39 research outputs found

    Object Segmentation and Reconstruction Using Infrastructure Sensor Nodes for Autonomous Mobility

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    This thesis focuses on the Lidar point cloud processing for the infrastructure sensor node that serves as the perception system for autonomous robots with general mobility in indoor applications. Compared with typical schemes mounting sensors on the robots, the method acquires data from infrastructure sensor nodes, providing a more comprehensive view of the environment, which benefits the robot's navigation. The number of sensors would not need to be increased even for multiple robots, significantly reducing costs. In addition, with a central perception system using the infrastructure sensor nodes navigating every robot, a more comprehensive understanding of the current environment and all the robots' locations can be obtained for the control and operation of the autonomous robots. For a robot in the detection range of the sensor node, the sensor node can detect and segment obstacles in its driveable area and reconstruct the incomplete, sparse point cloud of objects upon their movement. The complete shape by the reconstruction benefits the localization and path planning which follows the perception part of the robot's system. Considering the sparse Lidar data and the variety of object categories in the environment, a model-free scheme is selected for object segmentation. Point segmentation starts with background filtering. Considering the complexity of the indoor environment, a depth-matching-based background removal approach is first proposed. However, later tests imply that the method is adequate but not time-efficient. Therefore, based on the depth matching-based method, a process that only focuses on the drive-able area of the robot is proposed, and the computational complexity is significantly reduced. With optimization, the computation time for processing one frame of data can be greatly increased, from 0.2 second by the first approach to 0.01 second by the second approach. After background filtering, the remaining points for occurring objects are segmented as separate clusters using an object clustering algorithm. With independent clusters of objects, an object tracking algorithm is followed to allocate the point clusters with IDs and arrange the clusters in a time sequence. With a stream of clusters for a specific object in a time sequence, point registration is deployed to aggregate the clusters into a complete shape. And as noticed during the experiment, one of the differences between indoor and outdoor environments is that contact between objects in the indoor environment is much more common. The objects in contact are likely to be segmented as a single cluster by the model-free clustering algorithm, which needs to be avoided in the reconstruction process. Therefore an improvement is made in the tracking algorithm when contact happens. The algorithms in this thesis have been experimentally evaluated and presented

    Decentralized Unknown Building Exploration by Frontier Incentivization and Voronoi Segmentation in a Communication Restricted Domain

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    Exploring unknown environments using multiple robots poses a complex challenge, particularly in situations where communication between robots is either impossible or limited. Existing exploration techniques exhibit research gaps due to unrealistic communication assumptions or the computational complexities associated with exploration strategies in unfamiliar domains. In our investigation of multi-robot exploration in unknown areas, we employed various exploration and coordination techniques, evaluating their performance in terms of robustness and efficiency across different levels of environmental complexity. Our research is centered on optimizing the exploration process through strategic agent distribution. We initially address the challenge of city roadway coverage, aiming to minimize the travel distance of each agent in a scenario involving multiple agents to enhance overall system efficiency. To achieve this, we partition the city into subregions. and utilize Voronoi relaxation to optimize the size of postman distances for these subregions. This technique highlights the essential elements of an efficient city exploration. Expanding our exploration techniques to unknown buildings, we develop strategies tailored to this specific domain. After a careful evaluation of various exploration techniques, we introduce another goal selection strategy, Unknown Closest. This strategy combines the advantages of a greedy approach with the improved dispersal of agents, achieved through the randomization effect of a larger goal set. We further assess the exploration techniques in environments with restricted communication, presenting upper coordination mechanisms such as frontier incentivization and area segmentation. These methods enhance exploration performance by promoting independence and implicit coordination among agents. Our simulations demonstrate the successful application of these techniques in various complexity of interiors. In summary, this dissertation offers solutions for multi-robot exploration in unknown domains, paving the way for more efficient, cost-effective, and adaptable exploration strategies. Our findings have significant implications for various fields, ranging from autonomous city-wide monitoring to the exploration of hazardous interiors, where time-efficient exploration is crucial

