4 research outputs found

    Implementasi Model TAM pada Sistem Informasi Presensi Online Menggunakan Face Recognition dan GPS

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    This study aims to analyze system user acceptance of online attendance information systems with face recognition and GPS using the variables Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness and Attitude toward Using contained in the TAM model. (Technology Acceptance Model). Respondents used as many as 45 people consist of teachers, teaching staff and students. Questionnaires were used to obtain data that had been tested for validity and reliability which were then analyzed using multiple linear regression techniques. The results of the analysis of the 1st regression equation show that the variable Perceived Usefullness (X1) has a significant influence on the variable Attitude toward Using (Y) with a t count of 4.114 with a significance of p = 0.000 (<0.05). The variable Perceived Ease of Use (X2) has a significant effect on the variable Attitude Toward Using (Y) with t count 2.898 with a significant p = 0.010 (<0.05). The results of the analysis of the second regression equation show that the variables X1 and X2 together have a significant effect on Attitude toward Using (Y) because the statistical value F count = 23.556 with a significance p = 0.000 (<0.05)

    Proposed model of students acceptance of massive open online courses

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    The importance of using Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as a source of learning can be clearly seen from the increase of the number of universities that have chosen to use them to offer courses to their students. While many efforts have been made in the studies of MOOCs, the understanding of people's behaviour and intent is a key issue in MOOCs. This study aims to identify the factors that will influence the students and learners behavioural intention to accept MOOCs. This research will compare the existing UTAUT2 model as the theoretical framework which is used to investigate the factors that influence user acceptance. Finally, this article proposed a model to support the behavioural intention of using MOOCs by integrating the educational value construct. Using the proposed model, we can investigate which of the factors that affect the behavioural intention of using MOOCs have a significant influence on the student’s acceptance of MOOCs. The results can be helpful for universities and schools introducing MOOCs to their students in taking into consideration the factors for ensuring students are interested to participate and can benefit from the technology

    Acceptance of massive open online course as a supplementary learning tool in higher education

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    Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is an innovative and viable alternative to complement the conventional classroom education. Since the development of this technology may entail huge investment and arduous effort, it is crucial to understand the factors that influence this technology acceptance before it is developed. Even though there have been existing research that studied the acceptance of MOOC, there are very limited literatures that discuss it in the context of Malaysia and the use of it as a supplementary learning tool. Therefore, the objective of this research is to identify, propose and evaluate a model for measuring the acceptance of this technology as a supplementary learning tool among undergraduate students in a university in Malaysia. A systematic literature review was done to identify and propose a MOOC acceptance model. A prototype was then developed based on Chemical Equilibrium chapter in Chemistry subject to satisfy target users’ needs. The prototype was assessed through usability evaluation and the acceptance model which was based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was evaluated among students who undertake Chemistry course in the same university. The quantitative data obtained from 111 students through a questionnaire (eight constructs and 39 items) was analysed using SPSS and SmartPLS 3.0. Findings showed positive perception of students towards the use of MOOC. Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) analysis showcased nine out of ten relationships were found to be significant. To gain better understanding of these statistical results, qualitative data was then collected via semi-structured group interview with five survey respondents. The data was analysed using deductive content analysis and the findings managed to confirm and expand the empirical study. The model proposed in this research as well as the MOOC acceptance findings provide relevant theoretical contribution to be further validated and explored by future researchers. On the other hand, the development process and the developed prototype incorporating the design criteria suggested by scholars offer practical contribution which can help developers in designing a MOOC that can be accepted by students

    Factors and moderating effect of internet self-efficacy on Malaysia MOOCs continuance intention for higher education

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    MOOCs continuance intention is an open question as the completion rates and the overall use of the system were substantially low. Consequently, there have been extensive efforts to understand the phenomena. Yet, documented findings regarding the determinant of the continuous use of MOOCs are not all together consistent. To provide more insight, this study developed a research model consisting of four contributing factors related to MOOCs features, namely usefulness, enjoyment, interactivity and openness in order to understand how these factors affect MOOCs continuance intention at the higher education level in Malaysia. In addition, Internet self-efficacy was proposed as a moderator variable to give a better understanding of how the individual difference affects continuance intention. Using the quantitative approach, online questionnaires were distributed to students enrolled in Malaysia MOOCs program, registered in OpenLearning platform. A total of 267 valid questionnaires were used for the analysis using the Partial Least Square Path Model (PLSPM) approach. The findings revealed that continuance intention was directly affected by usefulness, enjoyment and openness, but not interactivity. Perhaps the tasks given in the MOOCs activities were more related to the individual assignment which does not trigger students to interact, causing them to feel less connected in the MOOCs environment. Then the analysis was run to test the moderating effect of Internet self-efficacy. The results indicated that Internet self-efficacy negatively moderated the relationship between usefulness, enjoyment, and interactivity on continuance intention respectively. This tendency implies that users at the lower end of the moderating effect tend to place more effort in achieving better continuance intention than those at the upper end. Overall, this study enriches the literature by providing evidence of the importance of MOOCs features in improving continuance intention and finally highlights the moderating effect of Internet self-efficacy on the relationship between MOOCs features and continuance intention