7 research outputs found

    Laser Doppler imaging as a tool in the burn wound treatment protocol

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    Photoplethysmographic imaging and analysis of pulsatile pressure wave in palmar artery at 10 wavelengths

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    CC BY: © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.Significance As a noncontact method, imaging photoplethysmography (iPPG) may provide a powerful tool to measure pulsatile pressure wave (PPW) in superficial arteries and extract biomarkers for monitoring of artery wall stiffness. Aim We intend to develop a approach for extraction of the very weak cardiac component from iPPG data by identifying locations of strong PPW signals with optimized illumination wavelength and determining pulse wave velocity (PWV). Approach Monochromatic in vivo iPPG datasets have been acquired from left hands to investigate various algorithms for retrieval of PPW signals, distribution maps and waveforms, and their dependence on arterial location and wavelength. Results A robust algorithm of pixelated independent component analysis (pICA) has been developed and combined with spatiotemporal filtering to retrieve PPW signals. Spatial distributions of PPW signals have been mapped in 10 wavelength bands from 445 to 940 nm and waveforms were analyzed at multiple locations near the palmar artery tree. At the wavelength of 850 nm selected for timing analysis, we determined PWV values from 12 healthy volunteers in a range of 0.5 to 5.8 m/s across the hand region from wrist to midpalm and fingertip.ECU Open Access Publishing Support Fun

    Learning-induced plasticity in vascular properties in the human brain

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    The brain is a plastic organ, able to undergo structural and functional changes following changing physiological contingencies, such as diseases and exercise training. However, the nature of the biological changes that underlie plasticity in the adult human brain is not fully understood. In light of this lack of knowledge of the biological mechanism behind brain plasticity, non-invasive imaging can be used to track plasticity changes in the living human brain. Quantitative and physiologically-specific magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques are an ideal tool to study these mechanisms. Plasticity is believed to involve a variety of physiological mechanisms. Some of these mechanisms are neuronal in nature, such as synaptogenesis and changes in neuronal morphology, but changes in non-neuronal tissue components are also thought to contribute, including angiogenesis. The latter may result in increased cerebral blood flow (CBF). CBF estimation can be obtained using arterial spin labeling (ASL). In this technique, water protons in blood are magnetically labelled and this labelling is used to measure the amount of blood that perfuses brain regions. The detection of blood perfusion changes during and following learning intervention would be indicative of a contribution of vascular plasticity to learning-induced changes. In this project, we will use ASL to measure plasticity-induced changes in CBF in motor areas during and following five days of motor task learning

    Direct myosin-2 inhibition enhances cerebral perfusion resulting in functional improvement after ischemic stroke

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    Acute ischemic stroke treatment faces an unresolved obstacle as capillary reperfusion remains insufficient after thrombolysis and thrombectomy causing neuronal damage and poor prognosis. Hypoxia-induced capillary constriction is mediated by actomyosin contraction in precapillary smooth muscle cells (SMCs) therefore smooth muscle myosin-2 could be an ideal target with potentially high impact on reperfusion of capillaries. Methods: The myosin-2 inhibitor para-aminoblebbistatin (AmBleb) was tested on isolated human and rat arterioles to assess the effect of AmBleb on vasodilatation. Transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) was performed on 38 male Wistar rats followed by local administration of AmBleb into the ischemic brain area. Development of brain edema and changes in cerebrovascular blood flow were assessed using MRI and SPECT. We also tested the neurological deficit scores and locomotor asymmetry of the animals for 3 weeks after the MCAO operation. Results: Our results demonstrate that AmBleb could achieve full relaxation of isolated cerebral arterioles. In living animals AmBleb recovered cerebral blood flow in 32 out of the 65 affected functional brain areas in MCAO operated rats, whereas only 8 out of the 67 affected areas were recovered in the control animals. Animals treated with AmBleb also showed significantly improved general and focal deficit scores in neurological functional tests and showed significantly ameliorated locomotor asymmetry. Conclusion: Direct inhibition of smooth muscle myosin by AmBleb in pre-capillary SMCs significantly contribute to the improvement of cerebral blood reperfusion and brain functions suggesting that smooth muscle myosin inhibition may have promising potential in stroke therapies as a follow-up treatment of physical or chemical removal of the occluding thrombus.Published versio

    Optimization and Data Analysis in Biomedical Informatics

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    Abstract Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) is a catheter-based medical imaging modality that is capable of providing cross-sectional images of the interior of blood vessels. A comprehensive analysis of the IVUS data allows collecting information about the morphology and structure of the vessel and the atherosclerotic plaque, if present. Atherosclerotic plaque formation is considered to be a part of an inflammatory process. Recent evidence has suggested that the presence and proliferation of vasa vasorum (VV) in the plaque is correlated with the increase of plaque inflammation and the processes which lead to its destabilization. Hence, the detection and measurement of VV in plaque has the potential to enable the development of an index of plaque vulnerability. In this paper, we review the research at the Computational Biomedicine Lab towards the development of a complete pipeline for the detection and quantification of extra-luminal blood detection from IVUS data which may be an indication of the existence of VV

    Signal Processing Methods for Quantitative Power Doppler Microvascular Angiography

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    Operator-dependent instrument settings and the likelihood of image artifacts are two challenges for reliably using three-dimensional (3-D) power Doppler angiography in flow depiction and quantification applications. To address the operator-dependent settings challenge, an automated method for wall filter cut-off selection, the wall filter selection curve (WFSC) method, was developed using flow-phantom images. The flow-phantom WFSCs guided the development of a theoretical signal model relating color pixel density (CPD) and wall filter cut-off frequency. Simulations using the theoretical model were used to define criteria for the WFSC method to be applied to unprocessed power Doppler signals from 3-D vasculature. The adapted WFSC method was combined with a 3-D skeletonization and vessel network reconstruction method to present a two-stage processing method aimed at improving vascular detection, visualization and quantification. The two-stage method was evaluated using two in vivo models; a murine tumor model was used to test the performance of the method in a flow quantification application and a chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model was used to evaluate the method’s value for flow depiction applications. Applying the WFSC method to flow-phantom images improved vessel delineation and vascular quantification to within 3% of the vascular volume fraction of the phantom. Criteria for the WFSC method from the simulations were to assess at least 100 cut-off frequencies and that the CPD variability should be less than 5% to ensure quantification accuracy. Large variations in the cut-off frequency selected using the WFSC among images acquired at different time points and across different animals in the murine tumor model signified the relevance of spatially and temporally adjusting the cut-off frequency. The two-stage method improved visualization of the vascular network and significantly reduced artifacts in both the tumor and CAM models in comparison to images using conventional Doppler processing. In the CAM model, vessel diameters measured in two-stage processed images were more accurate than measurements in images exported from a commercial scanner. The proposed signal processing methods increase accuracy and robustness of qualitative and quantitative studies using 3-D power Doppler angiography to assess vascular networks for flow depiction and quantification