51 research outputs found

    Determinants of Satisfaction at Different Adoption Stages of Internet-Based Services

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    Early IS research on satisfaction investigated system characteristics affecting end-user satisfaction, relying mostly on the IS success model. More recent research, on the other hand, studied satisfaction formation in the context of web-based products and services, using the disconfirmation theory. The IS context, however, is different from the marketing context where the theory was originally developed. One important difference is the novelty effect associated with the constant and rapid advancement of information technology. Previous satisfaction studies did not account for the dynamic nature of satisfaction and the changeability of its determinants. Such variability may be more salient in the IS context due to the novelty effect. In this paper, we develop, operationalize and empirically test a model for explaining/predicting satisfaction with Internet-based services at adoption and post-adoption stages. We argue and empirically demonstrate the need to consider the evolutionary nature of satisfaction and the variability of its determinants. Our results show that desires and expectations are both important factors that need to be considered simultaneously in explaining satisfaction at adoption. The role of desires, however, diminishes significantly in the post-adoption stage. The results also show no significant relationship between post-adoption satisfaction and satisfaction at adoption. The augmented disconfirmation model resulting from this study constitutes an important step towards the development of an IS satisfaction theory that accounts for the evolution of satisfaction over adoption stages

    An empirical analysis of Australian and Portuguese consumers within the context of CSR and environmentalism

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    This cross country study examines the potential environmental predictors of consumers\u27 green behaviour. It uses consumer&rsquo;s self reported environmental behavioural intentions and examines its potential influence on corporate practice of social responsibility (CSR). A conceptual model was developed and was subjected to empirical verification using survey research design. It was hypothesised that CSR improves green behavioural purchase intension. PLS was used to estimate the measure of respondents&rsquo; overall perception of green products and their intention to purchase. It was found that in both countries, Australia and Portugal, CSR influenced purchase intentions. In both cases there was evidence of association between CSR and the consumers&rsquo; intention to purchase environmentally safe products.<br /

    Exploring Different Roles between Service Expectation and Technology Expectation In Citizen’s E-Government Continuance Adoption: An Extended Expectation-Confirmation Model

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    Although Chinese government has got remarkable achievement in e-Government development, the difficult issue that citizen use behaviour cannot last toward many e-Government services has long been troubling to government in different levels. Based on expectation-confirmation theory (ECT), this paper proposed an extended model by divide the expectation and perceived performance into two categories, service perspective and technology perspective, for understanding the different roles of those factors in the process of e-Government continuance adoption. The research plan of an empirical experiment toward the e-Government portal of Beijing, the capital of China for utilizing this extended model was also discussed briefly in the paper

    Factors affecting choice of cafeteria among Universiti Utara Malaysia students

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    The purpose of conducting this research project is to examine the factors of food quality, service quality, menu, price, convenience as well as cleanliness that influenced customer satisfaction towards cafeteria operating in Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah West Malaysia. To attain the objectives of this research, research questions and six hypotheses are being developed and tested. Furthermore, each hypothesis is measured accordingly while the results obtained are being subsequently explained by the researcher. Literature reviews included in this research project further strengthened the theory and better understanding of the factors affecting choice of cafeteria among UUM students whole at the same time provide evidence to support the theory. Primary data were collected using questionnaires being distributed fro a total of 200 sets throughout UUM students. Using Statistical Package for Social Science version 19.0, data that had been collected from the questionnaire being analyzed using tables and charts. In addition, findings of the research are also being discussed in order to understand the relationship between independent variables like food quality, service quality, menu, price, convenience and cleanliness with dependent variables that is customer satisfaction. After the data being analyzed, the researcher concurred that all the factors are significant and having high percentage of importance towards affecting the choice of cafeteria among UUM students. Managerial implications are also being discussed to provide professional insight to the operators about the factors in demand and in trend towards customers satisfaction. Further research are being discussed as information lies in limitations factors can assist future researchers towards providing better research about the factors affecting choice of cafeteria

    Factors influencing the mandatory adoption of RFID: An empirical investigation from Australian livestock industry

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the factors of RFID adoption in a mandatory environment.This paper presents the result of an empirical study that investigates the adoption behaviour of livestock farms in relation to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in the context ofAustralia. A mixed method consisting qualitative and quantitative research approach has been taken for this study. The finding of this study confirmed that external environment, technological characteristics, and organizational factors are significant for RFID adoption. Alternatively, expectations from RFID-adoption do not have an influence on RFID adoption when the adoption is mandatory

