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    Entrepreneurship has become very crucial to every country ever since the age of globalization due to the growth of entrepreneurial activities that will result in creating jobs for the society, as well as reducing the unemployment rate. Many fresh graduates especially non business students they have the intention to becoming entrepreneur and starting-up own business, however, most of them failed to become one. It may be due to lack of guidance on how to become a successful entrepreneur and lack of awareness on available platform where they could explore more into issues and available programs related to Startup. Even though many students do possess creative and innovative project throughout their studies but they are not aware and expose to the extendibility and viability of their ideas as business prospect. Therefore, in order to help to control this issue, IDEASPARK.MY, crowdsourcing platform specifically for students to validate their project ideas as a viable business prospects. This platform is to provide entrepreneurs with a kick start market validation of their ideas and entrepreneurial pathway of one’s should face to become a successful entrepreneur

    Guidelines Towards Better Participation of Older Adults in Software Development Processes using a new SPIRAL Method and Participatory Approach

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    This paper presents a new method of engaging older participants in the process of application and IT solutions development for older adults for emerging IT and tech startups. A new method called SPIRAL (Support for Participant Involvement in Rapid and Agile software development Labs) is proposed which adds both sustainability and flexibility to the development process with older adults. This method is based on the participatory approach and user empowerment of older adults with the aid of a bootstrapped Living Lab concept and it goes beyond well established user-centered and empathic design. SPIRAL provides strategies for direct involvement of older participants in the software development processes from the very early stage to support the agile approach with rapid prototyping, in particular in new and emerging startup environments with limited capabilities, including time, team and resources