29 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Using Android-Based Learning Media in Increasing Understanding and Basic Techniques of Student Basketball Games

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    This research is a follow-up study to test the effectiveness of learning media based on android applications that have been developed and validated by experts in previous studies. The Penjas Unsil Basketball Guige (PUBbG) application has been successfully created and validated by experts with good criteria,, which can already be tested for implementation on students, and research articles have been published in the JUARA Sinta 3 Journal. Therefore, in this study, the researcher attempted to investigate the effect of using an Android application-based learning media called Penjas Unsil Basketball Guide (PUBbG) in increasing students' understanding and basic techniques of playing basketball. As an illustration of the information in the Unsil Basketball Guide (PUBbG) Penjas application which includes a video tutorial on basic techniques that must be mastered by students at a minimum, along with a narrative text module which supports the video. The research method used is an experimental method with a pretest-posttest design to determine the effect of applying products made to increasing understanding and basic basketball techniques. Participants in this study were students of Physical Education at Siliwangi University. The instrument used was a student comprehension test with the Basketball Common Content Knowledge test and the Basic Basketball Skills Technique Test. Furthermore, the data analysis technique used is the t test to determine the effectiveness of the product used by testing the differences in pre-test and post-test results after implementing android application products and comparing them with the control group. The results showed that even though the two groups both showed an increase, only the understanding of students who had a significant difference with the experimental group had more impact than the control group. Whereas in basic technical skills, there was no significant difference between the two groups

    University Students’ Perceptions of MALL in EFL Classes

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    Mobile technologies are rapidly attracting new users, providing increasing capacity, and allowing more sophisticated use such as accessing the Internet for searching information, emailing and reading e-books. As the mobile technology has been more powerful and inclusive in people’s daily lives, the issue of mobile assisted language learning (MALL) has also been widely studied. Many researchers of MALL consider the emerging mobile technologies to have potential for the effective language learning. The majority of MALL activities appear to make use of mobile phones, and nowadays, smartphones replace feature phones. This study focuses on the investigation of students’ perceptions of the benefits and challenges associated with the use of smartphones for learning


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kesulitannya peserta pelatihan memahami tahapan-tahapan dan SOP praktik pada job sheet berupa BPR (Buku Pedoman Reparasi) sebagai panduan praktik pada pelatihan Mekanik sepeda motor di BLK yang menyebabkan kerusakan fasilitas praktik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan Job Sheet menjadi e-Job Sheet sebagai panduan praktik kompetensi kepala silinder yang mudah digunakan dan dipahami oleh peserta pelatihan mekanik sepeda motor dengan memanfaatkan teknologi. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode waterfall model untuk merancang prototype aplikasi dan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan instrumen Tecnology Acceptance Model (TAM) untuk menggali usability aplikasi. Hasil Penelitian ini adalah: (1) prototype aplikasi e-Job Sheet setelah melalui lima tahapan waterfal model ini memiliki karakteristik mudah digunakan, berisi potongan video tahapan pekerjaan dan SOP, dikemas pada sebuah aplikasi smartphone android yang dapat dioperasikan secara interaktif, online/offline dan terintegrasi pada data base sehingga kegiatan praktik kompetensi kepala silinder yang dilakukan oleh peserta pelatihan dapat terekam dan terpantau oleh instruktur. (2) Penerimaan peserta pelatihan terhadap prototype aplikasi e-Job Sheet berbasis android ini pada umumnya menyatakan setuju dengan perolehan skor 52,81% terhadap aspek kemudahan penggunaan (usability). Kata kunci: Job Sheet, Balai Latihan Kerja, Aplikasi Android, Waterfall Model, Tecnology Acceptance Model DESIGN OF E-JOB SHEET APPLICATION PROTOTYPE BASED ON ANDROID AS A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO COMPETENCE OF CUBE CYLINDER HEADS IN MOTORCYCLE MECHANICAL TRAINING ABSTRAC This research is motivated by the difficulty of training participants in understanding the stages and SOPs of practice on the job sheet in the form of BPR (Repair Handbook) as a practice guide to the training of motorcycle mechanics at the BLK which causes damage to practice facilities. The purpose of this study was to develop Job Sheet into an e-Job Sheet as a practice guide for cylinder head competencies that was easy to use and understood by motorbike mechanic trainees by utilizing technology. The research method uses a qualitative approach with the waterfall model method to design application prototypes and quantitative approaches with the Tecnology Acceptance Model instrument to explore the usability of the application. The results of this study are: (1) the prototype of the e-Job Sheet application after going through five stages of this waterfal model has easy-to-use characteristics, containing work-stage video pieces and SOPs, packed in an android smartphone application that can be operated interactively, online / offline and integrated into the data base so that cylinder head competency practice activities carried out by trainees can be recorded and monitored by the instructor. (2) Acceptance of training participants on this android-based e-Job Sheet application prototype generally agrees with the acquisition of a score of 52.81% on usability aspects. Keyword: Job Sheet, Training, Android, Waterfall Model, Tecnology Acceptance Mode

    Efektivitas Bahan Ajar Berbasis Android terhadap Hasil Belajar

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    Learning material is one of the crucial elements that must be considered in learning. However, learning materials used are still conventional in the form of hardcopy and softcopy, so students are reluctant to read. Specifically, in the English for office course, simple and practical learning material is needed so that they can support both theory and practice. Related to this problem, the purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of android-based learning material on learning achomplisment and its effectiveness of the implementation of android-based learning materials in improving learning outcomes. The study was conducted at Universitas Islam Riau on students who took English for office courses. Through random sampling techniques determined the sample of the experimental class and the control class. Data was collected through pre-test and post-test distribution in the two sample classes. Based on several stages of data analysis, the data is normally distributed and the data variants are homogeneous. Furthermore, paired sample t-test, showing a significance value of 0.039 <0.05, it can be concluded that there are differences in the average learning outcomes for pre-test and post-test in the classes taught by applying android-based learningg materials. While the N-Gain score test revealed that the implementation of android-based learning material was quite effective to improve learning outcomes with a value of 63.00%. So it can be concluded that, there is an influence and quite effective android-based learning materials on learning achomplisment