    A novel low-cost autonomous 3D LIDAR system

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2018To aid in humanity's efforts to colonize alien worlds, NASA's Robotic Mining Competition pits universities against one another to design autonomous mining robots that can extract the materials necessary for producing oxygen, water, fuel, and infrastructure. To mine autonomously on the uneven terrain, the robot must be able to produce a 3D map of its surroundings and navigate around obstacles. However, sensors that can be used for 3D mapping are typically expensive, have high computational requirements, and/or are designed primarily for indoor use. This thesis describes the creation of a novel low-cost 3D mapping system utilizing a pair of rotating LIDAR sensors, attached to a mobile testing platform. Also, the use of this system for 3D obstacle detection and navigation is shown. Finally, the use of deep learning to improve the scanning efficiency of the sensors is investigated.Chapter 1. Introduction -- 1.1. Purpose -- 1.2. 3D sensors -- 1.2.1. Cameras -- 1.2.2. RGB-D Cameras -- 1.2.3. LIDAR -- 1.3. Overview of Work and Contributions -- 1.4. Multi-LIDAR and Rotating LIDAR Systems -- 1.5. Thesis Organization. Chapter 2. Hardware -- 2.1. Overview -- 2.2. Components -- 2.2.1. Revo Laser Distance Sensor -- 2.2.2. Dynamixel AX-12A Smart Serial Servo -- 2.2.3. Bosch BNO055 Inertial Measurement Unit -- 2.2.4. STM32F767ZI Microcontroller and LIDAR Interface Boards -- 2.2.5. Create 2 Programmable Mobile Robotic Platform -- 2.2.6. Acer C720 Chromebook and Genius Webcam -- 2.3. System Assembly -- 2.3.1. 3D LIDAR Module -- 2.3.2. Full Assembly. Chapter 3. Software -- 3.1. Robot Operating System -- 3.2. Frames of Reference -- 3.3. System Overview -- 3.4. Microcontroller Firmware -- 3.5. PC-Side Point Cloud Fusion -- 3.6. Localization System -- 3.6.1. Fusion of Wheel Odometry and IMU Data -- 3.6.2. ArUco Marker Localization -- 3.6.3. ROS Navigation Stack: Overview & Configuration -- Costmaps -- Path Planners. Chapter 4. System Performance -- 4.1. VS-LIDAR Characteristics -- 4.2. Odometry Tests -- 4.3. Stochastic Scan Dithering -- 4.4. Obstacle Detection Test -- 4.5. Navigation Tests -- 4.6. Detection of Black Obstacles -- 4.7. Performance in Sunlit Environments -- 4.8. Distance Measurement Comparison. Chapter 5. Case Study: Adaptive Scan Dithering -- 5.1. Introduction -- 5.2. Adaptive Scan Dithering Process Overview -- 5.3. Coverage Metrics -- 5.4. Reward Function -- 5.5. Network Configuration -- 5.6. Performance and Remarks. Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Work -- 6.1. Conclusions -- 6.2. Future Work -- 6.3. Lessons Learned -- References

    Robo3D: Towards Robust and Reliable 3D Perception against Corruptions

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    The robustness of 3D perception systems under natural corruptions from environments and sensors is pivotal for safety-critical applications. Existing large-scale 3D perception datasets often contain data that are meticulously cleaned. Such configurations, however, cannot reflect the reliability of perception models during the deployment stage. In this work, we present Robo3D, the first comprehensive benchmark heading toward probing the robustness of 3D detectors and segmentors under out-of-distribution scenarios against natural corruptions that occur in real-world environments. Specifically, we consider eight corruption types stemming from adversarial weather conditions, external disturbances, and internal sensor failure. We uncover that, although promising results have been progressively achieved on standard benchmarks, state-of-the-art 3D perception models are at risk of being vulnerable to corruptions. We draw key observations on the use of data representations, augmentation schemes, and training strategies, that could severely affect the model's performance. To pursue better robustness, we propose a density-insensitive training framework along with a simple flexible voxelization strategy to enhance the model resiliency. We hope our benchmark and approach could inspire future research in designing more robust and reliable 3D perception models. Our robustness benchmark suite is publicly available.Comment: 33 pages, 26 figures, 26 tables; code at https://github.com/ldkong1205/Robo3D project page at https://ldkong.com/Robo3

    Predictive Techniques for Scene Understanding by using Deep Learning in Autonomous Driving

