233 research outputs found

    Preserving Trustworthiness and Confidentiality for Online Multimedia

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    Technology advancements in areas of mobile computing, social networks, and cloud computing have rapidly changed the way we communicate and interact. The wide adoption of media-oriented mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets enables people to capture information in various media formats, and offers them a rich platform for media consumption. The proliferation of online services and social networks makes it possible to store personal multimedia collection online and share them with family and friends anytime anywhere. Considering the increasing impact of digital multimedia and the trend of cloud computing, this dissertation explores the problem of how to evaluate trustworthiness and preserve confidentiality of online multimedia data. The dissertation consists of two parts. The first part examines the problem of evaluating trustworthiness of multimedia data distributed online. Given the digital nature of multimedia data, editing and tampering of the multimedia content becomes very easy. Therefore, it is important to analyze and reveal the processing history of a multimedia document in order to evaluate its trustworthiness. We propose a new forensic technique called ``Forensic Hash", which draws synergy between two related research areas of image hashing and non-reference multimedia forensics. A forensic hash is a compact signature capturing important information from the original multimedia document to assist forensic analysis and reveal processing history of a multimedia document under question. Our proposed technique is shown to have the advantage of being compact and offering efficient and accurate analysis to forensic questions that cannot be easily answered by convention forensic techniques. The answers that we obtain from the forensic hash provide valuable information on the trustworthiness of online multimedia data. The second part of this dissertation addresses the confidentiality issue of multimedia data stored with online services. The emerging cloud computing paradigm makes it attractive to store private multimedia data online for easy access and sharing. However, the potential of cloud services cannot be fully reached unless the issue of how to preserve confidentiality of sensitive data stored in the cloud is addressed. In this dissertation, we explore techniques that enable confidentiality-preserving search of encrypted multimedia, which can play a critical role in secure online multimedia services. Techniques from image processing, information retrieval, and cryptography are jointly and strategically applied to allow efficient rank-ordered search over encrypted multimedia database and at the same time preserve data confidentiality against malicious intruders and service providers. We demonstrate high efficiency and accuracy of the proposed techniques and provide a quantitative comparative study with conventional techniques based on heavy-weight cryptography primitives

    Texture and Colour in Image Analysis

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    Research in colour and texture has experienced major changes in the last few years. This book presents some recent advances in the field, specifically in the theory and applications of colour texture analysis. This volume also features benchmarks, comparative evaluations and reviews

    Incorporating Ensemble and Transfer Learning For An End-To-End Auto-Colorized Image Detection Model

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    Image colorization is the process of colorizing grayscale images or recoloring an already-color image. This image manipulation can be used for grayscale satellite, medical and historical images making them more expressive. With the help of the increasing computation power of deep learning techniques, the colorization algorithms results are becoming more realistic in such a way that human eyes cannot differentiate between natural and colorized images. However, this poses a potential security concern, as forged or illegally manipulated images can be used illegally. There is a growing need for effective detection methods to distinguish between natural color and computer-colorized images. This paper presents a novel approach that combines the advantages of transfer and ensemble learning approaches to help reduce training time and resource requirements while proposing a model to classify natural color and computer-colorized images. The proposed model uses pre-trained branches VGG16 and Resnet50, along with Mobile Net v2 or Efficientnet feature vectors. The proposed model showed promising results, with accuracy ranging from 94.55% to 99.13% and very low Half Total Error Rate values. The proposed model outperformed existing state-of-the-art models regarding classification performance and generalization capabilities

    Photo response non-uniformity based image forensics in the presence of challenging factors

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    With the ever-increasing prevalence of digital imaging devices and the rapid development of networks, the sharing of digital images becomes ubiquitous in our daily life. However, the pervasiveness of powerful image-editing tools also makes the digital images an easy target for malicious manipulations. Thus, to prevent people from falling victims to fake information and trace the criminal activities, digital image forensics methods like source camera identification, source oriented image clustering and image forgery detections have been developed. Photo response non-uniformity (PRNU), which is an intrinsic sensor noise arises due to the pixels non-uniform response to the incident, has been used as a powerful tool for image device fingerprinting. The forensic community has developed a vast number of PRNU-based methods in different fields of digital image forensics. However, with the technology advancement in digital photography, the emergence of photo-sharing social networking sites, as well as the anti-forensics attacks targeting the PRNU, it brings new challenges to PRNU-based image forensics. For example, the performance of the existing forensic methods may deteriorate due to different camera exposure parameter settings and the efficacy of the PRNU-based methods can be directly challenged by image editing tools from social network sites or anti-forensics attacks. The objective of this thesis is to investigate and design effective methods to mitigate some of these challenges on PRNU-based image forensics. We found that the camera exposure parameter settings, especially the camera sensitivity, which is commonly known by the name of the ISO speed, can influence the PRNU-based image forgery detection. Hence, we first construct the Warwick Image Forensics Dataset, which contains images taken with diverse exposure parameter settings to facilitate further studies. To address the impact from ISO speed on PRNU-based image forgery detection, an ISO speed-specific correlation prediction process is proposed with a content-based ISO speed inference method to facilitate the process even if the ISO speed information is not available. We also propose a three-step framework to allow the PRNUbased source oriented clustering methods to perform successfully on Instagram images, despite some built-in image filters from Instagram may significantly distort PRNU. Additionally, for the binary classification of detecting whether an image's PRNU is attacked or not, we propose a generative adversarial network-based training strategy for a neural network-based classifier, which makes the classifier generalize better for images subject to unprecedented attacks. The proposed methods are evaluated on public benchmarking datasets and our Warwick Image Forensics Dataset, which is released to the public as well. The experimental results validate the effectiveness of the methods proposed in this thesis