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     The background of this research is to investigate the urgency of vocabulary as the most important aspect in language. In this research, vocabulary learning will be assisted by using an android application, namely VocApp; (Vocabulary Application). The purpose of this research and development is to (1) identify the needs of vocabulary learning media according to teachers and students, (2) know the principles of developing learning media based on theoretical studies, identify needs and analyze existing learning media, (3) design VocApp learning media based on the results of the analysis of the existing media, (4) test the VocApp learning media (5) Revise the features of the application according to the evaluation of the trial, (6) Disseminate and implement applications for vocabulary learning in the classroom. The method used is research and development. The steps in the research are Needs analysis, Prototyping, Revision Prototype, Developing, Testing, and Deployment. The result indicated there is a significant improvement of students’ skill in vocabulary building by means of VocApp application. This case can be seen from the results of calculations using statistical tools, it is known that t-count is 0.03 which means 0.05. From the results of t-count, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference

    Determining areas of improvement in quranic arabic vocabulary learning mobile applications through analysis of app user reviews

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    Muslims constitute roughly around one fifth of the world population, the majority of which are not Arabic speakers. This poses a problem for them in their devotional activities such as performing the five obligatory daily prayers and reading the Holy Qur’an because they could not understand what they are reciting or reading. Added to this, Muslim adults who are busy working usually find it hard to find the time to attend Quranic Arabic classes. In order to rectify this problem, some mobile app developers have created apps with the objective of teaching Muslims Quranic Arabic vocabulary items so that they could begin to learn and understand Quranic Arabic. In March 2019, there are about eleven Quranic Arabic vocabulary teaching mobile applications which could be downloaded from Google Play Store. These apps come with differing features and are of varying quality. This exploratory qualitative study aims to analyze the user reviews of these apps in order to determine areas where they can be further improved by the developers. The findings of this research found that generally developers should concentrate on three areas of improvement; their applications’ content, technical capability, and pricing strategy. It is hoped that the findings from this study can be used by Quranic Arabic vocabulary mobile app developers to further improve their apps so that the Muslim public can benefit more from them

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Android sebagai Bahan Pengajaran Android Application Development as Teaching Material

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    The aim of this study was to produce valid and practical android-based learning materials. Research and development (R & D) was used in this study which consists of five stages, namely need analysis, learning design, validation, revison, and trial test. The sample was students who had taken English for Office class. Product assesment questionaire was used in this study as an instruments. Based on the result of the study, the development of android application as learning materials of english for office class fulfilled the eligibility criteria with the result of material expert's assesment by obtanining a feasiblity of pre�sentation of 86% wit a very valid category, the result of learning practitioner's evaluation of 99.25% with very valid category, the results of media expert's evaluation of 90.21% which was categorized as very valid. This reveals that android-based learning materials of english for office subject feasible to use in the learning proces

    Designing an Android Smartphone App for Office English: Focus on Students’ Opinions toward the App

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    The majority of students use smartphone in daily activities on academic and non-academic purposes. For example, students utilize smartphone to share current information related to courses and sometimes have social communication. So, Smartphone and English Learning are like coins that cannot be separated. However, the existence of Smartphone is also made students reluctant to learn in the classroom because they use it in an inappropriate way. In addition, learning opportunity through smartphone is not utilized properly. Based on this phenomenon, to maximize using Smartphone in a positive and systematic way, the researcher developed an Android Smartphone App for college foreign students to improve office English students’ achievement. Hence, this paper presented a study on students’ opinions toward the App. it was named ENFORE. The contents of ENFORE consisted of eight topics, eight audios, and eight quizzes used for internal only as long as one semester. Hopefully, students learn autonomously by having this supplementary learning resource. To collect the data, the adapted questionnaires and interview were employed to gain students’ opinions toward the App. Through designing and using the App, It is expected that the students’ encouragement and language attitude could be improved and independent study can be created

    Mobile-assisted focus on forms in English for academic purposes instruction: Investigating the impacts on learning academic words

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    Focus on forms (FonFs) is a pedagogical approach in Instructed Second Language Acquisition (ISLA) that emphasizes students’ conscious and direct attention to learning target language features in isolation and outside their meaningful context. FonFs has been employed extensively in foreign language vocabulary instruction, and earlier studies reported positive results for such interventions. The present study investigated mobile-assisted FonFs in the context of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) to address the vocabulary learning needs of Iranian EFL students and examined developments in receptive and productive knowledge of academic words. In doing so, the participants in the experimental learning condition (N = 22) were exposed to academic vocabulary using digital flashcards on their mobile phones, and those in the control group (N = 15) used word lists. The participants’ vocabulary knowledge was tested using different measures before and after the treatments, and the results were compared using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The findings indicated that mobile-assisted FonFs was effective in receptive and productive vocabulary learning, and the experimental group outperformed the control group in the post-tests. The effect size of the observed differences was also large; however, differences in productive aspects of academic vocabulary knowledge were associated with smaller learning effects for mobile-assisted FonFs. The study contributes to the growing body of knowledge on mobile-assisted language learning and highlights some implications for teaching academic vocabulary via mobile-assisted FonFs