108 research outputs found

    Use of Geoelectrical Techniques with Numerical Modelling for Surveying and Monitoring of Engineered Water Retaining Structures

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    Water retaining structures are societally and economically important barriers which degrade through various erosional processes over time. Walkover surveys and geotechnical investigations are traditionally used to examine such structures but are limited by a lack of knowledge of internal structure. Near-surface geophysics can provide comprehensive information about the internal structure of embankments, and several techniques exist which can survey and monitor water retaining structures. One such technique is electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), where the resistivity profile of the ground can be linked to moisture content, porosity, and composition, making it a useful tool for use in detecting defects and changes in ground conditions within water retaining structures. However, several uncertainties exist with ERT for use on embankments. A key problem is whether results will be impacted by a 3D effect, where off-line features influence resistivities in the inversion.Such features may be the water body itself, or complex engineering structures within the barrier. This thesis explores the impact of a 3D effect arising from the water body and structural geometry. The work was undertaken using synthetic numerical modelling of an embankment in a tidal setting and a fluctuating water level and resistivity, which was then compared to realERT data. Further synthetic numerical modelling of the Mactaquac dam, Canada, was used as a case study assessing the influence of a large concrete structure within the dam on ERT data. The study also examined the effect of resistivity variation in the headpond of the dam through time. Comparisons between 2D and 3D inversions were also assessed to determine the possibility of 3D inversions mitigating any 3D effects. This was undertaken for sites at Bartley Dam, Birmingham, UK and Paull Holme Strays, Yorkshire, UK. The Bartley Dam case study utilised time-lapse ERT to determine the value of 3D inversions over 2D inversions in a monitoring scheme and to identify whether 3D or 2D inversions could adequately identify water seepage present with changes in ground conditions. The Paull Holme Strays case study focussed on use of crosslines in a 3D inversion for a tidal embankment and compared outcomes to a 2D inversion without use of crosslines. The results of the research shows that 3D effects are likely to be significant when undertaking ERT surveys of a water retaining structure, e.g. artefacts induced by a river with changing water level and resistivity, in addition to the impact of engineering structures that may be present in the embankment. Analysis of time-lapse ERT data at the at Mactaquac Dam site has revealed that changing headpond resistivity can create compensatory effects in an ERT data inversion. No seepage pathways could be reliably identified in time-lapse analysis of Bartley Dam with 2D inversions, likely because of 3D effects and sensitivity issues, whereas 3D inversions had more reliable evidence of seepage pathways. However, analysis of Paull Holme Strays showed that when a large proportion of the measurements have been filtered, there might be artefacts induced by another electrode array along the crest. However, use of crosslines enhanced the ability for a 3D inversion to reduce 3D effects at Paull Holme Strays. This research has shown that 3D effects can be detrimental to ERT surveys, particularly in 2D inversions. However, 3D inversions can mitigate the effect where differences in data filtering between lines are minimal. For further reduction in the impact of the 3D effect it is recommended that smaller crosslines are used between the major electrode lines. Also, results should be compared with geological, geotechnical and hydrological information for understanding the reliability of the inversion. There is a need for further exploration of the impacts of 3D effects on ERT in other water retaining structures and environments, as well as undertaking more comprehensive studies into dynamic changes within embankments and how they impact the 3D effect. By incorporating dynamic change into a synthetic model, a greater understanding of how 3D effects can impact ERT surveys of water retaining structures can be made, especially for timelapse ERT

    Combinaison d’informations ponctuelles et volumiques pour le diagnostic d’ouvrages en terre soumis à des risques hydrauliques

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    In France, the river protection levees extend over more than 8,600 km. These structures are very heterogeneous, due to their construction and their history (breaks and repairs, extensions ...). Breaks of work are likely to lead to disastrous consequences such as loss of lives, economic and environmental disasters. In order to prevent the risk of breakage, special supervision of the protection levees is required. This surveillance begins with a visual recognition of the object of study as well as historical and bibliographic research. Recognized methodologies for the assessment of hydraulic structures including complementary geotechnical and geophysical reconnaissance methods are also being used. This work presents a new way of combining data from these two types of information sources, taking into account the specificities of each kind of method (level of imperfection associated with the data, spatial distribution of the information). This new methodology considers the framework fixed by the theory of belief masses and improves the characterization of lithological sets within levees by providing information on the level of conflict between information sources while proposing a confidence index associated with the results. The methodology is implemented through examples of subsoil sections characterized by synthetic and experimental data as well as by data from a real earthen levee.En France, les digues de protection fluviales s'étendent sur plus de 8 600 km. Ces ouvrages sont très hétérogènes, de par leur mode de construction et leur historique (ruptures et réparations, rehausses…). Lesruptures d'ouvrage sont susceptibles de mener à des conséquences désastreuses telles que des pertes humaines et économiques. Afin de prévenir les risques de rupture, une bonne gestion des digues de protection est requise. Elle inclut un diagnostic débutant par une reconnaissance visuelle de l'objet d'étude et par des recherches historiques et bibliographiques. Des méthodologies reconnues pour l'évaluation des ouvrages hydrauliques s’appuyant sur des méthodes complémentaires de reconnaissance géotechniques et géophysiques sont aussi employées. Ce travail présente une méthodologie de combinaisons d’informations, issues de ces deux familles de méthodes de reconnaissance, tenant compte des particularités de chaque méthode (niveau d'imperfection associé aux données, répartition spatiale de l’information). Cette nouvelle méthodologie considère le cadre fixé par la théorie des masses de croyance et améliore la caractérisation des ensembles lithologiques au sein des digues en renseignant sur le niveau de conflit entre les sources d'information tout en proposant un indice de confiance associé aux résultats. La méthodologie est mise en œuvre à travers des exemples de sections de sous-sols caractérisées à travers de données synthétiques et expérimentales ainsi qu'issues d'un véritable ouvrage hydraulique en terre
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