1,133 research outputs found

    Bioelectronic Noses Based on Olfactory Receptors

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    Odour Detection Methods: Olfactometry and Chemical Sensors

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    The complexity of the odours issue arises from the sensory nature of smell. From the evolutionary point of view olfaction is one of the oldest senses, allowing for seeking food, recognizing danger or communication: human olfaction is a protective sense as it allows the detection of potential illnesses or infections by taking into account the odour pleasantness/unpleasantness. Odours are mixtures of light and small molecules that, coming in contact with various human sensory systems, also at very low concentrations in the inhaled air, are able to stimulate an anatomical response: the experienced perception is the odour. Odour assessment is a key point in some industrial production processes (i.e., food, beverages, etc.) and it is acquiring steady importance in unusual technological fields (i.e., indoor air quality); this issue mainly concerns the environmental impact of various industrial activities (i.e., tanneries, refineries, slaughterhouses, distilleries, civil and industrial wastewater treatment plants, landfills and composting plants) as sources of olfactory nuisances, the top air pollution complaint. Although the human olfactory system is still regarded as the most important and effective “analytical instrument” for odour evaluation, the demand for more objective analytical methods, along with the discovery of materials with chemo-electronic properties, has boosted the development of sensor-based machine olfaction potentially imitating the biological system. This review examines the state of the art of both human and instrumental sensing currently used for the detection of odours. The olfactometric techniques employing a panel of trained experts are discussed and the strong and weak points of odour assessment through human detection are highlighted. The main features and the working principles of modern electronic noses (E-Noses) are then described, focusing on their better performances for environmental analysis. Odour emission monitoring carried out through both the techniques is finally reviewed in order to show the complementary responses of human and instrumental sensing

    Analyses of odours from concentrated animal feeding operations: a review

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    Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) are widely present all over the world due to the high population demand for food and products of animal origin. However, they have generated several environmental concerns, including odour nuisance, which affects people health and quality of life. Odours from livestock are a very complex mixtures of molecules and their analytical investigation is highly demanding. Many works have been published regarding the study of odours from CAFOs, using different techniques and technologies to face the issue. Thus, the aim of this review paper is to summarize all the ways to study odours from CAFOs, starting from the sampling methods and then treating in general the principles of Dynamic Olfactometry, Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry and Electronic Noses. Finally, a deep literature summary of Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry and Electronic Noses applied to odours coming from poultry, dairy and swine feeding operations is reported. This work aims to make some order in this field and it wants to help future researchers to deal with this environmental problem, constituting a state-of-the-art in this field

    Fabrication Of An Electronic Nose And Its Application For The Verification Of Eurycoma Longifolia Extracts [TP159.C46 I82 2007 f rb].

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    Hidung elekronik yang berasaskan penderia penimbang mikro hablur kuarza menggunakan etil selulosa, lipid (dioktil fosfat (DOP), trioktil metil ammonium klorida (TOMA), olil amina (OAm)) dan bahan fasa pegun kromatografi gas (Apiezon L (APZL),polipropilin glikol 1200 (PPG 1200), polietilina glikol 1000 (PEG 1000), polietilina glikol 4000 (PEG 4000), poli(bissanopropil-siloksana) (OV-275) dan dietilina glikolsuksinat (DEGS) sebagai membran penderia untuk menganalisis ekstrak daripada Eurycoma longifolia (Tongkat Ali) telah dibina. An electronic nose based on a quartz crystal microbalance array sensor using ethylcellulose (EC), lipids ((dioctyl phosphate (DOP), trioctyl methyl ammonium chloride (TOMA), oleyl amine (OAm)) and gas chromatography (GC) stationary phase materials ((Apiezon-L (APZ-L), polypropylene glycol 1200 (PPG 1200), polyethylene glycol 1000 (PEG 1000), polyethylene glycol 4000 (PEG 4000), poly(biscyanopropyl-siloxane) (OV-275) and diethylene glycol succinate (DEGS)) as sensing membrane for the analysis ofextracts of Eurycoma longifolia (Tongkat Ali) was develope

    Cooperative strategies for the detection and localization of odorants with robots and artificial noses

