17 research outputs found

    Exploring Linguistic Features for Web Spam Detection: A Preliminary Study

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    We study the usability of linguistic features in theWeb spam classification task. The features were computed on two Web spam corpora: Webspam-Uk2006 and Webspam-Uk2007, we make them publicly available for other researchers. Preliminary analysis seems to indicate that certain linguistic features may be useful for the spam-detection task when combined with features studied elsewhere.JRC.G.2-Support to external securit

    An Efficient Approach for Finding Near Duplicate Web pages using Minimum Weight Overlapping Method

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    The existence of billions of web data has severely affected the performance and reliability of web search. The presence of near duplicate web pages plays an important role in this performance degradation while integrating data from heterogeneous sources. Web mining faces huge problems due to the existence of such documents. These pages increase the index storage space and thereby increase the serving cost. By introducing efficient methods to detect and remove such documents from the Web not only decreases the computation time but also increases the relevancy of search results. We aim a novel idea for finding near duplicate web pages which can be incorporated in the field of plagiarism detection, spam detection and focused web crawling scenarios. Here we propose an efficient method for finding near duplicates of an input web page, from a huge repository. A TDW matrix based algorithm is proposed with three phases, rendering, filtering and verification, which receives an input web page and a threshold in its first phase, prefix filtering and positional filtering to reduce the size of record set in the second phase and returns an optimal set of near duplicate web pages in the verification phase by using Minimum Weight Overlapping (MWO) method. The experimental results show that our algorithm outperforms in terms of two benchmark measures, precision and recall, and a reduction in the size of competing record set.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v1i2.7

    Comprehensive Literature Review on Machine Learning Structures for Web Spam Classification

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    AbstractVarious Web spam features and machine learning structures were constantly proposed to classify Web spam in recent years. The aim of this paper was to provide a comprehensive machine learning algorithms comparison within the Web spam detection community. Several machine learning algorithms and ensemble meta-algorithms as classifiers, area under receiver operating characteristic as performance evaluation and two public available datasets (WEBSPAM-UK2006 and WEBSPAM-UK2007) were experimented in this study. The results have shown that random forest with variations of AdaBoost had achieved 0.937 in WEBSPAM-UK2006 and 0.852 in WEBSPAM-UK2007

    Fake News Detection with Deep Diffusive Network Model

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    In recent years, due to the booming development of online social networks, fake news for various commercial and political purposes has been appearing in large numbers and widespread in the online world. With deceptive words, online social network users can get infected by these online fake news easily, which has brought about tremendous effects on the offline society already. An important goal in improving the trustworthiness of information in online social networks is to identify the fake news timely. This paper aims at investigating the principles, methodologies and algorithms for detecting fake news articles, creators and subjects from online social networks and evaluating the corresponding performance. This paper addresses the challenges introduced by the unknown characteristics of fake news and diverse connections among news articles, creators and subjects. Based on a detailed data analysis, this paper introduces a novel automatic fake news credibility inference model, namely FakeDetector. Based on a set of explicit and latent features extracted from the textual information, FakeDetector builds a deep diffusive network model to learn the representations of news articles, creators and subjects simultaneously. Extensive experiments have been done on a real-world fake news dataset to compare FakeDetector with several state-of-the-art models, and the experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed model

    An Empirical Study of Online Consumer Review Spam: A Design Science Approach

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    Because of the sheer volume of consumer reviews posted to the Internet, a manual approach for the detection and analysis of fake reviews is not practical. However, automated detection of fake reviews is a very challenging research problem given the fact that fake reviews could just look like legitimate reviews. Guided by the design science research methodology, one of the main contributions of our research work is the development of a novel methodology and an instantiation which can effectively detect untruthful consumer reviews. The results of our experiment confirm that the proposed methodology outperforms other well-known baseline methods for detecting untruthful reviews collected from amazon.com. Above all, the designed artifacts enable us to conduct an econometric analysis to examine the impact of fake reviews on product sales. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first empirical study conducted to analyze the economic impact of fake consumer reviews

    Detecting the Origin of Text Segments Efficiently

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    In the origin detection problem an algorithm is given a set S of documents, ordered by creation time, and a query document D. It needs to output for every consecutive sequence of k alphanumeric terms in D the earliest document in S in which the sequence appeared (if such a document exists). Algorithms for the origin detection problem can, for example, be used to detect the "origin" of text segments in D and thus to detect novel content in D. They can also find the document from which the author of D has copied the most (or show that D is mostly original). We propose novel algorithm for this problem and evaluate them together with a large number of previously published algorithms. Our results show that (1) detecting the origin of text segments efficiently can be done with very high accuracy even when the space used is less than 1% of the size of the documents in S, (2) the precision degrades smoothly with the amount of available space, (3) various estimation techniques can be used to increase the performance of the algorithms