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    La conducción autónoma es considerada uno de los más grandes retos tecnológicos de la actualidad. Cuando los coches autónomos conquisten nuestras carreteras, los accidentes se reducirán notablemente, hasta casi desaparecer, ya que la tecnología estará testada y no incumplirá las normas de conducción, entre otros beneficios sociales y económicos. Uno de los aspectos más críticos a la hora de desarrollar un vehículo autónomo es percibir y entender la escena que le rodea. Esta tarea debe ser tan precisa y eficiente como sea posible para posteriormente predecir el futuro de esta misma y ayudar a la toma de decisiones. De esta forma, las acciones tomadas por el vehículo garantizarán tanto la seguridad del vehículo en sí mismo y sus ocupantes, como la de los obstáculos circundantes, tales como viandantes, otros vehículos o infraestructura de la carretera. En ese sentido, esta tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio y desarrollo de distintas técnicas predictivas para el entendimiento de la escena en el contexto de la conducción autónoma. Durante la tesis, se observa una incorporación progresiva de técnicas de aprendizaje profundo en los distintos algoritmos propuestos para mejorar el razonamiento sobre qué está ocurriendo en el escenario de tráfico, así como para modelar las complejas interacciones entre la información social (distintos participantes o agentes del escenario, tales como vehículos, ciclistas o peatones) y física (es decir, la información geométrica, semántica y topológica del mapa de alta definición) presente en la escena. La capa de percepción de un vehículo autónomo se divide modularmente en tres etapas: Detección, Seguimiento (Tracking), y Predicción. Para iniciar el estudio de las etapas de seguimiento y predicción, se propone un algoritmo de Multi-Object Tracking basado en técnicas clásicas de estimación de movimiento y asociación validado en el dataset KITTI, el cual obtiene métricas del estado del arte. Por otra parte, se propone el uso de un filtro inteligente basado en información contextual de mapa, cuyo objetivo es monitorizar los agentes más relevantes de la escena en el tiempo, representando estos agentes filtrados la entrada preliminar para realizar predicciones unimodales basadas en un modelo cinemático. Para validar esta propuesta de filtro inteligente se usa CARLA (CAR Learning to Act), uno de los simuladores hiperrealistas para conducción autónoma más prometedores en la actualidad, comprobando cómo al usar información contextual de mapa se puede reducir notablemente el tiempo de inferencia de un algoritmo de tracking y predicción basados en métodos físicos, prestando atención a los agentes realmente relevantes del escenario de tráfico. Tras observar las limitaciones de un modelo de predicción basado en cinemática para la predicción a largo plazo de un agente, los distintos algoritmos de la tesis se centran en el módulo de predicción, usando los datasets Argoverse 1 y Argoverse 2, donde se asume que los agentes proporcionados en cada escenario de tráfico ya están monitorizados durante un cierto número de observaciones. En primer lugar, se introduce un modelo basado en redes neuronales recurrentes (particularmente redes LSTM, Long-Short Term Memory) y mecanismo de atención para codificar las trayectorias pasadas de los agentes, y una representación simplificada del mapa en forma de posiciones finales potenciales en la carretera para calcular las trayectorias futuras unimodales, todo envuelto en un marco GAN (Generative Adversarial Network), obteniendo métricas similares al estado del arte en el caso unimodal. Una vez validado el modelo anterior en Argoverse 1, se proponen distintos modelos base (sólo social, incorporando mapa, y una mejora final basada en Transformer encoder, redes convolucionales 1D y mecanismo de atención cruzada para la fusión de características) precisos y eficientes basados en el modelo de predicción anterior, introduciendo dos nuevos conceptos. Por un lado, el uso de redes neuronales gráficas (particularmente GCN, Graph Convolutional Network) para codificar de una forma potente las interacciones de los agentes. Por otro lado, se propone el preprocesamiento de trayectorias preliminares a partir de un mapa con un método heurístico. Gracias a estas entradas y una arquitectura más potente de codificación, los modelos base serán capaces de predecir distintas trayectorias futuras multimodales, es decir, cubriendo distintos posibles futuros para el agente de interés. Los modelos base propuestos obtienen métricas de regresión del estado del arte tanto en el caso multimodal como unimodal manteniendo un claro compromiso de eficiencia con respecto a otras propuestas. El modelo final de la tesis, inspirado en los modelos anteriores y validado en el más reciente dataset para algoritmos de predicción en conducción autónoma (Argoverse 2), introduce varias mejoras para entender mejor el escenario de tráfico y decodificar la información de una forma precisa y eficiente. Se propone incorporar información topológica y semántica de los carriles futuros preliminares con el método heurístico antes mencionado, codificación de mapa basada en aprendizaje profundo con redes GCN, ciclo de fusión de características físicas y sociales, estimación de posiciones finales en la carretera y agregación de su entorno circundante con aprendizaje profundo y finalmente módulo de refinado para mejorar la calidad de las predicciones multimodales finales de un modo elegante y eficiente. Comparado con el estado del arte, nuestro método logra métricas de predicción a la par con los métodos mejor posicionados en el Leaderboard de Argoverse 2, reduciendo de forma notable el número de parámetros y operaciones de coma flotante por segundo. Por último, el modelo final de la tesis ha sido validado en simulación en distintas aplicaciones de conducción autónoma. En primer lugar, se integra el modelo para proporcionar predicciones a un algoritmo de toma de decisiones basado en aprendizaje por refuerzo en el simulador SMARTS (Scalable Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Training School), observando en los estudios como el vehículo es capaz de tomar mejores decisiones si conoce el comportamiento futuro de la escena y no solo el estado actual o pasado de esta misma. En segundo lugar, se ha realizado un estudio de adaptación de dominio exitoso en el simulador hiperrealista CARLA en distintos escenarios desafiantes donde el entendimiento de la escena y predicción del entorno son muy necesarios, como una autopista o rotonda con gran densidad de tráfico o la aparición de un usuario vulnerable de la carretera de forma repentina. En ese sentido, el modelo de predicción ha sido integrado junto con el resto de capas de la arquitectura de navegación autónoma del grupo de investigación donde se desarrolla la tesis como paso previo a su implementación en un vehículo autónomo real


