19 research outputs found

    Detection of Sybil attack in vehicular ad hoc networks by analyzing network performance

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    Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is an emerging technology which can be very helpful for providing safety and security as well as for intelligent transportation services. But due to wireless communication of vehicles and high mobility it has certain security issues which cost the safety and security of people on the road. One of the major security concerns is the Sybil attack in which the attacker creates dummy identities to gain high influence in the network that causes delay in some services and fake voting in the network to misguide others. The early detection of this attack can prevent people from being misguided by the attacker and save them from getting into any kind of trap. In this research paper, Sybil attack is detected by first applying the Poisson distribution algorithm to predict the traffic on the road and in the second approach, analysis of the network performance for packet delivery ratio (PDR) is performed in malign and benign environment. The simulation result shows that PDR decreases in presence of fake vehicles in the network. Our approach is simple and effective as it does not require high computational overhead and also does not violate the privacy issues of people in the network

    Comparison between Sybil Attack Detection Technique: Lightweight and Robust,”

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    ABSTRACT: Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is an independent network which consists of many nodes and these nodes uses wireless links to communicate with each other. The infrastructure less nature of MANET makes it vulnerable to various attacks. There is an attack which causes many serious threats to the network and it is known as Sybil attack. In Sybil attack, attackers or malicious nodes uses many identities or IP addresses to gain control over the network and creates lots of misconception among nodes present in the network. In this paper two approaches are discussed to detect the Sybil Attack, one is Lightweight Sybil Attack Detection Approach and other is Robust Sybil Attack Detection Approach

    Self-certified sybil-free pseudonyms

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    Accurate and trusted identifiers are a centerpiece for any security architecture. Protecting against Sybil attacks in a privacy-friendly manner is a non-trivial problem in wireless infrastructureless networks, such as mobile ad hoc networks. In this paper, we introduce self-certified Sybil-free pseudonyms as a means to provide privacy-friendly Sybil-freeness without requiring continuous online availability of a trusted third party. These pseudonyms are self-certified and computed by the users themselves from their cryptographic longterm identities. Contrary to identity certificates, we preserve location privacy and improve protection against some notorious attacks on anonymous communication systems

    A Survey of Security Challenges and Issues in Manet

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    Nodes intriguing element in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) are predictable to hold to the rules stated by the routing protocol utilized in the network. Safe routing protocols endeavor to decrease the ill-effect of nodes under the control of malicious entities who intentionally violate the protocol.. There are so many generic tools which are universal for individual as well as organizations for customers to offer protection which comprises Antivirus, Ant spam, etc., and network securities have turn into important issue in MANET. Security is one of the major issues in the MANET particularly w.r.t. complexity and size of the network. The main focus of this survey is to discuss & represent special characteristics of security in MANET and also apply several of the solutions security threats within MANET network similar to intruder activities, tapping and integrity, MANET link layer and network layer operations w.r.t. information security etc) w.r.t. MANET network. This Survey paper also discusses different number of security scenarios of MANET, Attacks in MANET and IDS in MANET. Keywords: AODV, MANET, Network Security, IDS, Attack

    Detection and mitigation of the eclipse attack in chord overlays

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    Distributed hash table-based overlays are widely used to support efficient information routing and storage in structured peer-to-peer networks, but they are also subject to numerous attacks aimed at disrupting their correct functioning. In this paper, we analyse the impact of the eclipse attack on a chord-based overlay in terms of number of key lookups intercepted by a collusion of malicious nodes. We propose a detection algorithm for the individuation of ongoing attacks to the chord overlay, relying on features that can be independently estimated by each network peer, which are given as input to a C4.5-based binary classifier. Moreover, we propose some modifications to the chord routing protocol in order to mitigate the effects of such attacks. The countermeasures introduce a limited traffic overhead and can operate either in a distributed fashion or assuming the presence of a centralised trusted entity. Numerical results show the effectiveness of the proposed mitigation techniques


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    Abstract-Trust and its association are thrilling fields of research. The affluent works producing concerning belief gives us a forceful indication that this is a vital span of research. Belief as a believed has an expansive collection of adaptations and requests, that reasons divergence in belief association terminology. The aim of this paper is to furnish VANETs designers alongside several perspectives on the believed of belief, an understanding of the properties that ought to be believed in growing a belief metric, and visions on how belief can be computed. We commenced this paper by giving assorted definitions of belief and metrics utilized for assessing trust. We next gave a comprehensive survey of assorted belief computing ways, their comparisons alongside respect to assorted attack models and computational requirements. We analyzed assorted literatures on the belief dynamics such as belief propagation, aggregation and predictions. In the end we have endowed a serving detailing the request of belief mechanisms in security. The belief schemes gave in this discover cover an expansive scope of request and are established on countless disparate kinds of mechanisms. There is no solitary resolution that will be suitable in all contexts and applications. As arranging a new belief arrangement, it is vital to ponder the constraints and the kind of data that can be utilized as input by the network. A finished observation is that so distant, the continuing scrutiny work and propositions lack completeness. There are vital subjects yet to be addressed

