367 research outputs found

    On Shape-Mediated Enrolment in Ear Biometrics

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    Ears are a new biometric with major advantage in that they appear to maintain their shape with increased age. Any automatic biometric system needs enrolment to extract the target area from the background. In ear biometrics the inputs are often human head profile images. Furthermore ear biometrics is concerned with the effects of partial occlusion mostly caused by hair and earrings. We propose an ear enrolment algorithm based on finding the elliptical shape of the ear using a Hough Transform (HT) accruing tolerance to noise and occlusion. Robustness is improved further by enforcing some prior knowledge. We assess our enrolment on two face profile datasets; as well as synthetic occlusion

    Automatic Detection of Circular Objects by Ellipse Growing

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    We present a new method for automatically detecting circular objects in images: we detect an osculating circle to an elliptic arc using a Hough transform, iteratively deforming it into an ellipse, removing outlier pixels, and searching for a separate edge. The voting space is restricted to one and two dimensions for efficiency, and special weighting schemes are introduced to enhance the accuracy. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method using real images. Finally, we apply our method to the calibration of a turntable for 3-D object shape reconstruction

    Methods for Ellipse Detection from Edge Maps of Real Images

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    Research on a modifeied RANSAC and its applications to ellipse detection from a static image and motion detection from active stereo video sequences

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3091号 ; 学位の種類:博士(国際情報通信学) ; 授与年月日:2010/2/24 ; 早大学位記番号:新535

    Robust ellipse detection with Gaussian mixture models

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    The Euclidian distance between Gaussian Mixtures has been shown to be robust to perform point set registration (Jian and Vemuri, 2011). We propose to extend this idea for robustly matching a family of shapes (ellipses). Optimisation is performed with an annealing strategy, and the search for occurrences is repeated several times to detect multiple instances of the shape of interest. We compare experimentally our approach to other state-of-the-art techniques on a benchmark database for ellipses, and demonstrate the good performance of our approach