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    This thesis presents a complete vision-based navigation system that can plan and follow an obstacle-avoiding path to a desired destination on the basis of an internal map updated with information gathered from its visual sensor. For vision-based self-localization, the system uses new floor-edges-specific filters for detecting floor edges and their pose, a new algorithm for determining the orientation of the robot, and a new procedure for selecting the initial positions in the self-localization procedure. Self-localization is based on matching visually detected features with those stored in a prior map. For planning, the system demonstrates for the first time a real-world application of the neural-resistive grid method to robot navigation. The neural-resistive grid is modified with a new connectivity scheme that allows the representation of the collision-free space of a robot with finite dimensions via divergent connections between the spatial memory layer and the neuro-resistive grid layer. A new control system is proposed. It uses a Smith Predictor architecture that has been modified for navigation applications and for intermittent delayed feedback typical of artificial vision. A receding horizon control strategy is implemented using Normalised Radial Basis Function nets as path encoders, to ensure continuous motion during the delay between measurements. The system is tested in a simplified environment where an obstacle placed anywhere is detected visually and is integrated in the path planning process. The results show the validity of the control concept and the crucial importance of a robust vision-based self-localization process

    The formal and informal tools of design governance

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    This paper takes a typological exploration of the ‘tools’ of ‘design governance’. It begins by exploring the generic literature that focuses on the range of instruments, approaches and actions ‒ the tools ‒ that policy makers deploy in order to steer public and private actors towards particular policy outcomes. Subsequently, how the notion of tools relates to practices of design governance is examined: first, encompassing three ‘formal’ categories of design governance tools ‒ guidance, incentive and control ‒ and second, by drawing on the work of the former Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) in England to introduce five categories of ‘informal’ design governance tools ‒ evidence, knowledge, promotion, evaluation and assistance. The result, and the key contribution of this paper, is a new and comprehensive (albeit evolving), design governance toolbox that extends from formal to informal tools and far beyond that which most policy makers recognize or use

    Visual Analysis in Traffic & Re-identification

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    Spectral Analysis and Parameter Estimation in Fibre Levitated Optomechanics

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    In levitated optomechanics, nano-scale objects are optically trapped so that their motion can be studied. These trapped nanoparticles are held in a 3D quadratic potential and act as damped harmonic oscillators; they are thermally and mechanically decoupled from the apparatus and their position is measured interfer-ometrically to picometre accuracy. These systems are well suited to sensing and metrology applications, as any external disturbance of the particle can be observed using the scattered trapping light.When examining the motion of a levitated nanoparticle, it’s position is recorded and used to estimate a power spectral density (PSD), from which state parameters can be estimated. In this thesis an experi-mental setup is presented, optimised for maximum collection of particle position information in 1D, using a fibre-based parabolic mirror trap and heterodyne measurement system in order to produce spectra with minimal noise and unwanted artefacts.A novel application of the Middleton expansion from RF engineering is used to generate a complete power spectrum that depends on the physical parameters of the system. This method treats the particle as a stochastic harmonic oscillator, phase modulated by a Gaussian random process with known PSD. We reproduce the PSD of intensity at a detector, a quantity that is sinusoidally dependent on particle posi-tion. This technique generates a single, full PSD using modified Bessel functions, and does not depend on assumptions about the relative phases of the interfered fields, highlighting the non-linear dependence of measured signal on position. Theoretical spectra are fitted to a measured PSD and the phase modulation depth is extracted; this is used to calculate the particle oscillation amplitude and, by an equipartition ar-gument, the centre of mass temperature to mass ratio. State parameters are tracked as environmental conditions change and an increase in centre of mass temperature as a function of decreasing background gas pressure is observed

    Potentials of guided waves in Aircraft CFRP components in terms of damage tolerance and SHM Implementation

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    Carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) materials are a class of materials becoming possibly the most important in aeronautical structures today. Due to its relative novelty neither its damage mechanisms nor its potentials are far from being sufficiently understood. As a consequence CFRP when compared to metallic structures are still designed safe life. Damage could in CFRP structures be more efficiently monitored. Then damage tolerance potentials even in CFRP structures could be considered. Guided waves are a means on how a significant amount of CFRP structures could be monitored in principle since many of those structural components are flat plate like. Typical joints are lapped or tapered such as with structural repairs, which are structural elements of a specific criticality. This thesis will address the following aspects and questions related to CFRP plate structures: 1. What are guided waves? 2. Material parameters in a CFRP panel relevant for structural design to be obtained through non-destructive testing. 3. Limitations of guided waves with respect to a lap joint. 4. Monitoring concepts of a lap joint in terms of structural health monitoring (SHM). 5. What damages may be monitored with the SHM concept proposed?Outgoin