    Disseminação segura de conteúdo diante ataques sybil para a internet das coisas

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    Orientador : Prof. Aldri Luiz dos SantosCoorientador : Prof. Michele Nogueira LimaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 20/04/2016Inclui referências : f. 59-64Resumo: O avanço das tecnologias de comunicação e a redução dos dispositivos computacionais estão propiciando o desenvolvimento da Internet das Coisas (IoT). Esta rede integra desde lâmpadas, geladeiras, roupas, e até dispositivos computacionais, promovendo a geração de um grande volume de dados como também a interação entre os objetos e os seres humanos em ambientes residenciais, industriais, de saúde, entre outros. A integração entre estes objetos e dispositivos computacionais promove a geração de um grande volume de dados, os quais serão disseminados para o desenvolvimento de vários serviços em tempo real como o monitoramento das funções vitais, a localização de objetos, a mensuração da temperatura de um local. Contudo, uma rede IoT precisa lidar também com fatores como limitações de recursos, heterogeneidade dos dispositivos, perdas de enlace e a vulnerabilidade do meio sem fio. Tais fatores quando explorados por usuários maliciosos tornam a disseminação de conteúdo insegura. O serviço de disseminação de conteúdo nessas redes está sujeito a diversas ações maliciosas, entre as quais destaca-se a personificação de identidades realizada pelo ataque Sybil. Embora existam várias abordagens de detecção de ataque Sybil, como o Lightweight Sybil Detection (LSD), elas são custosas, desconsideram dispositivos heterogêneos, e não levam em conta atacantes Sybil com identidades roubadas. Assim, esta dissertação apresenta um mecanismo de controle de associações, denominado SA2CI (Sybil Attack Association Control for IoT), que busca prevenir associações de atacantes Sybil à disseminação de conteúdo da IoT. O desenvolvimento deste mecanismo é baseado em criptografia de curvas elípticas (ECC), funções não clonáveis (PUF) e recibos de identidades. A ECC auxilia na criação de um canal seguro com baixo custo computacional por onde a comprovação da identidade, representada pela PUF dos dispositivos será transportada para o cálculo e distribuição dos recibos de identidade, garantindo a sua legitimidade. O SA2CI foi avaliado através de simulações, e comparado com o LSD através de métricas de eficácia e eficiência. Os resultados mostraram que o SA2CI foi capaz de detectar ataque Sybil de forma eficaz, eficiente e constante, independente do tipo e quantidade de identidades. Palavras-chave: IoT, disseminação segura, ataque Sybil, mecanismo de detecção.Abstract: The technological advance in communication and the reduction of computational devices are providing the development of the Internet of Things (IoT). This network integrates from lamps, fridges, clothes to computational devices, promoting promoting a huge volume of data, as well as an interaction between objects and humans in residential, industrial and health environments, allows the integration of communication between objects, computing devices, various services can be provided in real time, such as the monitoring of vital functions, the location of objects, the temperature measurement. However, an IoT network needs to deal with factors such as resource constraints, heterogeneity of devices, link losses and the vulnerability of the wireless medium. This factors, when exploited by malicious users, make the dissemination insecure. The content dissemination service in these networks is subject to various malicious actions, among which stands out the personification of identities held by Sybil attack. While there are several approaches to Sybil attack detection, such as Lightweight Sybil Detection (LSD), they are costly, disregard heterogeneous devices, and do not take into account Sybil attackers with stolen identities. This dissertation presents a mechanism of control of associations, denominated SA2CI, that seeks to prevent associations of attackers Sybil to the dissemination of IoT content. The development of this mechanism is based on the usage of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), non-clonable functions (PUF) and identity receipts. An ECC will assist in the creation of a secure channel with low computational cost through which a proof of identity, represented by the PUF of the devices will be transported to calculate the distribution of identity receipts, guaranteeing their legitimacy. The SA2CI was evaluated through simulations and compared with LSD through metrics of effectiveness and efficiency. The results showed that the SA2CI was able to detect Sybil attack effective, efficient and consistent manner, regardless of the type and amount of identities. Keywords: IoT, security dissemination, Sybil attack, detection mecanism