1 research outputs found

    Using laboratory findings from periodic health check ups performed in middle-aged employees for screening on increased cardiovascular risk

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    Sustavno izračunavanje KV rizika se u osoba srednje dobi ne preporučuje, ali se već u toj dobi preporučuje započeti s mjerama primarne prevencije. 7.2. Cilj Ispitati učestalost i jačinu tih čimbenika u skupini osoba srednje dobi na temelju laboratorijskih nalaza sistematskih pregleda zaposlenih osoba. 7.3.Materijal i metode Retrospektivna istraživačka studija. Upotrijebljeni su laboratorijski podaci osoba životne dobi 40-50 god. koje su tijekom 2014. god. obavile sistematski pregled za zaposlene djelatnike u Ustanovi dr. Špiranovića. Razlika razdiobe kategorijskih varijabli između promatranih skupina testirane su Fisherovim egzaktnim i 2 testom, uz razinu značajnosti p=0,05. 7.4. Rezultati Bilo je 54 % ispitanika s prekomjernom tjelesnom težinom, 17 % stvarno pretilih, uz veću zastupljenost muškaraca. Povišen sistolički krvni tlak ima 24 % M i 10 % Ž, a dijastolički 28 % M i 8 % Ž. Povišeni ukupni i LDL-kolesterol prisutni su kod 71 % ispitanika, dok su sniženi HDL-kolesterol i povišeni trigliceridi nađeni kod 21 %, odnosno 25 % ispitanika, bez razlike po spolu. Povišene vrijednosti jetrenih parametara, ALT-a i GGT-a, nađene su kod 4, odnosno 7 ispitanika. 7.5. Zaključak Iako se prema današnjim dokazima sistematsko pretraživanje osoba srednje dobi na čimbenike KV rizika ne preporučuje, registar sistematskih pregleda zaposlenih osoba mogao bi poslužiti kao izvor informacija o zastupljenosti KV čimbenika rizika kod osoba srednje dobi. To bi omogućilo pravovremeno započinjanje mjera primarne prevencije.Systematical calculation of cardiovascular risks with middle aged persons is not recommended, but in that age start of measures of primary prevention is recommended. 8.2 Goal Examine the frequency and intensity of those factors with middle aged persons based on laboratorial findings of physical examinations of employed persons. 8.3. Material and methods Retrospective research study. Laboratorial data were used from persons aged 40 to 50 who have done a physical examination for working employees in Dr. Špiranović's institution during 2014. Differences of distribution of categorical variables between observed groups were tested with Fisher's exact i2 test, with the significance level p=0,05. 8.4. Results There were 54% of overweight examinees, 17% really obese, with a greater representation of men. Higher systolic blood pressure was found with 24% of males and 10% of females, a diastolic with 28% of males and 8% of females High total and LDL cholesterol were found with 71% of examinees, while low HDL cholesterol and high triglycerides were found with 21% i.e. 25% of examinees, regardless of gender. Higher values of liver parameters ALT and GGT were found with 4 i.e. 7 examinees. 8.5. Conclusion. Although by todays evidence systematical search for factors of cardiovascular risks with middle aged persons is not recommended, a register of physical examinations of employees should be used as a source of information on representation of cardiovascular risks with middle aged persons, which would allow a timely start of measures of primary prevention