    The Quality of Online Marketing in the Field of Tourism Services in Albania

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    Online marketing is considered as one of the most effective ways for the tourism enterprises, particularly in terms of promotion of their services, the communication with markets, and the electronic commerce, as an added value of online marketing. In Albania, the internet services have relatively low prices. Due to this reason, the Internet access does not cost too much not only for the tourism enterprises but also for the ordinary people, who in most cases use the latest mobile devices such as smartphones, Ipads, notebooks etc. This study aims to explore the quality of the Enterprise websites tourism, in terms of their menu, graphic quality, the number of options, electronic commerce etc. The sample of the study was N=200 participants, representatives of the respective tourism enterprises. The study was conducted in five touristic areas in Albania: Tirana, Durres, Shkodra, Vlora, and Saranda. The research results showed that although a big part of the enterprises has invested in designing their websites, the other part of them do not have this. Also, the website allows a better communication with the costumers, but the possibility of online payments within the websites' pages is limited.Keywords: online marketing, tourism enterprises, websites, internet, Albania

    The Nostalgia Effect: A Field Investigation of Satisfaction among IS/IT Professionals in India

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    Satisfaction is a key indicator of system success, and so it has been the subject of much Information System (IS) research. The nostalgia effect, whereby individuals feel satisfied or dissatisfied when thinking about past goal attainment or failure, has been observed to influence analysts’ decisions with respect to ongoing systems development. The Yield Shift Theory (YST) of Satisfaction explains the nostalgia effect as a function of changes in yield for an individual’s active goal set. This paper reports on an exploratory field investigation of the nostalgia effect among 105 working IS/IT professionals in India reflecting on past collaboration experiences. The study demonstrates empirically a measurable nostalgia effect, and reveals a strong association between satisfaction responses and the antecedents proposed by Yield Shift Theory

    Exploring factors that determine consumer attitude toward use of intelligent software agents

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    The aim of the research described in this paper is to evaluate the impact of Intelligent Software Agents (ISA) used in the on-line purchase of e-tickets, and their acceptance as a source of information service and decision assistance for customers. An empirical study was conducted using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the EC Consumer Behaviour Model in order to determine the factors affecting consumer attitude towards using ISA. The research instrument employed was a questionnaire survey among 150 postgraduate students from the School of Management at the University of Surrey, the findings demonstrate a positive view of ISA – the stronger predictors of consumer attitude towards ISA being perceived usefulness (PU), information richness (IR), customer interface (CI) and perceived trust (PT). Overall, the future of ISA at the business-to-customer (B2C) interface level is to a great extent affected by the consumers’ perception of ISA usefulness and control over it. The present study’s recommendations indicate a need for travel businesses to develop more intelligent electronic environments that will elicit a more positive response from the consumers if they are to be used more

    Students' Online Purchase Intentions at Eight National Universities in Beijing, China

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    This research investigates the factors that have a relationship with online purchase intentions. This article focuses on online purchase intention among students at eight universities in Beijing, China. The One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Pearson correlation coefficient, and Spearman correlation coefficient were used for analyzing the hypotheses in this study. All the factors (variables) considered in this research, namely, perceived price, perceived ease of use, website quality, website brand, and customer value and trust have positive relationships and were found to have an important effect on purchase intention. Several recommendations were made with a view to increase the number of omline shopping customers

    Up in the cloud: Understanding the chasm between expectations and reality

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    CEOs increasingly demand their IT function to fully exploit the opportunities of cloud computing for their company. At the same time, we observe that employees make experiences with cloud services in their private life, which they seamlessly transfer and expect in the workplace - a phenomenon called cloud consumerization. Thereby, employees use self-deployed cloud services for solving business problems which they find more useful than the IT products provided by work. In light of these revolutionary changes, we propose that user experiences and outcomes are contingent on the process through which cloud services are adopted in companies. Systemizing cloud adoption as a continuum of top-down and bottom-up processes, we assume that adoption processes are distinct with respect to users’ social and governance context. In this paper, we outline the theoretical and methodological foundation, provide details on the expected theoretical contributions and give information regarding next steps of our research project
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