2 research outputs found

    A Review on mobile SMS Spam filtering techniques

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    Under short messaging service (SMS) spam is understood the unsolicited or undesired messages received on mobile phones. These SMS spams constitute a veritable nuisance to the mobile subscribers. This marketing practice also worries service providers in view of the fact that it upsets their clients or even causes them lose subscribers. By way of mitigating this practice, researchers have proposed several solutions for the detection and filtering of SMS spams. In this paper, we present a review of the currently available methods, challenges, and future research directions on spam detection techniques, filtering, and mitigation of mobile SMS spams. The existing research literature is critically reviewed and analyzed. The most popular techniques for SMS spam detection, filtering, and mitigation are compared, including the used data sets, their findings, and limitations, and the future research directions are discussed. This review is designed to assist expert researchers to identify open areas that need further improvement

    Deep learning to filter SMS spam

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    The popularity of short message service (SMS) has been growing over the last decade. For businesses, these text messages are more effective than even emails. This is because while 98% of mobile users read their SMS by the end of the day, about 80% of the emails remain unopened. The popularity of SMS has also given rise to SMS Spam, which refers to any irrelevant text messages delivered using mobile networks. They are severely annoying to users. Most existing research that has attempted to filter SMS Spam has relied on manually identified features. Extending the current literature, this paper uses deep learning to classify Spam and Not-Spam text messages. Specifically, Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short-term memory models were employed. The proposed models were based on text data only, and self-extracted the feature set. On a benchmark dataset consisting of 747 Spam and 4,827 Not-Spam text messages, a remarkable accuracy of 99.44% was achieved