1,448 research outputs found

    Detecting Overfitting of Deep Generative Networks via Latent Recovery

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    State of the art deep generative networks are capable of producing images with such incredible realism that they can be suspected of memorizing training images. It is why it is not uncommon to include visualizations of training set nearest neighbors, to suggest generated images are not simply memorized. We demonstrate this is not sufficient and motivates the need to study memorization/overfitting of deep generators with more scrutiny. This paper addresses this question by i) showing how simple losses are highly effective at reconstructing images for deep generators ii) analyzing the statistics of reconstruction errors when reconstructing training and validation images, which is the standard way to analyze overfitting in machine learning. Using this methodology, this paper shows that overfitting is not detectable in the pure GAN models proposed in the literature, in contrast with those using hybrid adversarial losses, which are amongst the most widely applied generative methods. The paper also shows that standard GAN evaluation metrics fail to capture memorization for some deep generators. Finally, the paper also shows how off-the-shelf GAN generators can be successfully applied to face inpainting and face super-resolution using the proposed reconstruction method, without hybrid adversarial losses

    Feature Likelihood Score: Evaluating Generalization of Generative Models Using Samples

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    The past few years have seen impressive progress in the development of deep generative models capable of producing high-dimensional, complex, and photo-realistic data. However, current methods for evaluating such models remain incomplete: standard likelihood-based metrics do not always apply and rarely correlate with perceptual fidelity, while sample-based metrics, such as FID, are insensitive to overfitting, i.e., inability to generalize beyond the training set. To address these limitations, we propose a new metric called the Feature Likelihood Score (FLS), a parametric sample-based score that uses density estimation to provide a comprehensive trichotomic evaluation accounting for novelty (i.e., different from the training samples), fidelity, and diversity of generated samples. We empirically demonstrate the ability of FLS to identify specific overfitting problem cases, where previously proposed metrics fail. We also extensively evaluate FLS on various image datasets and model classes, demonstrating its ability to match intuitions of previous metrics like FID while offering a more comprehensive evaluation of generative models

    Generating Private Data Surrogates for Vision Related Tasks

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    International audienceWith the widespread application of deep networks in industry, membership inference attacks, i.e. the ability to discern training data from a model, become more and more problematic for data privacy. Recent work suggests that generative networks may be robust against membership attacks. In this work, we build on this observation, offering a general-purpose solution to the membership privacy problem. As the primary contribution, we demonstrate how to construct surrogate datasets, using images from GAN generators, labelled with a classifier trained on the private dataset. Next, we show this surrogate data can further be used for a variety of downstream tasks (here classification and regression), while being resistant to membership attacks. We study a variety of different GANs proposed in the literature, concluding that higher quality GANs result in better surrogate data with respect to the task at hand

    A Very Brief Introduction to Machine Learning With Applications to Communication Systems

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    Given the unprecedented availability of data and computing resources, there is widespread renewed interest in applying data-driven machine learning methods to problems for which the development of conventional engineering solutions is challenged by modelling or algorithmic deficiencies. This tutorial-style paper starts by addressing the questions of why and when such techniques can be useful. It then provides a high-level introduction to the basics of supervised and unsupervised learning. For both supervised and unsupervised learning, exemplifying applications to communication networks are discussed by distinguishing tasks carried out at the edge and at the cloud segments of the network at different layers of the protocol stack

    Validation of machine learning based scenario generators

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    Machine learning methods are getting more and more important in the development of internal models using scenario generation. As internal models under Solvency 2 have to be validated, an important question is in which aspects the validation of these data-driven models differs from a classical theory-based model. On the specific example of market risk, we discuss the necessity of two additional validation tasks: one to check the dependencies between the risk factors used and one to detect the unwanted memorizing effect. The first one is necessary because in this new method, the dependencies are not derived from a financial-mathematical theory. The latter one arises when the machine learning model only repeats empirical data instead of generating new scenarios. These measures are then applied for an machine learning based economic scenario generator. It is shown that those measures lead to reasonable results in this context and are able to be used for validation as well as for model optimization

    Segmentation of surgical tools from laparoscopy images

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    Relatório de projeto de mestrado em Engenharia BiomédicaCirurgias roboticamente assistidas têm vindo a substituir as cirurgias abertas com enorme impacto no tempo de convalescença do paciente e consequentemente em tudo o que isso implica, economia de recursos no sector da saúde e a retoma antecipada das atividades laborais do paciente. Este tipo de cirurgia auxiliada por um sistema robótico é guiado por uma câmara laparoscópica, facultando ao médico uma visão das partes anatómicas do paciente. A fim do cirurgião se encontrar apto para operar este equipamento tem de passar por inúmeras horas de formação, tornando o processo desgastante e dispendioso. Para além do referido, a manipulação dos instrumentos cirúrgicos em concordância com a câmara laparoscópica não é de todo um processo intuitivo, ou seja, os erros de natureza subjetiva não são erradicados. A diretiva desta tese é o desenvolvimento de um sistema automático capaz de segmentar instrumentos cirúrgicos, possibilitando desta forma a monitorização constante da posição dos instrumentos. Para tal foram explorados diferentes modelos de aprendizagem automática. Numa segunda fase, foram considerados métodos que pudessem ser incorporados no modelo base. Tendo-se encontrado uma resposta, partiu-se para a comparação dos modelos previamente selecionados, com o modelo base e ainda com o otimizado. Numa terceira abordagem, de forma a melhorar as métricas que serviram de comparação, procurou-se por soluções alternativas, nomeadamente a geração de dados artificiais. Neste ponto, deparou-se com duas possibilidades, uma baseada em sistemas de aprendizagem autónoma por competição e outra em sistemas de aprendizagem de síntese de imagens a partir de ruido com densidade espectral sucessivamente incrementada. Ambas as abordagens permitiram o aumento da base de dados tendo-se aferido a sua eficácia por comparação do efeito do aumento de dados nos sistemas de segmentação. O sistema proposto pode vir a ser implementado em cirurgias roboticamente assistidas, necessitando apenas de mínimas alterações.Robotic-assisted surgeries have been replacing open surgeries with a significant impact on patient recovery time, and consequently, on various aspects such as healthcare resource savings and the early resumption of the patient's work activities. This type of surgery, assisted by a robotic system, is guided by a laparoscopic camera, providing the surgeon with a view of the patient's anatomical structures. To operate this equipment, surgeons must undergo numerous hours of training, making the process exhaustive and costly. In addition, manipulating surgical instruments in coordination with the laparoscopic camera is not an intuitive process, meaning errors of a subjective nature are not eliminated. The objective of this thesis is the development of an automated system capable of segmenting surgical instruments, thereby enabling constant monitoring of their positions. Various machine learning models were explored to address this issue. In a second phase, methods that could be incorporated into the base model were considered. Once a solution was found, a comparison was made between the previously selected models, the base model, and the optimized model. In a third approach, with the aim of improving the comparison metrics, alternative solutions were sought, including the generation of synthetic data. At this point, two possibilities were encountered, one based on autonomous learning systems through competition and the other on image synthesis learning systems from progressively increasing noise spectral density. Both approaches expanded the available database, and their effectiveness was evaluated by comparing the impact of data augmentation on segmentation systems. The proposed system can potentially be implemented in robotic-assisted surgeries with minimal modifications