6 research outputs found

    Crisis Communication on Twitter during a Global Crisis of Volkswagen - The Case of Dieselgate

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    In this study, we investigate the communication behaviour in Twitter during the rise of a corporate crisis. In September 2015, the emission scandal of Volkswagen (also known as Dieselgate ) became public. We collected Twitter data and analysed approximately 400,000 tweets regarding the Volkswagen crisis. We take different perspectives on the data, by 1) separating the overall communication in peak and quiet phases, 2) analysing the sentiment in each phase, 3) looking at specific tweet contents, and 4) using statistical analyses to determine the significance of differences. Furthermore, we mapped the publishing behaviour of official Volkswagen accounts to the situational crisis communication theory (SCCT). The findings suggest that Volkswagen followed a strategy that is not covered by SCCT, i.e. keeping silent. Volkswagen’s tweets were not able to reduce the emotionality and sentiment of the ongoing Twitter discussion. Instead, even during quiet phases, the communication remained rather negative

    Analisis Faktor Latar Belakang Penyebaran Pesan atau Informasi Melalui Aplikasi Media Sosial ( Studi Kasus Mahasiswa di Indonesia)

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    Penggunaan aplikasi media sosial sebagai sarana untuk menyebarkan pesan sangat penting dan dipercaya dapat mempengaruhi penerima pesan untuk membantu menyebarkan kembali pesan yang diterima kepada orang lain, penggunaan aplikasi media sosial untuk keperluan industri seperti untuk iklan atau pemasaran produk.  Namun pesan yang tersebar di media sosial sangat rentan sehingga sangat memungkinkan pesan telah dilakukan modifikasi atau perubahan sehingga menjadi pesan yang tidak benar (hoax/fake news) yang kemudian disebar luaskan melalui aplikasi media sosial.  Dari hal tersebut, pada penelitian ini yang menggunakan explanatory (causal) research atau penelitian yang mencari hubungan antar dua faktor.  Sebagai sampel responden pengguna terbesar internet di Indonesia saat ini adalah mahasiswa sebesar 127,9 juta menurut AJPII, oleh sebab itu penelitian ini mencoba untuk melakukan explorasi bagimana pengaruh latar belakang penyebar pesan dalam hal ini mahasiswa seperti jenis kelamin, umur, tingkat semester, dan waktu yang digunakan menggunakan aplikasi media sosial yang digunakan, apakah mempengaruhi mahasiswa atau mahasiswi dalam melakukan penyebaran informasi/pesan melalui aplikasi media sosial.  Aplikasi SPSS digunakan untuk memvalidasi data dan fungsi Correlation Bivariat digunakan untuk memproses data dalam mencari hubungan antara dua faktor.  Dari penelitian ini ditemukan 5 pasangan faktor yang mempunyai hubungan untuk mempengaruhi, dimana dari temuan ini akan sangat bermanfaat untuk penelitian selanjutnya. AbstractThe use of social media applications as a means to disseminate messages is very essential and is believed to affect the recipient of the message to help redistribute messages received to other, the use of social media applications for industrial purposes such as advertising or product marketing.  However, messages spread on social media are very vulnerable, so it is possible for messages to have been modified or changed so that they become untrue messages (hoaxes) which are then disseminated through social media applications.  From this, in this study using explanatory (causal) research or research that seeks relationships between two factors. As the sample 388 respondents of the total population users of the internet in Indonesia students are 127.9 million according to AJPII, therefore this study tries to explore how the influence of the message disseminator background in this case university students such as gender, age, semester level, and time which is used using social media applications that are used, whether it affects university student in disseminating information / messages through social media applications.  The SPSS applications is used to validated data and the Bivariate Correlation functions is used to process data in finding relationships between two factors. From this study found 5 pairs of factors that have relationship to influence, it means gender and longtime use media sosial as an essential factor to minimise dissemination of hoax or fake news which of these findings will be very useful for future research.


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    The changes intervening in the information technology field, especially in the Web 2.0 terms, have activated the communication, promotion and collaboration between suppliers, business partners and consumers of touristic services alike. All these changes led to the development of new marketing practices oriented on the online area, which represent nowadays a cornerstone in designing an economic activity of a tourism organization which aims to consolidate its position in the section market. The necessity of existence and operationalization of a clear guidance of online promotion is a trend that, at least for now, has not been adequately exploited by the tourism units from Bucovina region (situated in North of Romania). The online growing competition – as it breaks the conventional barriers at a local, national and international level – constrains the tourism operators to develop a coherent policy of Social Media Marketing (SMM). Therefore, the major aim of this study is to highlight the level of the reception structures in Bucovina through the online visibility filter and, implicitly, their acquaintance with the techniques, strategies and promotion methods specific to the Social Media. In order to analyze the level of development and evolution of the accommodation in Bucovina in terms of their visibility on Social Media, in July-August 2012 period, we undertook a survey that targeted 518 tourist accommodation units. For the purpose of highlighting the evolution of the phenomenon studied, namely the impact of the internet and hence the Social Media on the marketing activity of the receiving structures concerned, the initial study was repeated annually, in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. The analysis conducted reveals that managers of tourist reception units in Bucovina have minimal knowledge about Facebook and Twitter and their use. Therefore, they do not yet have a well-grounded strategy of promotion in these environments

    Social Media in Business-to-Business Companies' Innovation

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    Regarding the increasingly important paradigm of open innovation, it is recognized that valuable innovation-related knowledge is distributed ever more widely to various actors outside the company borders, such as users, customers, and communities. Various types of novel collaborative web tools and approaches, such as social media, can enable and significantly increase the use of distributed knowledge both within and outside company borders.It is a common assumption that it is much more difficult to utilize social media in business-to-business (B2B) innovation and the customer interface because of the significant differences in B2B markets, B2B products, and product development, for example. Despite the growing number of company experiments and academic studies, social media are still new to many businesses. The opportunities and benefits of social media are not well understood in business, especially in B2B context. Despite the recent increasing interest in the use of social media in B2B marketing, it has received little attention from the innovation perspective.The general purpose of this thesis is to study and help to understand the use of social media in B2B companies’ innovation. The thesis focuses on the innovation process, customer interface and the related perspective of the creation and sharing of customer knowledge. The main objectives of the dissertation are to understand the challenges, new opportunities, use and benefits, as well as, functions and roles of social media in B2B innovation. The choice of carrying out the dissertation as an article thesis has offered the researcher the opportunity to study from multiple perspectives a phenomenon that has been little researched or understood. The thesis combines quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative research approach was used to determine the current use and perceived potential of social media tools in innovation, as well as to identify challenges of social media use in B2B company innovation. Qualitative research was used to gain a deep understanding of the challenges and benefits, and roles and functions of social media in B2B innovation.The thesis contributes to the increasing understanding on the rather little understood topic of social media and its potential in B2B companies’ innovation. Based on the research, new understanding was gained on the challenges that B2B companies face in using social media in innovation, on the new possibilities and benefits that social media provide for innovation, as well as on the applications and the roles of social media in B2B innovation.In addition, models and theories were developed for enhancing social media use: based on the qualitative research, for example, a Social Customer Learning model was built, which aims to help researchers and managers to identify and evaluate different social media approaches in business-to-business customer interface and innovation; modifications and improvements were proposed for media richness theory and channel expansion theory for the better consideration of the social media and the innovation contexts