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    En este trabajo de investigación se aborda el diseño de una plataforma robótica orientada a la implementación de estrategias de búsqueda cooperativa bioinspiradas. En particular, tanto el proceso de diseño de la parte electrónica como hardware se han enfocado hacia la validación en entornos reales de algoritmos capaces de afrontar problemas de búsqueda con incertidumbre, como lo es la búsqueda de fuentes de olor que presentan variación espacial y temporal. Este tipo de problemas pueden ser resueltos de forma más eficiente con el empleo de enjambres con una cantidad razonable de robots, y por tanto la plataforma ha sido desarrollada utilizando componentes de bajo coste. Esto ha sido posible por la combinación de elementos estandarizados -como la placa controladora Arduino y otros sensores integrados- con piezas que pueden ser fabricadas mediante una impresora 3D atendiendo a la filosofía del hardware libre (open-source). Entre los requisitos de diseño se encuentran además la eficiencia energética -para maximizar el tiempo de funcionamiento de los robots-, su capacidad de posicionamiento en el entorno de búsqueda, y la integración multisensorial -con la inclusión de una nariz electrónica, sensores de luminosidad, distancia, humedad y temperatura, así como una brújula digital-. También se aborda el uso de una estrategia de comunicación adecuada basada en ZigBee. El sistema desarrollado, denominado GNBot, se ha validado tanto en los aspectos de eficiencia energética como en sus capacidades combinadas de posicionamiento espacial y de detección de fuentes de olor basadas en disoluciones de etanol. La plataforma presentada -formada por el GNBot, su placa electrónica GNBoard y la capa de abstracción software realizada en Python- simplificará por tanto el proceso de implementación y evaluación de diversas estrategias de detección, búsqueda y monitorización de odorantes, con la estandarización de enjambres de robots provistos de narices artificiales y otros sensores multimodales.This research work addresses the design of a robotic platform oriented towards the implementation of bio-inspired cooperative search strategies. In particular, the design processes of both the electronics and hardware have been focused towards the real-world validation of algorithms that are capable of tackling search problems that have uncertainty, such as the search of odor sources that have spatio-temporal variability. These kind of problems can be solved more efficiently with the use of swarms formed by a considerable amount of robots, and thus the proposed platform makes use of low cost components. This has been possible with the combination of standardized elements -as the Arduino controller board and other integrated sensors- with custom parts that can be manufactured with a 3D printer attending to the open-source hardware philosophy. Among the design requirements is the energy efficiency -in order to maximize the working range of the robots-, their positioning capability within the search environment, and multiple sensor integration -with the incorporation of an artificial nose, luminosity, distance, humidity and temperature sensors, as well as an electronic compass-. Another subject that is tackled is the use of an efficient wireless communication strategy based on ZigBee. The developed system, named GNBot, has also been validated in the aspects of energy efficiency and for its combined capabilities for autonomous spatial positioning and detection of ethanol-based odor sources. The presented platform -formed by the GNBot, the GNBoard electronics and the abstraction layer built in Python- will thus simplify the processes of implementation and evaluation of various strategies for the detection, search and monitoring of odorants with conveniently standardized robot swarms provided with artificial noses and other multimodal sensors

    Odors: from chemical structures to gaseous plumes

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    We are immersed within an odorous sea of chemical currents that we parse into individual odors with complex structures. Odors have been posited as determined by the structural relation between the molecules that compose the chemical compounds and their interactions with the receptor site. But, naturally occurring smells are parsed from gaseous odor plumes. To give a comprehensive account of the nature of odors the chemosciences must account for these large distributed entities as well. We offer a focused review of what is known about the perception of odor plumes for olfactory navigation and tracking, which we then connect to what is known about the role odorants play as properties of the plume in determining odor identity with respect to odor quality. We end by motivating our central claim that more research needs to be conducted on the role that odorants play within the odor plume in determining odor identity

    Nanobiosensors based on individual olfactory receptors

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    In the SPOT-NOSED European project, nanoscale sensing elements bearing olfactory receptors and grafted onto functionalized gold substrates are used as odorant detectors to develop a new concept of nanobioelectronic nose, through sensitive impedancemetric measurement of single receptor conformational change upon ligand binding, with a better specificity and lower detection threshold than traditional physical sensors.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDA Publishing Association (http://irevues.inist.fr/EDA-Publishing

    Assessing the medium-term impact of permeable pond covers on pond performance and odour management

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    Assessment of the efficacy of permeable pond covers over a three-year period has confirmed that they are a cost-effective odour management tool. They have an anticipated life expectancy of at least ten years. Investigation of emissions of volatile chemicals and gases, as well as pond chemistry, has not provided any justification to avoid recommendation of this relatively low cost technology. Regulatory agencies are now in a position to accept this technology as one that has been adequately investigated, and as a consequence of which, predictable performance may be anticipated. Adoption of this technology by the pig industry as an odour control tool should be limited only by site-specific circumstances and the costs and benefits of alternate technologies

    Artificial olfaction system for on-site odour measurement

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    Odour impacts and concerns are an impediment to the growth of the Australian chicken meat industry. To manage these, the industry has to be able to demonstrate the efficacy of its odour reduction strategies scientifically and defensibly; however, it currently lacks reliable, cost effective and objective tools to do so. This report describes the development of an artificial olfaction system (AOS) to measure meat chicken farm odour. This report describes the market research undertaken to determine the demand for such a tool, the development and evaluation of three AOS prototypes, data analysis and odour prediction modelling, and the development of two complementary odour measurement tools, namely, a volatile organic compound (VOC) pre-concentrator and a field olfactometer. This report is aimed at investors in poultry odour research and those charged with, or interested in, assessment of odour on chicken farms, including farm managers, integrators, their consultants, regulators and researchers. The findings will influence the focus of future environmental odour measurement research