    Facial Feature Extraction Using a Symmetric Inline Ma-trix-LBP Variant for Emotion Recognition

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    With a large number of Local Binary Patterns (LBP) variants being currently used today, the sig-nificant and importance of visual descriptors in computer vision applications are prominent. This paper presents a novel visual descriptor, i.e., SIM-LBP. It employs a new matrix technique called the Symmetric Inline Matrix generator method, which acts as a new variant of LBP. The key feature that separates our variant from existing counterparts is that our variant is very efficient in extracting facial expression features like eyes, eye brows, nose and mouth in a wide range of lighting con-ditions. For testing our model, we applied SIM-LBP on the JAFFE dataset to convert all the images to its corresponding SIM-LBP transformed variant. These transformed images are then used to train a Convolution Neural Network (CNN) based deep learning model for facial expressions recog-nition (FER). Several performance evaluation metrics, i.e., recognition accuracy rate, precision, recall, and F1-score, were used to test mode efficiency in comparison with those using the tradi-tional LBP descriptor and other LBP variants. Our model outperformed in all four matrices with the proposed SIM-LBP transformation on the input images against those of baseline methods. In comparison analysis with the other state-of-the-art methods, it shows the usefulness of the pro-posed SIM-LBP model. Our proposed SIM-LBP variant transformation can also be applied on facial images to identify a person’s mental states and predict mood variations

    Non invasive skin hydration level detection using machine learning

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    Dehydration and overhydration can help to improve medical implications on health. Therefore, it is vital to track the hydration level (HL) specifically in children, the elderly and patients with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes. Most of the current approaches to estimate the hydration level are not sufficient and require more in-depth research. Therefore, in this paper, we used the non-invasive wearable sensor for collecting the skin conductance data and employed different machine learning algorithms based on feature engineering to predict the hydration level of the human body in different body postures. The comparative experimental results demonstrated that the random forest with an accuracy of 91.3% achieved better performance as compared to other machine learning algorithms to predict the hydration state of human body. This study paves a way for further investigation in non-invasive proactive skin hydration detection which can help in the diagnosis of serious health conditions

    An evaluation of partial differential equations based digital inpainting algorithms

