582 research outputs found

    Techno-historical limits of the interface: the performance of interactive narrative experiences

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    This thesis takes the position that current analyses of digitally mediated interactive experiences that include narrative elements often lack adequate consideration of the technical and historical contexts of their production.From this position, this thesis asks the question: how is the reader/player/user's participation in interactive narrative experiences (such as hypertext fiction, interactive fiction, computer games, and electronic art) influenced by the technical and historical limitations of the interface?In order to investigate this question, this thesis develops a single methodology from relevant media and narrative theory, in order to facilitate a comparative analysis of well known exemplars from distinct categories of digitally mediated experiences. These exemplars are the interactive fiction Adventure, the interactive art work Osmose, the hypertext fiction Afternoon, a story, and the computer/video games Myst, Doom, Half Life and Everquest.The main argument of this thesis is that the technical limits of new media experiences cause significant ‘gaps’ in the reader’s experience of them, and that the cause of these gaps is the lack of a dedicated technology for new media, which instead ‘borrows’ technology from other fields. These gaps are overcome by a greater dependence upon the reader’s cognitive abilities than other media forms. This greater dependence can be described as a ‘performance’ by the reader/player/user, utilising Eco’s definition of an ‘open’ work (Eco 21).This thesis further argues that the ‘mimetic’ and ‘immersive’ ambitions of current new media practice can increases these gaps, rather than overcoming them. The thesis also presents the case that these ‘gaps’ are often not caused by technical limits in the present, but are oversights by the author/designers that have arisen as the product of a craft culture that has been subject to significant technical limitations in the past. Compromises that originally existed to overcome technical limits have become conventions of the reader/player/user’s interactive literacy, even though these conventions impinge on the experience, and are no longer necessary because of subsequent technical advances. As a result, current new media users and designers now think of these limitations as natural.This thesis concludes the argument by redefining ‘immersion’ as the investment the reader makes to overcome the gaps in an experience, and suggests that this investment is an important aspect of their performance of the work

    Immersive user interface for first person view games

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    This study aimed to investigate the immersion of user interfaces that bring first person games using virtual reality based on the concepts established by the Diegesis theory. To conclude, a table has been created with identified elements of the games that bring more or less immersion to the player. Through the data collected, a questionnaire was developed to obtain information from developers, designers and players, in relation to the more immersive elements, and others with less immersive elements of the interfaces and concluding that the Diegetic and Spatial Interfaces are the most immersive for first-person games in virtual reality, and less immersive were the Meta and Non-Diegetic interfaces. Through this information, it is possible that there is a strong influence in the creation of games interfaces, after all we all want to be immersed when playing digital games.Este trabalho se propôs a investigar a imersão que as interfaces de usuário trazem a jogos de primeira pessoa que utilizam a realidade virtual, baseada nos conceitos estabelecidos pela teoria da Diegese. Por fim, foi criado uma tabela com interfaces identificadas dos jogos que trazem mais ou menos imersão ao jogador. Através dos dados coletados foi desenvolvido um questionário para obter informações de desenvolvedores, designers e jogadores, em relação com os elementos mais imersivos, e outros com elementos menos imersivos, e concluímos que as interfaces Diegetic e Spatial são as mais imersivas para os jogos em primeira pessoa na realidade virtual, e menos imersivas são as interfaces Meta e Non-Diegetic. Através dessa informação, é possível que exista uma influência forte na criação de interfaces de jogos, afinal todos queremos ficar imersos enquanto jogamos

    Measuring The Impact of Narrative on Player\u27s Presence and Immersion in A First Person Game Environment

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    In the virtual environments (VE) literature, presence has been described as the feeling whereby an individual feels as if he or she is actually in the VE. In the videogame literature, the related concept of immersion is viewed as an effect facilitating player engagement. This thesis examines how narrative and graphics quality influence presence and immersion in a first person game. Three levels of narrative and graphics quality are used in an empirical study: text narrative with high quality graphics, no text narrative with high quality graphics, and no text narrative with low quality graphics. Results showed that there is a significant difference in players’ presence and immersion with rich narrative provided through text narrative together with high quality graphics versus no narrative and low quality graphics, and the use of text narrative results in greater presence and immersion than high quality graphics alone

    Development of a virtual environment for catapult launch officers

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    Aircraft carriers are the centerpiece of the United States Navy. The primary weapon system of the aircraft carrier is the attached airwing and the combat power provided by its various aircraft. The airwing is only effective while airborne and thus dependent on the skill and training of a small number of launch officers known as shooters. Shooter training is accomplished on-the-job and often requires the launch officers to go underway on different aircraft carriers, at the expense of their parent command, in order to complete their qualifications. This thesis addresses the lack of alternative environments available for shooters to hone their skills. The results of a job task analysis provide insight into the skills required to perform the duties of a launch officer. Analysis of the data gathered from the job task analysis produced a flowchart that can be represented as a finite state machine and then reproduced in a virtual environment. A virtual environment was then created utilizing current virtual reality hardware and software to faithfully re-create an environment that presented the required attributes and scenarios to accomplish the tasks of a launch officer. This thesis yields a low-cost, portable, and safe alternative environment for shooters to perform the skills required for their training.http://archive.org/details/developmentofvir1094545210Lieutenant Commander, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Two-play game: Playing casual video games with outgroup members reduces prejudice towards that outgroup

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    Video games have traditionally held a dubious reputation in the media and have been linked to many antisocial behaviors. A large amount of research has borne out some of these concerns, linking video games with addiction and particularly aggression. However, recent work in this area has begun to examine the positive aspects of video gaming. In this work, we examine how playing casual, low-involvement video games with an outgroup member may reduce prejudice. In Study 1, participants played cooperatively or competitively with a (trivial) outgroup member or alone. In Studies 2 and 3, a meaningful social identity was used: students’ university affiliation. Participants played either cooperatively with a rival university student against the computer, or alone. Analyses of all three studies showed that attitudes toward the outgroup were more positive after playing with an outgroup member compared with control conditions. How these findings may be applied to real world groups and extensions for future research are then discussed

    Game Engine Solutions

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    The rapid development of hardware and system platforms provides a favorable foundation for game development. A game engine overview is introduced first. Then, key features and available solutions of game engines are discussed. Typical products of game engines are shown and evaluated. Finally, we summarize our findings

    Could people with stereo-deficiencies have a rich 3D experience using HMDs?

