3 research outputs found

    The Impact of Effective Supply Chain Practices, Real Estate Price and Government Budget on Economic Growth: The Case of Vietnam

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    In the context of global supply chain value, it has greatly contributed to the trade volumes, government budget utility, and promotion for economic growth. Vietnam has been as one of the fastest-growing economies in the Asian Pacific and the world with a robust 7 percent since economic reforms in 1986 till present. At the same time, the real estate market has been an enabler of economic activity by improving housing demands and enhancing economic performance. In particular, the real estate market has also been opened up for foreigners since 2015, who can buy or invest in a property in the country. This paper focuses on exploring the dynamic relationship between real estate prices, government budget, and economic growth in the case of an emerging economy. Using quarterly data covering in the period of Q1/2008 to Q4/2018 with approximately 44 observations and applying the Autoregressive Distribution Lagged (ARDL) approach, results reveal that, in both the short-run and long-run, economic growth is highly affected by fluctuations of the present, and past economic growth. Besides, there exists a long-run relationship between government budget and economic growth. Regarding real estate prices and their impact on economic growth, this study could not find any findings in this relationship in both the short and long run. The recommendations indicate that the trends of global supply value chains can strongly support economic growth in the long run

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Produksi yang Dapat Dikonfigurasi pada Perusahaan Garmen dan Karpet

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    A production information system can be employed by companies to help with the production functions. Using the production information system, production activities become better because the data processing becomes faster and more accurate to regulate production schedules, record the use of raw materials, even it can be used to assist in decision making. In the example of garment and carpet companies, where both are companies engaged in the production of textile products, they still have their own distinct characteristics. Instead of having to develop their own production information system that is only suitable to be implemented in one company but not suitable to be implemented in other companies, a production information system is developed as a configurable system according to the needs of each user company. For this reason, it is necessary to analyze what is the difference between companies so that the system can accommodate all their needs. The system that has been designed is then tested on each company that has different characteristics by first configuring the system so that the system is in accordance with their needs. It is known that although the system implemented is the same system, the system is still able to accommodate the needs of each company. Thus, the cost of developing a system can be reduced because there is no need for the system to be independently developed specifically for each different compan


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    Explaining the design of organizational processes is a paramount issue because the processes specify the knowledge of how the organization works. For this reason, the need to create capacities for the timely detection, planning and execution of analysis projects and design of processes oriented to innovation is imposed, which is complex to systematize, due to the dynamics of change to which organizations are subjected to. In the scientific literature, 10 principles have been synthesized that impact on the components of the work system for the innovation of organizational processes. The research aims to expose the results of a literature review conducted to assess the compliance with such principles in methodological and technological solutions that are oriented to process innovation. From the study of 3633 bibliographical references it has been verified that no solution is in conformity with the totality of the principles, evidencing deficiencies that impact on the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the design of the organizational processes.Explicitar el dise帽o de los procesos de la organizaci贸n posee gran importancia debido a que los procesos especifican el conocimiento de c贸mo la organizaci贸n funciona. Por tal motivo, se impone la necesidad de crear capacidades para la detecci贸n oportuna, planificaci贸n y ejecuci贸n de proyectos de an谩lisis y dise帽o de procesos orientados a la innovaci贸n, lo que es complejo de sistematizar, a causa de la din谩mica de cambio a la que se ven sometidas las organizaciones. En la literatura cient铆fica se han sintetizado 10 principios que impactan en los componentes del sistema de trabajo para la innovaci贸n de procesos organizacionales. La investigaci贸n tiene como objetivo exponer los resultados de la revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica realizada sobre el grado de cumplimiento de los principios en las soluciones metodol贸gicas y tecnol贸gicas que se orientan a la innovaci贸n de procesos. A partir del estudio de 3633 referencias bibliogr谩ficas se comprueba que ninguna soluci贸n est谩 en conformidad con la totalidad de los principios, evidenciando carencias que impactan en la eficacia, eficiencia y sostenibilidad del dise帽o de los procesos organizacionales