7 research outputs found

    Organically Grown Microgrids: the Development and Simulation of a Solar Home System-based Microgrid

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    The United Nations has declared 2012 the ``International Year of Sustainable Energy for All''. A substantial portion of the world's population (some 1.3 billion people) currently live without electricity and development efforts to reach them are progressing relatively slowly. This thesis follows the development of a technology which can enable community owned and operated microgrids to emerge based solely on the local supply and demand of that community. Although this thesis ends with the technical analysis of a DC/DC converter, there is a significant amount of background to cover in order to properly understand the context in which it will be used. After providing an introduction into typical rural electrification efforts and pointing out some of the shortcomings of these projects, this thesis introduces some cutting edge efforts which combine solar home system technology with cellular technology and discusses the benefits of such a marriage of technology. Next, the research proposes some tweaks to this novel technology and provides a high-level economic demonstration of the spread of solar home systems in a community based on these modifications. It then takes this concept even further and proposes the addition of a DC/DC converter which could turn these individual solar home systems into a proper microgrid. This thesis elaborates on the development process of simulating such a microgrid in PSCAD, including the individual components of a solar home system and the specific task of designing the converter which would form the backbone of the proposed microgrid. The final simulations and analyses demonstrate a microgrid that is both technically and economically feasible for developing world applications

    Procedimentos para a identificação de novos mercados para empreendimentos sociais

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. Florianópolis, 2016.Esta dissertação surge a partir das dificuldades que têm os empreendedores sociais que trabalham em mercados de baixa renda. Projetar um empreendimento social rentável e sustentável é difícil e complicado quando seu foco são clientes da base da pirâmide (BdP). É por isso que alguns empreendedores sociais visam procurar novos segmentos em outros mercados, ou mercados diferentes a seu mercado inicial. Não entanto, a identificação destes novos mercados não é fácil quando não se conta com a expertise, ou com algum procedimento adequado para identificar esse novo mercado. O objetivo deste projeto é elaborar procedimentos para a identificação de novos mercados para empreendimentos sociais. Este procedimento baseia-se nos métodos de Service Design (SD) e Design Thinking (DT). A pesquisa classifica-se como qualitativa, objetiva gerar conhecimentos para aplicação prática e tem objetivos exploratórios, a metodologia descreve os procedimentos metodológicos. O procedimento foi construído a partir das contribuições de Stickdorn e Schnider (2014) nos métodos do SD e do Plattner, Meinel e Weinberg (2009) na abordagem de DT. A fim de validar o procedimento, foi aplicado com base numa necessidade da empresa social BioLite; que é aceder a novos clientes nacionais e internacionais. Conclui-se que o procedimento desenvolvido se direciona para as necessidades de procurar novos mercados para os empreendedores sociais, neste caso, BioLite. Foi apresentada as etapas do procedimento, visando proporcionar aos empreendedores sociais uns passos para identificar essas características, que idêntica ao cliente como potencial e um entendimento claro do que ele requer. Adicionalmente, este procedimento, pode ser colocado em prática e tornar os empreendedores mais competitivos, incorporando envolvimento e interação com os potenciais clientes no processo de desenvolvimento do empreendimento, garantindo que resultado final será relevante para os novos clientes e, além disso, pode aprender muito sobre o próprio empreendimento social, olhando desde a perspectiva do cliente/usuário.Abstract: This dissertation arises from the difficulties that have the social entrepreneurs that work in markets of low-income. Designing a profitable and sustainable social enterprise is difficult and complicated when it focuses on a base of pyramid (BOP) clients. That is why some social entrepreneurs aim to look for new segments in other markets or different markets to their initial market. However, the identification of these new markets is not easy when one does not have the expertise, or some appropriate procedure to identify this new market. The objective of this project is to develop procedures for the identification of new markets for social enterprises. This procedure is basing on the methods of Service Design (SD) and Design Thinking (DT). The research is classified as qualitative, aims to generate knowledge for practical application and has exploratory objectives; the methodology describes the methodological procedures. The procedure was constructing from the contributions of Stickdorn and Schnider (2014) in the methods of SD and Plattner, Meinel, and Weinberg (2009) in the DT approach. To validate the procedure, it was applying based on a need of the social enterprise, BioLite; that is accessing new national and international clients. Concludes that the developed procedure addresses the needs of seeking new markets for social entrepreneurs, in this case, BioLite. It was presenting the steps of the procedure, aiming to provide social entrepreneurs with a few steps to identify these characteristics, identical to the client as potential and a clear understanding of what it requires. In addition, this methodological procedure can be put into practice and make entrepreneurs more competitive. Incorporating involvement and interaction with potential customers in the development process of the enterprise, ensuring that the result will be relevant to new customers and, in addition, can learn a lot about the enterprise itself, looking from the perspective of the client/user

    Procedimentos para a identificação de novos mercados para empreendimentos sociais

