness and contrast stimuli. Data obtained by these experiments finally converted into JND scales for each individual image attribute. Linear functions were fitted to the final data, which allowed the prediction of image appearance of images viewed at larger sizes than these investigated in this research

    Spectrally Based Material Color Equivalency: Modeling and Manipulation

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    A spectrally based normalization methodology (Wpt normalization) for linearly transforming cone excitations or sensor values (sensor excitations) to a representation that preserves the perceptive concepts of lightness, chroma and hue is proposed resulting in a color space with the axes labeled W , p, t. Wpt (pronounced “Waypoint ) has been demonstrated to be an effective material color equivalency space that provides the basis for defining Material Adjustment Transforms that predict the changes in sensor excitations of material spectral reflectance colors due to variations in observer or illuminant. This is contrasted with Chromatic Adaptation Transforms that predict color appearance as defined by corresponding color experiments. Material color equivalency as provided by Wpt and Wpt normalization forms the underlying foundation of this doctoral research. A perceptually uniform material color equivalency space (“Waypoint Lab or WLab) was developed that represents a non-linear transformation of Wpt coordinates, and Euclidean WLab distances were found to not be statistically different from ∆E⋆94 and ∆E00 color differences. Sets of Wpt coordinates for variations in reflectance, illumination, or observers were used to form the basis of defining Wpt shift manifolds. WLab distances of corresponding points within or between these manifolds were utilized to define metrics for color inconstancy, metamerism, observer rendering, illuminant rendering, and differences in observing conditions. Spectral estimation and manipulation strategies are presented that preserve various aspects of “Wpt shift potential as represented by changes in Wpt shift manifolds. Two methods were explored for estimating Wpt normalization matrices based upon direct utilization of sensor excitations, and the use of a Wpt based Material Adjustment Transform to convert Cone Fundamentals to ”XYZ-like Color Matching Functions was investigated and contrasted with other methods such as direct regression and prediction of a common color matching primaries. Finally, linear relationships between Wpt and spectral reflectances were utilized to develop approaches for spectral estimation and spectral manipulation within a general spectral reflectance manipulation framework – thus providing the ability to define and achieve “spectrally preferred color rendering objectives. The presented methods of spectral estimation, spectral manipulation, and material adjustment where utilized to: define spectral reflectances for Munsell colors that minimize Wpt shift potential; manipulate spectral reflectances of actual printed characterization data sets to achieve colorimetry of reference printing conditions; and lastly to demonstrate the spectral estimation and manipulation of spectral reflectances using images and spectrally based profiles within an iccMAX color management workflow

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    A testing procedure to characterize color and spatial quality of digital cameras used to image cultural heritage

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    A testing procedure for characterizing both the color and spatial image quality of trichromatic digital cameras, which are used to photograph paintings in cultural heritage institutions, is described. This testing procedure is target-based, thus providing objective measures of quality. The majority of the testing procedure followed current standards from national and international organizations such as ANSI, ISO, and IEC. The procedure was developed in an academic research laboratory and used to benchmark four representative American museum’s digital-camera systems and workflows. The quality parameters tested included system spatial uniformity, tone reproduction, color reproduction accuracy, noise, dynamic range, spatial cross-talk, spatial frequency response, color-channel registration, and depth of field. In addition, two paintings were imaged and processed through each museum’s normal digital workflow. The results of the four case studies showed many dissimilarities among the digital-camera systems and workflows of American museums, which causes a significant range in the archival quality of their digital masters

    Individual Colorimetric Observers for Personalized Color Imaging

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    Colors are typically described by three values such as RGB, XYZ, and HSV. This is rooted to the fact that humans possess three types of photoreceptors under photopic conditions, and human color vision can be characterized by a set of three color matching functions (CMFs). CMFs integrate spectra to produce three colorimetric values that are related to visual responses. In reality, large variations in CMFs exist among color-normal populations. Thus, a pair of two spectrally different stimuli might be a match for one person but a mismatch for another person, also known as observer metamerism. Observer metamerism is a serious issue in color-critical applications such as soft proofing in graphic arts and color grading in digital cinema, where colors are compared on different displays. Due to observer metamerism, calibrated displays might not appear correctly, and one person might disagree with color adjustments made by another person. The recent advent of wide color gamut display technologies (e.g., LEDs, OLEDs, lasers, and Quantum Dots) has made observer metamerism even more serious due to their spectrally narrow primaries. The variations among normal color vision and observer metamerism have been overlooked for many years. The current typical color imaging workflow uses a single standard observer assuming all the color-normal people possess the same CMFs. This dissertation provides a possible solution for observer metamerism in color-critical applications by personalized color imaging introducing individual colorimetric observers. In this dissertation, at first, color matching data were collected to derive and validate CMFs for individual colorimetric observers. The data from 151 color-normal observers were obtained at four different locations. Second, two types of individual colorimetric observer functions were derived and validated. One is an individual colorimetric observer model, an extension of the CIE 2006 physiological observer incorporating eight physiological parameters to model individuals in addition to age and field size inputs. The other is a set of categorical observer functions providing a more convenient approach towards the personalized color imaging. Third, two workflows were proposed to characterize human color vision: one using a nomaloscope and the other using proposed spectral pseudoisochromatic images. Finally, the personalized color imaging was evaluated in a color image matching study on an LCD monitor and a laser projector and in a perceived color difference study on a SHARP Quattron display. The personalized color imaging was implemented using a newly introduced ICC profile, iccMAX

    Engineering data compendium. Human perception and performance. User's guide

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    The concept underlying the Engineering Data Compendium was the product of a research and development program (Integrated Perceptual Information for Designers project) aimed at facilitating the application of basic research findings in human performance to the design and military crew systems. The principal objective was to develop a workable strategy for: (1) identifying and distilling information of potential value to system design from the existing research literature, and (2) presenting this technical information in a way that would aid its accessibility, interpretability, and applicability by systems designers. The present four volumes of the Engineering Data Compendium represent the first implementation of this strategy. This is the first volume, the User's Guide, containing a description of the program and instructions for its use

    A Study of the effect of surround and ambient lighting conditions on CRT screen colors

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    The use of CRT monitors as a soft copy proof in color electronic pre-press systems (CEPS) has become common. This has raised some question as to the appropriate viewing conditions for such terminals. This writing discusses the effects of ambient illumination as well as screen surround conditions on optical, psychophysical, and physical characteristics of CRT colors in a complex color field. A review of related literature, specifically those studies of chromatic adaptation, and effects of surround conditions on brightness, hue, and saturation is included. These studies are compared to the experimental data and both an ambient light model and surround transform are derived