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    People with stereo-deficiencies usually have problems for the perception of depth using stereo devices. This paper presents a study that involves participants who did not have stereopsis and participants who had stereopsis. The two groups of participants were exposed to a maze navigation task in a 3D environment in two conditions, using a HMD and a large stereo screen. Fifty-nine adults participated in our study. From the results, there were no statistically significant differences for the performance on the task between the participants with stereopsis and those without stereopsis. We found statistically significant differences between the two conditions in favor of the HMD for the two groups of participants. The participants who did not have stereopsis and could not perceive 3D when looking at the Lang 1 Stereotest did have the illusion of depth perception using the HMD. The study suggests that for the people who did not have stereopsis, the head tracking largely influences the 3D experience

    Support tools for 3D game creation

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    Nowadays, tools for developing videogames are a very important part of the development process in the game industry. Such tools are used to assist game developers in their tasks, allowing them to create functional games while writing a few lines of code. For example, these tools allow the users to import the content for the game, set the game logic, or produce the source code and compile it. There are several tasks and components regarding the development of videogames that may become unproductive, therefore, it’s necessary to automate and/or optimize such tasks. For example, the programming of events or dialogs can be a task that consumes too much time in the development cycle, and a tedious and repetitive task for the programmer. For this reason, the use of tools to support these tasks can be very important to increase productivity and help on the maintenance of the various processes that involve the development of videogames. This dissertation aims to demonstrate the advantages of the use of these kind of tools during the development of videogames, presenting a case study involving the development of a Serious Game entitled Clean World.Atualmente, as ferramentas para o desenvolvimento de jogos são uma parte bastante importante de todo o processo de desenvolvimento. Estas ferramentas servem para assistir os criadores de jogos nas tarefas que realizam, permitindo-lhes a criação de jogos funcionais escrevendo poucas linhas de código. Desenvolver um videojogo sem a utilização de ferramentas especializadas é um processo complexo e que consome bastante tempo, daí a existência de ferramentas que permitem ao utilizador importar os conteúdos para o jogo, definir a lógica de jogo, produzir o código fonte e compilá-lo. Este tipo de software é normalmente utilizado por quem se dedica à criação de jogos como hobby, ou por profissionais que procuram otimizar o processo de desenvolvimento de jogos. Existem várias componentes ao nível do desenvolvimento de videojogos que se tornam pouco produtivas, se não forem automatizados e/ou otimizadas. Por exemplo, a programação de eventos ou de diálogos pode ser uma tarefa que consome demasiado tempo no ciclo de desenvolvimento, para além de ser uma tarefa entediante e repetitiva no ponto de vista do programador. Por este motivo, a utilização de ferramentas pode ser muito importante no que diz respeito ao aumento da produtividade e manutenção dos vários processos que envolvem o desenvolvimento de videojogos. Nesta dissertação pretendemos demonstrar as vantagens da utilização dessas mesmas ferramentas durante o desenvolvimento de videojogos, através da apresentação de um caso de estudo que envolve o desenvolvimento de um Serious Game intitulado Clean World. Em Clean World, foram identificadas determinadas tarefas que se mostraram demasiado repetitivas e entediantes quando programadas por inteiro, como é o caso da adição, modificação ou remoção de componentes como diálogos, quest ou items. Tendo em conta este problema concreto, foram criadas algumas ferramentas de forma a aumentar a produtividade no desenvolvimento do jogo, tornando tarefas repetitivas e entediantes em processos simples e intuitivos. O conjunto de ferramentas é constituído por: Item Manager, Quest Manager, Dialog Manager e Terrain Creator

    Optimizing Natural Walking Usage in VR using Redirected Teleportation

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    Virtual Reality (VR) has come a long way since its inception and with the recent advancements in technology, high end VR headsets are now commercially available. Although these headsets offer full motion tracking capabilities, locomotion in VR is yet to be fully solved due to space constraints, potential VR sickness and problems with retaining immersion. Teleportation is the most popular locomotion technique in VR as it allows users to safely navigate beyond the confines of the available positional tracking space without inducing VR sickness. It has been argued that the use of teleportation doesn’t facilitate the use of natural walking input which is considered to have a higher presence because teleportation is faster, requires little physical effort and uses limited available tracking space. When a user walks to the edge of the tracking space, he/she must switch to teleportation. When navigating in the same direction, available walking space does not increase, which forces users to remain stationary and continue using teleportation. We present redirected teleportation, a novel locomotion method that increases tracking space usage and natural walking input by subtle reorientation and repositioning of the user. We first analyzed the positional tendencies of the users as they played popular games implementing teleportation and found the utilization of the tracking space to be limited. We then compared redirected teleportation with regular teleportation using a navigation task in three different environments. Analysis of our data show that although redirected walking takes more time, users used significantly fewer teleports and more natural walking input while using more of the available tracking space. The increase in time is largely due to users walking more, which takes more time than using teleportation. Our results provide evidence that redirected teleportation may be a viable approach to increase the usage of natural walking input while decreasing the dependency on teleportation
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