279,852 research outputs found

    Exclusive Breastfeeding Determinants of Non-working Mothers

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    The nutritional status in the first 1000 days of life is very important. WHO and UNICEF recommend that newborn babies should only be breastfed for at least six months, so that babies can grow and develop optimally. The recommendation has been applied, but the failure of exclusive breastfeeding still occurs. This study aimed to analyze the determinants of exclusive breastfeeding of not working mothers in the work area of Oesapa Public Health Center, Kelapa Lima subdistrict in 2019. This is a quantitative study with cross-sectional study design. This research was conducted in the work area of Oesapa Public Health Center with a sample of 61 babies. Data analysis used the Chi-Square test and multiple logistic regression tests. The results showed that the variables of mother’s knowledge (ρ= 0,001), mother’s trust (ρ= 0,024), family’s support (ρ= 0,000), and health care provider’s support (ρ= 0,028) are related to exclusive breastfeeding, but mothers’ age (ρ= 0.257) and information exposure (ρ= 1,000) are not related to exclusive breastfeeding. The factor of family’s support (ρ= 0,001) and mother’s knowledge (ρ= 0,005) had the highest correlation with exclusive breastfeeding. The mothers' level of knowledge also had a major contribution to the success of exclusive breastfeeding. To achieve exclusive breastfeeding success, mothers need support from the family (especially husband) and complete information from health workers so the mothers’ knowledge can be improved. The health centers need to utilize various health promotion media to increase the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding

    Site- and Location-Adjusted Approaches to Adaptive Allocation Clinical Trial Designs

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    Response-Adaptive (RA) designs are used to adaptively allocate patients in clinical trials. These methods have been generalized to include Covariate-Adjusted Response-Adaptive (CARA) designs, which adjust treatment assignments for a set of covariates while maintaining features of the RA designs. Challenges may arise in multi-center trials if differential treatment responses and/or effects among sites exist. We propose Site-Adjusted Response-Adaptive (SARA) approaches to account for inter-center variability in treatment response and/or effectiveness, including either a fixed site effect or both random site and treatment-by-site interaction effects to calculate conditional probabilities. These success probabilities are used to update assignment probabilities for allocating patients between treatment groups as subjects accrue. Both frequentist and Bayesian models are considered. Treatment differences could also be attributed to differences in social determinants of health (SDH) that often manifest, especially if unmeasured, as spatial heterogeneity amongst the patient population. In these cases, patient residential location can be used as a proxy for these difficult to measure SDH. We propose the Location-Adjusted Response-Adaptive (LARA) approach to account for location-based variability in both treatment response and/or effectiveness. A Bayesian low-rank kriging model will interpolate spatially-varying joint treatment random effects to calculate the conditional probabilities of success, utilizing patient outcomes, treatment assignments and residential information. We compare the proposed methods with several existing allocation strategies that ignore site for a variety of scenarios where treatment success probabilities vary

    Determinan Keberhasilan Pemicuan Stop Buang Air Besar Sembarangan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Busalangga Kecamatan Rote Barat Laut Kabupaten Rote Ndao

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    The behavior of open defecation is still a problem of health behavior in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the determinants of successful triggering of open defecation in the working area of ​​Busalangga Public Health Center, Rote Barat Laut District, Rote Ndao Regency in 2020. The type of research used was analytic observational with cross sectional design. The population in this study were all heads of households in the villages of Tualima, Temas, Modosinal and Busalangga who had or had been exposed to the Community-Based Total Sanitation (STBM) program, totaling 1,165 families. The sample in this study were 92 families selected by simple random sampling technique. Methods of data analysis using Chi-Square analysis. The results showed that there was a relationship between knowledge and the success of triggering stopping BABS (p-value=0.004), latrine ownership (p-value=0.005), availability of clean water (p-value=0.023), the role of health workers (p-value=0.014), and support from village officials (p-value=0.044). The success of determining the triggering of stopping open defecation in the working area of ​​the Busalangga Community Health Center is influenced by knowledge, ownership of latrines, availability of clean water, the role of health workers, and the support of good village officials, so it is hoped that the community will continue and continue to improve health behavior related to stopping open defecation so that people can avoid health problems that arise from unhealthy behavior and also people must continue to seek health information to add insight and knowledge