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    Partial Differential equations (PDEs) have been used to model various phenomena/tasks in different scientific and engineering endeavours. This thesis is devoted to modelling image inpainting by numerical implementations of certain PDEs. The main objectives of image inpainting include reconstructing damaged parts and filling-in regions in which data/colour information are missing. Different automatic and semi-automatic approaches to image inpainting have been developed including PDE-based, texture synthesis-based, exemplar-based, and hybrid approaches. Various challenges remain unresolved in reconstructing large size missing regions and/or missing areas with highly textured surroundings. Our main aim is to address such challenges by developing new advanced schemes with particular focus on using PDEs of different orders to preserve continuity of textural and geometric information in the surrounding of missing regions. We first investigated the problem of partial colour restoration in an image region whose greyscale channel is intact. A PDE-based solution is known that is modelled as minimising total variation of gradients in the different colour channels. We extend the applicability of this model to partial inpainting in other 3-channels colour spaces (such as RGB where information is missing in any of the two colours), simply by exploiting the known linear/affine relationships between different colouring models in the derivation of a modified PDE solution obtained by using the Euler-Lagrange minimisation of the corresponding gradient Total Variation (TV). We also developed two TV models on the relations between greyscale and colour channels using the Laplacian operator and the directional derivatives of gradients. The corresponding Euler-Lagrange minimisation yields two new PDEs of different orders for partial colourisation. We implemented these solutions in both spatial and frequency domains. We measure the success of these models by evaluating known image quality measures in inpainted regions for sufficiently large datasets and scenarios. The results reveal that our schemes compare well with existing algorithms, but inpainting large regions remains a challenge. Secondly, we investigate the Total Inpainting (TI) problem where all colour channels are missing in an image region. Reviewing and implementing existing PDE-based total inpainting methods reveal that high order PDEs, applied to each colour channel separately, perform well but are influenced by the size of the region and the quantity of texture surrounding it. Here we developed a TI scheme that benefits from our partial inpainting approach and apply two PDE methods to recover the missing regions in the image. First, we extract the (Y, Cb, Cr) of the image outside the missing region, apply the above PDE methods for reconstructing the missing regions in the luminance channel (Y), and then use the colourisation method to recover the missing (Cb, Cr) colours in the region. We shall demonstrate that compared to existing TI algorithms, our proposed method (using 2 PDE methods) performs well when tested on large datasets of natural and face images. Furthermore, this helps understanding of the impact of the texture in the surrounding areas on inpainting and opens new research directions. Thirdly, we investigate existing Exemplar-Based Inpainting (EBI) methods that do not use PDEs but simultaneously propagate the texture and structure into the missing region by finding similar patches within the rest of image and copying them into the boundary of the missing region. The order of patch propagation is determined by a priority function, and the similarity is determined by matching criteria. We shall exploit recently emerging Topological Data Analysis (TDA) tools to create innovative EBI schemes, referred to as TEBI. TDA studies shapes of data/objects to quantify image texture in terms of connectivity and closeness properties of certain data landmarks. Such quantifications help determine the appropriate size of patch propagation and will be used to modify the patch propagation priority function using the geometrical properties of curvature of isophotes, and to improve the matching criteria of patches by calculating the correlation coefficients from the spatial, gradient and Laplacian domains. The performance of this TEBI method will be tested by applying it to natural dataset images, resulting in improved inpainting when compared with other EBI methods. Fourthly, the recent hybrid-based inpainting techniques are reviewed and a number of highly performing innovative hybrid techniques that combine the use of high order PDE methods with the TEBI method for the simultaneous rebuilding of the missing texture and structure regions in an image are proposed. Such a hybrid scheme first decomposes the image into texture and structure components, and then the missing regions in these components are recovered by TEBI and PDE based methods respectively. The performance of our hybrid schemes will be compared with two existing hybrid algorithms. Fifthly, we turn our attention to inpainting large missing regions, and develop an innovative inpainting scheme that uses the concept of seam carving to reduce this problem to that of inpainting a smaller size missing region that can be dealt with efficiently using the inpainting schemes developed above. Seam carving resizes images based on content-awareness of the image for both reduction and expansion without affecting those image regions that have rich information. The missing region of the seam-carved version will be recovered by the TEBI method, original image size is restored by adding the removed seams and the missing parts of the added seams are then repaired using a high order PDE inpainting scheme. The benefits of this approach in dealing with large missing regions are demonstrated. The extensive performance testing of the developed inpainting methods shows that these methods significantly outperform existing inpainting methods for such a challenging task. However, the performance is still not acceptable in recovering large missing regions in high texture and structure images, and hence we shall identify remaining challenges to be investigated in the future. We shall also extend our work by investigating recently developed deep learning based image/video colourisation, with the aim of overcoming its limitations and shortcoming. Finally, we should also describe our on-going research into using TDA to detect recently growing serious “malicious” use of inpainting to create Fake images/videos

    Adaptation of Images and Videos for Different Screen Sizes

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    With the increasing popularity of smartphones and similar mobile devices, the demand for media to consume on the go rises. As most images and videos today are captured with HD or even higher resolutions, there is a need to adapt them in a content-aware fashion before they can be watched comfortably on screens with small sizes and varying aspect ratios. This process is called retargeting. Most distortions during this process are caused by a change of the aspect ratio. Thus, retargeting mainly focuses on adapting the aspect ratio of a video while the rest can be scaled uniformly. The main objective of this dissertation is to contribute to the modern image and video retargeting, especially regarding the potential of the seam carving operator. There are still unsolved problems in this research field that should be addressed in order to improve the quality of the results or speed up the performance of the retargeting process. This dissertation presents novel algorithms that are able to retarget images, videos and stereoscopic videos while dealing with problems like the preservation of straight lines or the reduction of the required memory space and computation time. Additionally, a GPU implementation is used to achieve the retargeting of videos in real-time. Furthermore, an enhancement of face detection is presented which is able to distinguish between faces that are important for the retargeting and faces that are not. Results show that the developed techniques are suitable for the desired scenarios
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