21 research outputs found

    Ensemble Learning for Low-Level Hardware-Supported Malware Detection

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    Abstract. Recent work demonstrated hardware-based online malware detection using only low-level features. This detector is envisioned as a first line of defense that prioritizes the application of more expensive and more accurate software detectors. Critical to such a framework is the detection performance of the hardware detector. In this paper, we explore the use of both specialized detectors and ensemble learning tech-niques to improve performance of the hardware detector. The proposed detectors reduce the false positive rate by more than half compared to a single detector, while increasing the detection rate. We also contribute approximate metrics to quantify the detection overhead, and show that the proposed detectors achieve more than 11x reduction in overhead compared to a software only detector (1.87x compared to prior work), while improving detection time. Finally, we characterize the hardware complexity by extending an open core and synthesizing it on an FPGA platform, showing that the overhead is minimal.

    Internals of Windows Memory Management (not only) for Malware Analysis

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    This document presents insights from extensive reverse engineering efforts of the memory management mechanisms of Windows XP. The focus lies on (1) the mechanisms which are used to map executable modules into the address space and (2) the role of the page fault handler in this context

    Detecting kernel rootkits

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    Kernel rootkits are a special category of malware that are deployed directly in the kernel and hence have unmitigated reign over the functionalities of the kernel itself. We seek to detect such rootkits that are deployed in the real world by first observing how the majority of kernel rootkits operate. To this end, comparable to how rootkits function in the real world, we write our own kernel rootkit that manipulates the network driver, thus giving us control over all packets sent into the network. We then implement a mechanism to thwart the attacks of such rootkits by noticing that a large number of the rootkits deployed today rely heavily on the redirection of function pointers within the kernel. By overwriting the desired function pointer to its own function, a rootkit can perform a proverbial man-in-the-middle attack. Our goal is not just the detection of kernel rootkits, but also to levy as little an impact on system performance as possible. Hence our technique is to leverage existing kernel functionalities (in the case of Linux) such as kprobes to identify potential attack scenarios from within the sytem rather than from outside it (such as a VMM). We hope to introduce real-world security in devices where performance and resource constraints are tantamount to security considerations


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    Software repackaging is a common approach for creating malware. In this approach, malware authors inject malicious payloads into legitimate applications; then, to ren- der security analysis more difficult, they obfuscate most or all of the code. This forces analysts to spend a large amount of effort filtering out benign obfuscated methods in order to locate potentially malicious methods for further analysis. If an effective mechanism for filtering out benign obfuscated methods were available, the number of methods that must be analyzed could be reduced, allowing analysts to be more productive. In this thesis, we introduce SEMEO, a highly effective and efficient fil- tering approach that can determine whether an obfuscated and an original version of a method are semantically equivalent. Our approach handles seven common, com- plex types of obfuscation and can be effective even when all types are compositely applied. In an empirical evaluation, we applied SEMEO to nine Android apps of varying complexity, and the approach provided over 76% recall and 100% precision in identifying semantically equivalent methods. We then performed three additional studies, that showed that: (1) SEMEO is much more effective at identifying semantically equivalent methods than FSquaDRA, an existing technique; (2) SEMEO is also effective for identifying repackaged apps that have been previously obfuscated by ProGuard, a popular obfuscation tool; and (3) SEMEO is effective at identifying semantically equivalent methods in a repackaged, malicious version of Pokemon Go

    Rootkit Detection Using A Cross-View Clean Boot Method

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    In cyberspace, attackers commonly infect computer systems with malware to gain capabilities such as remote access, keylogging, and stealth. Many malware samples include rootkit functionality to hide attacker activities on the target system. After detection, users can remove the rootkit and associated malware from the system with commercial tools. This research describes, implements, and evaluates a clean boot method using two partitions to detect rootkits on a system. One partition is potentially infected with a rootkit while the other is clean. The method obtains directory listings of the potentially infected operating system from each partition and compares the lists to find hidden files. While the clean boot method is similar to other cross-view detection techniques, this method is unique because it uses a clean partition of the same system as the clean operating system, rather than external media. The method produces a 0% false positive rate and a 40.625% true positive rate. In operation, the true positive rate should increase because the experiment produces limitations that prevent many rootkits from working properly. Limitations such as incorrect rootkit setup and rootkits that detect VMware prevent the method from detecting rootkit behavior in this experiment. Vulnerabilities of the method include the assumption that the system restore folder is clean and the assumption that the clean partition is clean. This thesis provides recommendations for more effective rootkit detection

    Autoscopy: Detecting Pattern-Searching Rootkits via Control Flow Tracing

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    Traditional approaches to rootkit detection assume the execution of code at a privilege level below that of the operating system kernel, with the use of virtual machine technologies to enable the detection system itself to be immune from the virus or rootkit code. In this thesis, we approach the problem of rootkit detection from the standpoint of tracing and instrumentation techniques, which work from within the kernel and also modify the kernel\u27s run-time state to detect aberrant control flows. We wish to investigate the role of emerging tracing frameworks (Kprobes, DTrace etc.) in enforcing operating system security without the reliance on a full-blown virtual machine just for the purposes of such policing. We first build a novel rootkit prototype that uses pattern-searching techniques to hijack hooks embedded in dynamically allocated memory, which we present as a showcase of emerging attack techniques. We then build an intrusion detection system-- autoscopy, atop kprobes, that detects anomalous control flow patterns typically exhibited by rootkits within a running kernel. Furthermore, to validate our approach, we show that we were able to successfully detect 15 existing Linux rootkits. We also conduct performance analyses, which show the overhead of our system to range from 2% to 5% on a wide range of standard benchmarks. Thus by leveraging tracing frameworks within operating systems, we show that it is possible to introduce real-world security in devices where performance and resource constraints are tantamount to security considerations

    SecureQEMU: Emulation-based Software Protection Providing Encrypted Code Execution and Page Granularity Code Signing

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    This research presents an original emulation-based software protection scheme providing protection from reverse code engineering (RCE) and software exploitation using encrypted code execution and page-granularity code signing, respectively. Protection mechanisms execute in trusted emulators while remaining out-of-band of untrusted systems being emulated. This protection scheme is called SecureQEMU and is based on a modified version of Quick Emulator (QEMU) [5]. RCE is a process that uncovers the internal workings of a program. It is used during vulnerability and intellectual property (IP) discovery. To protect from RCE program code may have anti-disassembly, anti-debugging, and obfuscation techniques incorporated. These techniques slow the process of RCE, however, once defeated protected code is still comprehensible. Encryption provides static code protection, but encrypted code must be decrypted before execution. SecureQEMUs\u27 scheme overcomes this limitation by keeping code encrypted during execution. Software exploitation is a process that leverages design and implementation errors to cause unintended behavior which may result in security policy violations. Traditional exploitation protection mechanisms provide a blacklist approach to software protection. Specially crafted exploit payloads bypass these protection mechanisms. SecureQEMU provides a whitelist approach to software protection by executing signed code exclusively. Unsigned malicious code (exploits, backdoors, rootkits, etc.) remain unexecuted, therefore, protecting the system. SecureQEMUs\u27 cache mechanisms increase performance by 0.9% to 1.8% relative to QEMU. Emulation overhead for SecureQEMU varies from 1400% to 2100% with respect to native performance. SecureQEMUs\u27 performance increase is negligible with respect to emulation overhead. Dependent on risk management strategy, SecureQEMU\u27s protection benefits may outweigh emulation overhead