    Job Search Strategies and Labor Market Success

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    This study examines the relation between job search strategies and two measures of labor market success, starting salary and number of job offers received, in a sample of graduating MBAs. Controlling for applicant and market characteristics, we find that job search strategy is related to both starting salary and number of job offers, but most strongly to the latter measure of labor market success. Beginning the job search earlier, greater numbers of employer contacts, and not accepting the first job offer all contribute to greater labor market success. These findings suggest that individuals take concrete steps to achieve greater labor market success than would be expected based on their personal attributes and market conditions

    Working Together Toward Better Health Outcomes

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    Healthcare organizations and community-based organizations (CBOs) that provide human services are partnering in shared pursuit of better health outcomes. The Partnership for Healthy Outcomes – Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF), the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS), and the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities (Alliance), with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) – set out to capture and analyze the lessons emerging in this dynamic space. Information from more than 200 partnerships serving all 50 US states provide important lessons from, and for, partnerships that hope to improve access to care, address health inequities, and make progress on social issues like food, education, and housing

    Has Europe been catching up? : An industry level analysis of venture capital success over 1985 – 2009 : [Version November 2012]

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    After nearly two decades of US leadership during the 1980s and 1990s, are Europe’s venture capital (VC) markets in the 2000s finally catching up regarding the provision of financing and successful exits, or is the performance gap as wide as ever? Are we amid an overall VC performance slump with no encouraging news? We attempt to answer these questions by tracking over 40,000 VC-backed firms stemming from six industries in 13 European countries and the US between 1985 and 2009; determining the type of exit – if any – each particular firm’s investors choose for the venture

    Exploring key determinants of virtual worlds \ud business success based on users' experience and\ud perception

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    Given the growth and popularity of virtual worlds, companies have a\ud strong interest in presenting themselves successfully in virtual worlds. We\ud designed an experimental study to identify the key determinants of virtual worlds\ud business success based on users’ experience and perception. The preliminary\ud results indicate that Starbucks, McDonalds, and Paris are the 3 most favorite sites.\ud Furthermore, 5 key determinants (entertainment, functionality, interactivity,\ud reality, and sociality) of business success in virtual worlds are identified in this\ud study. We conclude the practical and theoretical implications of the findings of\ud this study.\u

    Set in Stone: Building America's New Generation of Arts Facilities, 1994-2008

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    In 2007, just before the domestic economy experienced a major trauma, the Cultural Policy Center at the Harris School and NORC at the University of Chicago launched a national study of cultural building in the United States. It was motivated by multiple requests from leading consultants in the cultural sector who found themselves involved in a steadily growing number of major building projects -- museums, performing arts centers (PACs), and theaters -- and from foundation officers who were frequently asked to help fund these infrastructure projects. With the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Kresge Foundation, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, we were able to conduct systematic scientific research on cultural building in the United States between 1994 and 2008 and come to a number of conclusions that have important implications for the cultural sector

    Corporate debt restructuring : evidence on lender coordination in financial distress

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    In the recent theoretical literature on lending risk, the coordination problem in multi-creditor relationships have been analyzed extensively. We address this topic empirically, relying on a unique panel data set that includes detailed credit-file information on distressed lending relationships in Germany. In particular, it includes information on creditor pools, a legal institution aiming at coordinating lender interests in borrower distress. We report three major findings. First, the existence of creditor pools increases the probability of workout success. Second, the results are consistent with coordination costs being positively related to pool size. Third, major determinants of pool formation are found to be the number of banks, the distribution of lending shares, and the severity of the distress shock

    Multiple lenders and corporate distress: evidence on debt restructuring : [Version Juni 2006]

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    In the recent theoretical literature on lending risk, the coordination problem in multi-creditor relationships have been analyzed extensively. We address this topic empirically, relying on a unique panel data set that includes detailed credit-file information on distressed lending relationships in Germany. In particular, it includes information on creditor pools, a legal institution aiming at coordinating lender interests in borrower distress. We report three major findings. First, the existence of creditor pools increases the probability of workout success. Second, the results are consistent with coordination costs being positively related to pool size. Third, major determinants of pool formation are found to be the number of banks, the distribution of lending shares, and the severity of the distress shock
