519 research outputs found

    The influence of cognition and emotion on Nigerian undergraduates frustration during e-Registration

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    This study was designed to investigate the relative and combined contributions of cognition and emotion to Nigerian undergraduates’ level of computer frustration in online environments. The 1972 students who participated in the study were randomly selected from the two state-owned universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. The data for the study were collected through the use of the Students’ Cognition Scale, Students’ Emotion Scale, and Students’ Computer Frustration Scale. Data analysis involved the use of mean and standard deviation as descriptive statistics, as well as the Pearson Product Moment Correlation and regression analysis as inferential statistics. The research findings revealed that students encountered various frustrating experiences during e-Registration and that a combination of the predictor variables, cognition and emotion, significantly accounted for 2.5% of the variance in the students’ level of frustration. Cognition was found to be the more potent contributor to this frustration. The results of this study further indicated that there was a statistically significant difference in the level of computer frustration among students at the two universities, potentially due to the relative differences in the schools’ technology facilities. Recommendations are made at the end of this paper in accordance with the findings of the study

    Affective Brain-Computer Interfaces

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    Mitigating User Frustration through Adaptive Feedback based on Human-Automation Etiquette Strategies

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    The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of feedback and user frustration in human-computer interaction (HCI) and examine how to mitigate user frustration through feedback based on human-automation etiquette strategies. User frustration in HCI indicates a negative feeling that occurs when efforts to achieve a goal are impeded. User frustration impacts not only the communication with the computer itself, but also productivity, learning, and cognitive workload. Affect-aware systems have been studied to recognize user emotions and respond in different ways. Affect-aware systems need to be adaptive systems that change their behavior depending on users’ emotions. Adaptive systems have four categories of adaptations. Previous research has focused on primarily function allocation and to a lesser extent information content and task scheduling. However, the fourth approach, changing the interaction styles is the least explored because of the interplay of human factors considerations. Three interlinked studies were conducted to investigate the consequences of user frustration and explore mitigation techniques. Study 1 showed that delayed feedback from the system led to higher user frustration, anger, cognitive workload, and physiological arousal. In addition, delayed feedback decreased task performance and system usability in a human-robot interaction (HRI) context. Study 2 evaluated a possible approach of mitigating user frustration by applying human-human etiquette strategies in a tutoring context. The results of Study 2 showed that changing etiquette strategies led to changes in performance, motivation, confidence, and satisfaction. The most effective etiquette strategies changed when users were frustrated. Based on these results, an adaptive tutoring system prototype was developed and evaluated in Study 3. By utilizing a rule set derived from Study 2, the tutor was able to use different automation etiquette strategies to target and improve motivation, confidence, satisfaction, and performance using different strategies, under different levels of user frustration. This work establishes that changing the interaction style alone of a computer tutor can affect a user’s motivation, confidence, satisfaction, and performance. Furthermore, the beneficial effect of changing etiquette strategies is greater when users are frustrated. This work provides a basis for future work to develop affect-aware adaptive systems to mitigate user frustration

    A virtual suspect agent’s response model

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    Speech-based recognition of self-reported and observed emotion in a dimensional space

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    The differences between self-reported and observed emotion have only marginally been investigated in the context of speech-based automatic emotion recognition. We address this issue by comparing self-reported emotion ratings to observed emotion ratings and look at how differences between these two types of ratings affect the development and performance of automatic emotion recognizers developed with these ratings. A dimensional approach to emotion modeling is adopted: the ratings are based on continuous arousal and valence scales. We describe the TNO-Gaming Corpus that contains spontaneous vocal and facial expressions elicited via a multiplayer videogame and that includes emotion annotations obtained via self-report and observation by outside observers. Comparisons show that there are discrepancies between self-reported and observed emotion ratings which are also reflected in the performance of the emotion recognizers developed. Using Support Vector Regression in combination with acoustic and textual features, recognizers of arousal and valence are developed that can predict points in a 2-dimensional arousal-valence space. The results of these recognizers show that the self-reported emotion is much harder to recognize than the observed emotion, and that averaging ratings from multiple observers improves performance

    Producing Acoustic-Prosodic Entrainment in a Robotic Learning Companion to Build Learner Rapport

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    abstract: With advances in automatic speech recognition, spoken dialogue systems are assuming increasingly social roles. There is a growing need for these systems to be socially responsive, capable of building rapport with users. In human-human interactions, rapport is critical to patient-doctor communication, conflict resolution, educational interactions, and social engagement. Rapport between people promotes successful collaboration, motivation, and task success. Dialogue systems which can build rapport with their user may produce similar effects, personalizing interactions to create better outcomes. This dissertation focuses on how dialogue systems can build rapport utilizing acoustic-prosodic entrainment. Acoustic-prosodic entrainment occurs when individuals adapt their acoustic-prosodic features of speech, such as tone of voice or loudness, to one another over the course of a conversation. Correlated with liking and task success, a dialogue system which entrains may enhance rapport. Entrainment, however, is very challenging to model. People entrain on different features in many ways and how to design entrainment to build rapport is unclear. The first goal of this dissertation is to explore how acoustic-prosodic entrainment can be modeled to build rapport. Towards this goal, this work presents a series of studies comparing, evaluating, and iterating on the design of entrainment, motivated and informed by human-human dialogue. These models of entrainment are implemented in the dialogue system of a robotic learning companion. Learning companions are educational agents that engage students socially to increase motivation and facilitate learning. As a learning companion’s ability to be socially responsive increases, so do vital learning outcomes. A second goal of this dissertation is to explore the effects of entrainment on concrete outcomes such as learning in interactions with robotic learning companions. This dissertation results in contributions both technical and theoretical. Technical contributions include a robust and modular dialogue system capable of producing prosodic entrainment and other socially-responsive behavior. One of the first systems of its kind, the results demonstrate that an entraining, social learning companion can positively build rapport and increase learning. This dissertation provides support for exploring phenomena like entrainment to enhance factors such as rapport and learning and provides a platform with which to explore these phenomena in future work.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201
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