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. Florianópolis, 2016.Esta dissertação surge a partir das dificuldades que têm os empreendedores sociais que trabalham em mercados de baixa renda. Projetar um empreendimento social rentável e sustentável é difícil e complicado quando seu foco são clientes da base da pirâmide (BdP). É por isso que alguns empreendedores sociais visam procurar novos segmentos em outros mercados, ou mercados diferentes a seu mercado inicial. Não entanto, a identificação destes novos mercados não é fácil quando não se conta com a expertise, ou com algum procedimento adequado para identificar esse novo mercado. O objetivo deste projeto é elaborar procedimentos para a identificação de novos mercados para empreendimentos sociais. Este procedimento baseia-se nos métodos de Service Design (SD) e Design Thinking (DT). A pesquisa classifica-se como qualitativa, objetiva gerar conhecimentos para aplicação prática e tem objetivos exploratórios, a metodologia descreve os procedimentos metodológicos. O procedimento foi construído a partir das contribuições de Stickdorn e Schnider (2014) nos métodos do SD e do Plattner, Meinel e Weinberg (2009) na abordagem de DT. A fim de validar o procedimento, foi aplicado com base numa necessidade da empresa social BioLite; que é aceder a novos clientes nacionais e internacionais. Conclui-se que o procedimento desenvolvido se direciona para as necessidades de procurar novos mercados para os empreendedores sociais, neste caso, BioLite. Foi apresentada as etapas do procedimento, visando proporcionar aos empreendedores sociais uns passos para identificar essas características, que idêntica ao cliente como potencial e um entendimento claro do que ele requer. Adicionalmente, este procedimento, pode ser colocado em prática e tornar os empreendedores mais competitivos, incorporando envolvimento e interação com os potenciais clientes no processo de desenvolvimento do empreendimento, garantindo que resultado final será relevante para os novos clientes e, além disso, pode aprender muito sobre o próprio empreendimento social, olhando desde a perspectiva do cliente/usuário.Abstract: This dissertation arises from the difficulties that have the social entrepreneurs that work in markets of low-income. Designing a profitable and sustainable social enterprise is difficult and complicated when it focuses on a base of pyramid (BOP) clients. That is why some social entrepreneurs aim to look for new segments in other markets or different markets to their initial market. However, the identification of these new markets is not easy when one does not have the expertise, or some appropriate procedure to identify this new market. The objective of this project is to develop procedures for the identification of new markets for social enterprises. This procedure is basing on the methods of Service Design (SD) and Design Thinking (DT). The research is classified as qualitative, aims to generate knowledge for practical application and has exploratory objectives; the methodology describes the methodological procedures. The procedure was constructing from the contributions of Stickdorn and Schnider (2014) in the methods of SD and Plattner, Meinel, and Weinberg (2009) in the DT approach. To validate the procedure, it was applying based on a need of the social enterprise, BioLite; that is accessing new national and international clients. Concludes that the developed procedure addresses the needs of seeking new markets for social entrepreneurs, in this case, BioLite. It was presenting the steps of the procedure, aiming to provide social entrepreneurs with a few steps to identify these characteristics, identical to the client as potential and a clear understanding of what it requires. In addition, this methodological procedure can be put into practice and make entrepreneurs more competitive. Incorporating involvement and interaction with potential customers in the development process of the enterprise, ensuring that the result will be relevant to new customers and, in addition, can learn a lot about the enterprise itself, looking from the perspective of the client/user

    A revenue generation model for adoption of voice telephony applications

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    Amongst various Voice Telephony Applications discovered, IBM India has developed the Spoken Web which enables voice commerce capabilities that are ideally suitable for underprivileged rural communities. Admittedly, these communities are barred from fully utilising ICT enabled electronic commerce services such as the Internet for business marketing processes as a consequence of poor literacy and financial constraints. The advent of Voice Telephony Applications aids accessibility and participation of the underprivileged rural communities to the ICT world. It should be noted that users are not compelled to be computer savvy to make voice calls, but high voice call costs are the deterrent. Therefore, devising an appropriate Revenue Generation Model would enhance the accessibility and participation of the underprivileged rural communities to the ICT world. As guided by the Design Science Approach, and the Diffusion of Innovations and Social Exchange theories, this research project has discovered and applied five models such as the Freemium, Affiliation, Advertising, Incentives-driven and Subsidy within each development stage of Spoken Web. This research project is of the idea that reimbursing content providers through supporting the proposed Revenue Generation Model as a de facto solution will help in reducing voice call costs to the users of Voice Telephony Applications in future.Thesis (MCom) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 201

    A revenue generation model for adoption of voice telephony applications

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    Amongst various Voice Telephony Applications discovered, IBM India has developed the Spoken Web which enables voice commerce capabilities that are ideally suitable for underprivileged rural communities. Admittedly, these communities are barred from fully utilising ICT enabled electronic commerce services such as the Internet for business marketing processes as a consequence of poor literacy and financial constraints. The advent of Voice Telephony Applications aids accessibility and participation of the underprivileged rural communities to the ICT world. It should be noted that users are not compelled to be computer savvy to make voice calls, but high voice call costs are the deterrent. Therefore, devising an appropriate Revenue Generation Model would enhance the accessibility and participation of the underprivileged rural communities to the ICT world. As guided by the Design Science Approach, and the Diffusion of Innovations and Social Exchange theories, this research project has discovered and applied five models such as the Freemium, Affiliation, Advertising, Incentives-driven and Subsidy within each development stage of Spoken Web. This research project is of the idea that reimbursing content providers through supporting the proposed Revenue Generation Model as a de facto solution will help in reducing voice call costs to the users of Voice Telephony Applications in future.Thesis (MCom) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 201

    Anais Conferência Internacional

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    Apoio a evento científico nacionalConferência Nacional com Seção InternacionalFAPES