19 research outputs found

    Determinate-state convolutional codes

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    A determinate state convolutional code is formed from a conventional convolutional code by pruning away some of the possible state transitions in the decoding trellis. The type of staged power transfer used in determinate state convolutional codes proves to be an extremely efficient way of enhancing the performance of a concatenated coding system. The decoder complexity is analyzed along with free distances of these new codes and extensive simulation results is provided of their performance at the low signal to noise ratios where a real communication system would operate. Concise, practical examples are provided

    Exploiting the cannibalistic traits of Reed-Solomon codes

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    In Reed-Solomon codes and all other maximum distance separable codes, there is an intrinsic relationship between the size of the symbols in a codeword and the length of the codeword. Increasing the number of symbols in a codeword to improve the efficiency of the coding system thus requires using a larger set of symbols. However, long Reed-Solomon codes are difficult to implement and many communications or storage systems cannot easily accommodate an increased symbol size, e.g., M-ary frequency shift keying (FSK) and photon-counting pulse-position modulation demand a fixed symbol size. A technique for sharing redundancy among many different Reed-Solomon codewords to achieve the efficiency attainable in long Reed-Solomon codes without increasing the symbol size is described. Techniques both for calculating the performance of these new codes and for determining their encoder and decoder complexities is presented. These complexities are usually found to be substantially lower than conventional Reed-Solomon codes of similar performance

    An efficient system for reliably transmitting image and video data over low bit rate noisy channels

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    This research project is intended to develop an efficient system for reliably transmitting image and video data over low bit rate noisy channels. The basic ideas behind the proposed approach are the following: employ statistical-based image modeling to facilitate pre- and post-processing and error detection, use spare redundancy that the source compression did not remove to add robustness, and implement coded modulation to improve bandwidth efficiency and noise rejection. Over the last six months, progress has been made on various aspects of the project. Through our studies of the integrated system, a list-based iterative Trellis decoder has been developed. The decoder accepts feedback from a post-processor which can detect channel errors in the reconstructed image. The error detection is based on the Huber Markov random field image model for the compressed image. The compression scheme used here is that of JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group). Experiments were performed and the results are quite encouraging. The principal ideas here are extendable to other compression techniques. In addition, research was also performed on unequal error protection channel coding, subband vector quantization as a means of source coding, and post processing for reducing coding artifacts. Our studies on unequal error protection (UEP) coding for image transmission focused on examining the properties of the UEP capabilities of convolutional codes. The investigation of subband vector quantization employed a wavelet transform with special emphasis on exploiting interband redundancy. The outcome of this investigation included the development of three algorithms for subband vector quantization. The reduction of transform coding artifacts was studied with the aid of a non-Gaussian Markov random field model. This results in improved image decompression. These studies are summarized and the technical papers included in the appendices

    Enhanced decoding for the Galileo low-gain antenna mission: Viterbi redecoding with four decoding stages

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    The Galileo low-gain antenna mission will be supported by a coding system that uses a (14,1/4) inner convolutional code concatenated with Reed-Solomon codes of four different redundancies. Decoding for this code is designed to proceed in four distinct stages of Viterbi decoding followed by Reed-Solomon decoding. In each successive stage, the Reed-Solomon decoder only tries to decode the highest redundancy codewords not yet decoded in previous stages, and the Viterbi decoder redecodes its data utilizing the known symbols from previously decoded Reed-Solomon codewords. A previous article analyzed a two-stage decoding option that was not selected by Galileo. The present article analyzes the four-stage decoding scheme and derives the near-optimum set of redundancies selected for use by Galileo. The performance improvements relative to one- and two-stage decoding systems are evaluated

    Enhanced decoding for the Galileo S-band mission

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    A coding system under consideration for the Galileo S-band low-gain antenna mission is a concatenated system using a variable redundancy Reed-Solomon outer code and a (14,1/4) convolutional inner code. The 8-bit Reed-Solomon symbols are interleaved to depth 8, and the eight 255-symbol codewords in each interleaved block have redundancies 64, 20, 20, 20, 64, 20, 20, and 20, respectively (or equivalently, the codewords have 191, 235, 235, 235, 191, 235, 235, and 235 8-bit information symbols, respectively). This concatenated code is to be decoded by an enhanced decoder that utilizes a maximum likelihood (Viterbi) convolutional decoder; a Reed Solomon decoder capable of processing erasures; an algorithm for declaring erasures in undecoded codewords based on known erroneous symbols in neighboring decodable words; a second Viterbi decoding operation (redecoding) constrained to follow only paths consistent with the known symbols from previously decodable Reed-Solomon codewords; and a second Reed-Solomon decoding operation using the output from the Viterbi redecoder and additional erasure declarations to the extent possible. It is estimated that this code and decoder can achieve a decoded bit error rate of 1 x 10(exp 7) at a concatenated code signal-to-noise ratio of 0.76 dB. By comparison, a threshold of 1.17 dB is required for a baseline coding system consisting of the same (14,1/4) convolutional code, a (255,223) Reed-Solomon code with constant redundancy 32 also interleaved to depth 8, a one-pass Viterbi decoder, and a Reed Solomon decoder incapable of declaring or utilizing erasures. The relative gain of the enhanced system is thus 0.41 dB. It is predicted from analysis based on an assumption of infinite interleaving that the coding gain could be further improved by approximately 0.2 dB if four stages of Viterbi decoding and four levels of Reed-Solomon redundancy are permitted. Confirmation of this effect and specification of the optimum four-level redundancy profile for depth-8 interleaving is currently being done

    Testing the performance of feedback concatenated decoder with a nonideal receiver

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    One of the inherent problems in testing the feedback concatenated decoder (FCD) at our operating symbol signal-to-noise ratio (SSNR) is that the bit-error rate is so low that we cannot measure it directly through simulations in a reasonable time period. This article proposes a test procedure that will give a reasonable estimate of the expected losses even though the number of frames tested is much smaller than needed for a direct measurement. This test procedure provides an organized robust methodology for extrapolating small amounts of test data to give reasonable estimates of FCD loss increments at unmeasurable miniscule error rates. Using this test procedure, we have run some preliminary tests on the FCD to quantify the losses due to the fact that the input signal contains multiplicative non-white non-Gaussian noises resulting from the buffered telemetry demodulator (BTD). Besides the losses in the BTD, we have observed additional loss increments of 0.3 to 0.4 dB at the output of the FCD for several test cases with loop signal-to-noise ratios (SNR's) lower than 20 dB. In contrast, these loss increments were less than 0.1 dB for a test case with the subcarrier loop SNR at about 28 dB. This test procedure can be applied to more extensive test data to determine thresholds on the loop SNRs above which the FCD will not suffer substantial loss increments

    Wireless Image Transmission Using Turbo Codes and Optimal Unequal Error Protection

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    A novel image transmission scheme is proposed for the communication of SPIHT image streams over wireless channels. The proposed scheme employs turbo codes and Reed-Solomon codes in order to deal effectively with burst errors. An algorithm for the optimal unequal error protection of the compressed bitstream is also proposed and applied in conjunction with an inherently more efficient technique for product code decoding. The resulting scheme is tested for the transmission of images over wireless channels. Experimental evaluation clearly demonstrates the superiority of the proposed transmission system in comparison to well-known robust coding schemes