9,417 research outputs found

    Detecting Learning Styles in Video Games

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    Video games are increasingly becoming more intelligent, able to adapt themselves to the individual gamer. Learning styles are a set of models used to categorize people into different types of learners to explain why some people learn better through different methods. Since learning and exploration are such fundamental parts of the video game experience, it is interesting to consider the possibility of applying these learning style models to video games, allowing the video game to adapt to its player, providing a better experience. To consider such adaptation, the game must first be able to detect that learning style from how the player has interacted with it. Simple metrics collected during game play of an instrumented game (opensource Supertux) are compared to the results of the Hay Group’s Kolb Learning Style Inventory, a paper test designed to determine one’s learning style. A relationship between recordable game play metrics and the academic model for learning would allow a game designer to potentially infer that model from game play and use it to adapt the game to that type of learner

    Adaptive learning: a cluster-based literature review (2011-2022)

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    Adaptive learning is a personalized instruction system that adjusts to the needs, preferences, and progress of learners. This paper reviews the current and future developments of adaptive learning in higher education, especially in relation to the digital education strategy of the European Union. It also uses a cluster analysis framework to explore the main themes and their relationships in the academic literature on adaptive learning. The paper highlights the potential of emerging technologies such as AI, eye-tracking, and physiological measurements to improve the personalization and effectiveness of adaptive learning systems. It presents various methods, algorithms, and prototypes that incorporate learning styles into adaptive learning. It also stresses the importance of continuous professional development in e-learning, media literacy, computer security, and andragogy for teachers who use adaptive learning systems. The paper concludes that adaptive learning can promote creativity, innovation, and lifelong learning in Ukrainian higher education, but it also acknowledges the challenges and suggests further research to assess its impact

    Spike up Prime Interest in Science and Technology through Constructionist Games

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    Robotics sets have been successfully used in elementary and secondary schools in conformance with the 'learning through play' philosophy fostered by LEGO Education, while utilizing the Constructionism didactic approach. Learners discover and acquire knowledge through first-hand tangible experiences, building their own representations in a constructivist learning process. Usual pedagogical goals of the activities include introduction to the principles of control, mechanics, programming, and robotics [1]. They are organized as hands-on learning situations with teamwork cooperation of learners, project-based learning, sharing and presentations of the learners group experiences. Arriving from this tradition, we focus on a slightly different scenarios: employing the robotics sets and the named approaches when learning Physics, Mathematics, Art, Science, and other subjects. In carefully designed projects, learners build interactive models that demonstrate concepts, principles, and phenomena, perform experiments, and modify them in elaboration phases with the aim to connect, create associations and links to the actual underlying theoretical curriculum. In this way, they are collecting practical experiences which are prerequisite to successful learning process. Based on feedback from children, we continue upon two previous sets of activities that focused on Physics and Mathematics, this time with projects built around games. Learners play various games with physical artifacts in the real-world - with the models they build. They acquire skills while playing the games, analyze them, and learn about the underlying principles. They modify the game rules, strategies, create extensions, and interact with each other in an entertaining and engaging settings. This time we have designed the activities together with the children, students of applied robotics seminar, and a student of Applied Informatics.Comment: This work was co-funded by the Horizon-Widera-2021 European Twinning project TERAIS G.A. n. 101079338 Open Access Data discussed in the article is available at https://robotika.sk/spik

    The Effect of the Kahoot Quiz on the Student's Results in the Exam

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    Students taking low-stake quizzes in a gamified environment shows improvement on their studies, thus has the potential to be an effective part in an improved learning experience. Previous researches show that implementing gamification into the educational system has positive outcome on the student's engagement, motivation and the overall experience of learning. In this study is a field experiment, where quizzes were created with the Kahoot application, to bring action and visual triggers into the classroom. The aim of this paper to measure the long-term learning effect of the Kahoot quiz in the exams. Several of the quiz questions during the class were purposefully blended into the exam's question bank as a multiple choice or a true or false question. In this research 200 bachelor students participated in a 14-week long elective course. The data was collected weekly from the Kahoot quizzes and from the two mandatory exams. All the results from the Kahoot quiz and the exams provided the base of the analysis. Furthermore, the exam results were analyzed based on number of Kahoot quizzes they took part, a comparison of the results of each question based. The results show that students who took part in more Kahoot quizzes tend to reach higher exam mark. Moreover, they marked more correct answers and less incorrect ones. As a conclusion, using some level of game-based learning has a positive effect on the student's results and perception of learning

    A Systematic Review of Adaptivity in Human-Robot Interaction

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    As the field of social robotics is growing, a consensus has been made on the design and implementation of robotic systems that are capable of adapting based on the user actions. These actions may be based on their emotions, personality or memory of past interactions. Therefore, we believe it is significant to report a review of the past research on the use of adaptive robots that have been utilised in various social environments. In this paper, we present a systematic review on the reported adaptive interactions across a number of domain areas during Human-Robot Interaction and also give future directions that can guide the design of future adaptive social robots. We conjecture that this will help towards achieving long-term applicability of robots in various social domains

    Assessing Adaptive Learning Styles in Computer Science Through a Virtual World

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    abstract: Programming is quickly becoming as ubiquitous and essential a skill as general mathematics. However, many elementary and high school students are still not aware of what the computer science field entails. To make matters worse, students who are introduced to computer science are frequently being fed only part of what it is about rather than its entire construction. Consequently, they feel out of their depth when they approach college. Research has discovered that by teaching computer science and programming through a problem-driven approach and focusing on a combination of syntax and computational thinking, students can be prepared when entering higher levels of computer science education. This thesis describes the design, development, and early user testing of a theory-based virtual world for computer science instruction called System Dot. System Dot was designed to visually manifest programming instructions into interactable objects, giving players a way to see coding as tangible entities rather than text on a white screen. In order for System Dot to convey the true nature of computer science, a custom predictive recursive descent parser was embedded in the program to validate any user-generated solutions to pre-defined logical platforming puzzles. Steps were taken to adapt the virtual world to player behavior by creating a system to detect their learning style playing the game. Through a dynamic Bayesian network, System Dot aims to classify a player’s learning style based on the Felder-Sylverman Learning Style Model (FSLSM). Testers played through the first half of System Dot, which was enough to test out the Bayesian network and initial learning style classification. This classification was then compared to the assessment by Felder’s Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire (ILSQ). Lastly, this thesis will also discuss ways to use the results from the user testing to implement a personalized feedback system for the virtual world in the future and what has been learned through the learning style method.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    An emotion and memory model for social robots : a long-term interaction

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    In this thesis, we investigate the role of emotions and memory in social robotic companions. In particular, our aim is to study the effect of an emotion and memory model towards sustaining engagement and promoting learning in a long-term interaction. Our Emotion and Memory model was based on how humans create memory under various emotional events/states. The model enabled the robot to create a memory account of user's emotional events during a long-term child-robot interaction. The robot later adapted its behaviour through employing the developed memory in the following interactions with the users. The model also had an autonomous decision-making mechanism based on reinforcement learning to select behaviour according to the user preference measured through user's engagement and learning during the task. The model was implemented on the NAO robot in two different educational setups. Firstly, to promote user's vocabulary learning and secondly, to inform how to calculate area and perimeter of regular and irregular shapes. We also conducted multiple long-term evaluations of our model with children at the primary schools to verify its impact on their social engagement and learning. Our results showed that the behaviour generated based on our model was able to sustain social engagement. Additionally, it also helped children to improve their learning. Overall, the results highlighted the benefits of incorporating memory during child-Robot Interaction for extended periods of time. It promoted personalisation and reflected towards creating a child-robot social relationship in a long-term interaction